
Charlie Brown Jokes

21 charlie brown jokes and hilarious charlie brown puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about charlie brown that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Charlie Brown Short Jokes

Short charlie brown jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The charlie brown humour may include short charlie jokes also.

  1. After 6 months (or so) of listening to people talk with masks on I finally understand what Charlie Browns teacher was saying
  2. Tried to buy a Charlie Brown LP on ebay and got a Davy Jones album instead. You know what they say.
    You pay Peanuts, you get Monkees.
  3. Charlie Brown decided to wear transparent pants one day... ...and when Lucy saw him she said "I always thought you were a blockhead, Charlie Brown, but now I can plainly see your nuts."
  4. What does Charlie Brown on Halloween and a U.S. Marine finding out where hes getting deployed in 2004 have in common? They can both be heard dejectedly saying "I got a rock."
  5. Lately, whenever I read a comic s**... about Charlie Brown or Snoopy I break out in hives. I think I'm allergic to Peanuts.

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Charlie Brown One Liners

Which charlie brown one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with charlie brown? I can suggest the ones about ray charles and charles dickens.

  1. I can't read Charlie Brown comics anymore... Turns out I'm allergic to peanuts.
  2. How did Charlie Brown adaptively respond to snoopy's evemtual death? Good grief.
  3. What did Charlie Brown say when he was in a work conflict? Good grievance!
  4. Chuck Norris has heard the actual voice of Charlie Brown's teacher...
  5. Why couldn't the child watch Charlie Brown? Because he was allergic to peanuts!
  6. Wanna go see the new Charlie Brown movie with me? No thanks. I'm allergic to peanuts.
  7. What do you call a Vietcong that's been hit by n**...? Charlie Brown

Charlie Brown Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about charlie brown you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean james brown jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make charlie brown pranks.

Lucy, Linus, and Charlie Brown are assigned a history project.

Each person was assigned a country to report on.
Wow! Lucy said. I got Italy!
Interesting exclaimed Linus. I got Germany.
With dismay, Charlie Brown said, I got Iraq.

I've had constipation for 3 months

Never been to the doctors in years, but took myself there as not had a number 2 in a long time.
Doc says "what have you been eating"?
I said well doc I've been eating snooker b**...!!
What?? Snooker b**... Charlie??
Yes doc, in the morning I have 3 reds a pink, bowl porridge and a nice cup of tea.
Lunch is a sandwich a black, 2 reds and a yellow washed down with another cup of tea.
For dinner I have a nice steak, 4 reds 2 blues 1 brown again washed down with a nice cup of tea.
Doc said "hey Charlie I know where you're going wrong, you ain't eating enough greens!!"

Charlie Brown, now a young adult, sits with an academic advisor before enrolling in college....

He tells her he wants to be a counselor, but isn't sure what direction to go.
She looks over his scores as says, "I think you'd make a good grief counselor."