Channel Jokes
132 channel jokes and hilarious channel puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about channel that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Discover hilarious jokes about the popular TV channels such as Channel 4, Disney Channel, Hallmark Channel and YouTube Channel. Learn about the programmes you can watch on these channels and have a laugh at references from popular films such as Idiocracy and BBC shows.
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Funniest Channel Short Jokes
Short channel jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The channel humour may include short stream jokes also.
- Fox News actually saved my life. I was in a coma for 7 years, but one day one of the nurses changed the channel on my TV to fox and I had to get up to turn it off.
- My wife thinks that my obsesion with Youtube is killing our marriage Well do you think that it is? Comment down below! Like and sub to my channel.
- After I broke up with my short girlfriend, she started a YouTube channel dedicated to trashing me. I said "well that's a little ex stream"
- A werewolf stenographer starts a YouTube channel from his post on a U-boat: Lychan Sub Scribe
- I was watching the Dyslexic news channel earlier.
Apparently North Korea are making unclear threats to the US. - A blonde was attempting to swim across the English channel. But she got tired halfway, and swam back.
- Pakistan launches a rocket to Moon. Pakistani News channel reports: "Water and fishes found on Moon."
BBC reports: "Pakistani satellite found in Arab sea." - I want to make a sad YouTube channel where I compress soda cans I'll name it "Soda Pressing"
- While sitting on the couch my wife said "I feel like putting on a pair of flip-flops." Then she changed the channel to the presidential debate.
- And that's how the fight started My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels.
She asked, 'What's on TV?'
I said, 'Dust.'
And that's how the fight started....
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Channel One Liners
Which channel one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with channel? I can suggest the ones about mailbox and broadcast.
- There's a youtube channel about devil worship. But it got demonetized.
- Did you guys see the new Mad Max prequel? It was playing on every channel last night
- What has 12 writers, 20 actors, and 3 plots? The Hallmark Channel
- Today I found a Youtube channel about moss They told me to lichen subscribe
- What is mia Khalifa's favorite tv channel? BBC News
- What's the most popular sports channel in Mexico? ESPÑOL
- In the 80s, Britain only had three channels BBC 1, BBC 2, and The English Channel
- Why is English TV so boring? Because there's only one English Channel
- What is Batman's least favorite TV channel? The Family Channel.
- What did the TV do at the beach? Channel surf
- I can never find a good channel where people boil eggs They're always scrambled
- Yo' Mama is so poor, her tv only has two channels: on and not working.
- Coronavirus has its own YouTube channel now. Already 8,931,812 followers and counting.
- Whats a furries favorite news channel? Fox News
- What sports channel does Lando Calrissian watch? BESPN
Youtube Channel Jokes
Here is a list of funny youtube channel jokes and even better youtube channel puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What do you call the YouTube channel of a werewolf who works on submarines to stay out of the way of full moons and copies all the documents for the captain? Lycan sub scribe
- I thought my home kitchen nuclear experiments YouTube channel would really take off. But it was just a flash in the pan.
- Priests nowadays... ...have embraced technology. The have youtube channels, twitter, facebook and instagram accounts. And they just don't exorcise anymore, they uninstall demos.
- I went to make a joke on the Para-Olympic's YouTube channel but the comments were disabled.
- I'm a bit skeptical about YoutubeTV... If I know YouTube they'll start demonetizing all the channels in no time
- I'm starting a YouTube channel about my fixation with lizards and snakes. What am I going to call it? A Reptile Dysfunction
- Local sausage restaurant starts a YouTube channel... Links in the description.
- Why is the ocean so salty? Because people just started to comment on its new YouTube channel.
- Hey guys, we heard you guys were upset about losing a lot of subscribers on your YouTube channel. Nah, it's fine bros.
- What do you get when you mix JonTron and a youtube channel together? A disappearance for 8 months
Discovery Channel Jokes
Here is a list of funny discovery channel jokes and even better discovery channel puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Investigating Hillary Clinton is like fishing on Discovery Channel ... you catch them, you show them, and you let them go.
- Did you know the host of the Discovery Channel's show Dirty Jobs has 2 degrees? In Mike Rowe Economics and Mike Rowe Biology.
- TIL The Discovery Channel recently green-lighted a controversial new special... shart Week
- Now here's a Discovery Channel Special I'll be sure to watch... Shart Week
- I was watching the discovery channel the other day and they said that a lion would never cheat on it's mate... But a Tiger will.
- Chuck Norris Watches "the Nat.Geo. Specials" on Discovery Channel.
- The results of a recent Harris Poll on "what's scarier" forced the Discovery channel to cancel Shark week in lieu of Chuck Norris week.
- Do you want to know what I was for discovery channel dress up day? I dressed up as n**... and afraid.
I was n**... everybody else was afraid.
Subscribe Channel Jokes
Here is a list of funny subscribe channel jokes and even better subscribe channel puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Just subscribed to a chemistry youtube channel but there's one issue He only does reaction videos
- Yesterday I made a youtube channel, and a guy in a wheelchair subscribed He's my first subscripple
- What does Amazon want you to do on their YouTube channel? Subscribe & Save
Disney Channel Jokes
Here is a list of funny disney channel jokes and even better disney channel puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I want to create a Disney channel sitcom about an irreverent Chinese kid... and name it "That's so Wong!"
- If you turn on disney channel then you're supporting kids' TV... ...but if Disney channel turns you on. then you need help.
- If I could bring one dead person back to life I'd bring back Walt Disney.
Just to show him the shows on Disney channel and see his reaction...
Charming Humor Channel Jokes with Loads of Fun
What funny jokes about channel you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean carrier jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make channel pranks.
Comedian Jeff Dunham has been accused of s**... assault
After allegations from his coworkers saying that he's been f**... them for decades.
Just look up his Youtube channel if you want to see evidence of this a**.... Millions have just sat by and watched while these poor souls suffered through tremendous pain right in-front of them.
The year is 2219
A dishevelled white haired man crosses the desert that was once the English Channel from the United Kingdom of England to visit the capital of the Eurasian Empire in Brussels. As has been the case for 200 years, he delivers an unsigned letter and returns home, only to repeat the process again the next year. The true meaning of the ritual is lost in the annals of history but many believe it goes back to the days of a mythical quest they called Brexit.
I found this new social media channel of a cute girl in revealing outfit that teaches elementary mathematics
Her account is "The THOT that Counts"
Did you hear about the man with no arms or legs that swam the English channel?
What a cleverdick...
2 cats are racing across the English Channel,
an English cat named "123" and a French cat named "Un deux t**...." Which cat won the race?
A: The English cat. Un deux t**... cat sank.
Un Deux t**...
A French cat called Un Deux t**... attempted to swim the English Channel last weekend but sadly didn't make it and drowned. It was all over the news the next day; "Un Duex t**... Cat Sank"
The English Cat and the French Cat
There were two cats. One was British and one was French. The name of the British cat was One-two-three and the name of the French cat was Un-deux-t**.... They decided to have a race to see which cat could be the first to swim across the English Channel.
Obviously, the cat named One-two-three won. Why? Because Un-deux-t**... cat sank.
In Russia, we have only two TV channels; Channel one is Soviet p**......
Channel two is KGB agent telling you to go back to channel one.
The Flintstones
A new middle east crisis erupted last night as Dubai Television was refused permission to broadcast 'The Flintstones'.
A spokesman for the channel said....'A claim was made that people in Dubai would not understand the humour,
but we know for a fact that people in Abu Dhabi Do.'
Cat Race
So, England and France have a friendly contest to see which country is superior. They do this by having a cat race, in which the French cat, 'Un Duex t**..., and English cat 'One Two Three' will race across the channel.
The race starts and One Two Three cat speeds across the water, easily winning.
Unfortunately, Un Deux t**... cat sank.
Did you know, If you get everyone in the UK to lie head to toe in a line across the English channel...
...They would probably drown
How will the Duggar's stay on TV and make money?
By moving the show to a "true crime" channel and calling it "18 Victims and Counting".
What's a Sudanese child's favourite TV channel?
Khartoum Network.
I was watching FOX Sports, but decided to switch to the History Channel...
You still get to see the US destroy Japan, but there are fewer commercials!
Ancient Soviet joke
Guy turns on the TV and there's Brezhnev making a speech. He changes the channel, there's Brezhnev again, and tries again and on the next channel is a KGB officer saying - 'You'd better stop changing channels'.
This new fish cooking channel sounds kinda dirty.
Especially, the Filet Show.
A blonde, brunette and a redhead...
...have a breaststroke race across the English Channel. The brunette comes in first, the redhead comes in second, and the blonde never finishes.
In the lifeboat, the blonde says, "I don't want to be a tattletale, but the other two used their arms."
Swimming Cats
There are 2 cats, an English cat and a French cat, in a contest to swim the English Channel. The English cat is called the one two three cat, and the French cat is called the un deux t**... cat. who won?
The English cat. The un deux t**... quatre cinq.
Weather Channel
I taped a Weather Channel logo on our living room window. It's like having an extra TV.
As an English person there's one thing I love between me and the French.
The English Channel.
What is 2Chainz's favorite TV channel?
when i was growing up. our tv had a bunch of channels
My favorite channel was "Broil"
I was surprised while watching the presidential debate last night...
I didn't know my TV had the comedy channel.
I was quite an upbeat child
I was quite an upbeat child, I used to think CCTV was a very, very positive Spanish television channel
My uncle spoke of his time in Soviet Russia back in the day
He said there were only 2 channels on TV. He said Channel 1 was p**..., and channel 2 was a KGB pointing a Kalashnikov at the screen saying "Turn back to channel 1!"
New Series For The The History Channel
The History Channel is planning a new series, Airline Tragedies.
They are putting the pilot together as I write this.
FOX new has saved my legs!
I got into a terridle car c**... and and lost the use of my legs. When I was in the hospital, FOX news came on the TV. I got up to change the channel.
Teacher: Where is the English Channel
Teacher: Where is the English Channel?
Student: I don't know, my tv doesn't pick it up
A ship carrying blue paint has collided with a ship carrying red paint in the English Channel.
32 sailors have been marooned
Whats my knee's favourite channel?
Dis-knee channel.
What would you call a North Korean news channel?
The Medium.
British & French cats swim across the channel
A British cat called "one two three" swims across the English Channel. At the same time, a French cat called "un deux t**...", swims from the opposite direction. Which cat makes it? "one two three" because un deux t**... Cat Sank.
I was flipping through my TV Guide and I saw a show called "Die Kardashians". I thought I had found a new favorite TV show...
Then I realized the channel was in German.
I woke up and watched the Religion channel for a change...
And there was a man shouting at me on the tv. "YOU MAY NOT HAVE KNOWN THIS, BUT YOU HAVE ALREADY SINNED TODAY!". "But I just woke up, I'm still in bed", I thought. I rolled over and asked my sister if I had sinned today.
What is a metalhead's favorite TV channel?
Trve TV
UGH I was just forced to watch a s**... commercial about something called a Snuggie...
I wanted to change the channel so bad, but I was under a blanket and didn't want my arms to get cold.
YouTuber goes to s**... forest.
Kills channel
I'd make a great on-air personality
If I could channel myself.
My wife walked in on me m**......
I tried to hide what I was doing and quickly changed the TV channel but it switched to a programme about disfigured babies. She saw what I was doing and saw what was on TV, so now she thinks I get turned on by disfigured babies. I mean, how unlucky is that? The same programme being on at the same time on two different channels!
During Soviet times, the USSR had two TV channels
On the first one, there was p**....
On the second one, a KGB agent appeared and said "Switch back to the first channel".
Two cats have a swimming race aross the English Channel
One cat is English, the other cat is French.
The English cat is called "One two three", the French cat is called "Un deux t**...".
Which cat wins?
The English cat, because the Un deux t**... cat sank.
The French and the British decided to have two cats swim a race across the English Channel...
They named the French cat "un deux t**... cat" and the British, "one two three cat."
Which cat made it across first?
The British cat, because everyone knows that un deux t**... cat cinq.
Artificial Intelligence is really taking over our jobs, man.
Just today, I asked Siri to change the tv channel, and it ended up calling my mother.
Siri has now replaced my partially deaf grandma.
What happened to Satan's YouTube channel?
It got d**...-itized
There's a beautiful irony in the fact the history channel is showing less and less history...As if the history
Is in the past.
2 cats were racing across the English channel
An english cat named onetwothree, and a french cat name undeuxtrois.
Which cat won?
123 cat won because undeuxtroix quatre cinq
You browse the channels all night until you catch a glimpse of what you think is a n**... among the static.
You turn back to the channel in question to occasionally hear some grunting through the snow. You figure now is the best time if ever and for 30 minutes the picture finally comes in clear enough for you to discover that you have been spanking it to Mexican Wrestling.
Lori Loughlin was fired from Hallmark channel...
...They sent her a card. "Best wishes for your college experience."
A teacher asks her student where the English Channel is located.
I'm not sure, the student answers, we switched cable companies last month.
What T.V. Channel will never air the sitcom Scrubs?
TLC; Because, they don't want, no scrubs.
An Englishman named "One-two-three" and a Frenchman named "Un-deux-trios" challenged each other to see whose cat could swim across the Channel first...
After a grueling competition, One-two-three won after Un-deux-t**... quatre cinq.
I was on the phone to a woman from the babestation channel. I said "Can you hide behind the couch?" Confused, she asked "Why?"
I said "Because my wife is coming downstairs and I can't find the remote."
2 cats are at the English Channel.
An English cat and the French Cat decide they want to cross the channel. The English cat psyches himself up, says One... Two... Three jumps in the water and swims across.
The French cat decides to imitate the English cat. Un... Deux... t**...... Cat sank.
I pulled this out of my a**... one day but here goes....
My dad: I've seen that news g**... another weather channel.
Me: They must be owned by the same umbrella company.
Dear sir, On behalf of Channel Four may I thank you for your application submitted on behalf of your wife for our new reality show.
Also the charming photograph you enclosed. Whilst agreeing that she could make a worthy contribution to the program if selected, I would point out that the correct title of the series is actually "Fact Hunt". Kind regards Channel Four.
Two cats, one french one english had a race across the channel.
The english cat, known by her owners as 123 won. Because the french cat, known by his owners as an du twa, cat sank.