
Chad Jokes

34 chad jokes and hilarious chad puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about chad that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Check out this hilarious collection of Chad jokes! From "Giga Chad" to "Chad Daniels Best" and much more, we've got plenty of hilarity to make you laugh. Read on to discover the best jokes featuring Chad Daniels and his son, Chad and Brad, Marion, Eric and Cindy.

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Funniest Chad Short Jokes

Short chad jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The chad humour may include short brad jokes also.

  1. Took my GF and her friends on a tour on Africa. They hated every country we visited, except for one. Turns out girls only like Chad.
  2. Hey guys, my name's Chad. I've been sober for 47 days now. Not in a row or anything. Just... total.
  3. AA meeting: "Hi I'm Chad and I've been sober for forty days" "Not in a row or anything, just total."
  4. Chad goes to the dentist. Dentist: "So, when's the last time you flossed?"
    Chad: "Bro, you don't remember? You were there."
  5. Did you hear about the time Chad Muska lost the Tampa Pro competition? He shed THREE MUSKA TEARS
  6. Chad always has an impeccable fashion sense, even when he's not trying People ask him how he does it and he tells them, "Well, I didn't stay in the closet all those years for nothing".
  7. The 2020 Election isn't going to be determined by Hanging Chads... ...but by Swaying Karens.
  8. A man was dissatisfied with a Chad Kroeger album he bought off of the 95% rack... So he returned it and got his Nickelback
  9. What do call it when a girl is contemplating sleeping with Chad for a free meal. Her thot process.
  10. What do Santa and my creepy neighbor Chad have in common? They both see me when I'm sleeping

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Chad One Liners

Which chad one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with chad? I can suggest the ones about champ and chick.

  1. What is the whitest African country? Chad
  2. What country in Africa has the most frat parties? Chad.
  3. Which country is the douchiest in the entire world? Chad
  4. What's an Incel's least favourite country? Chad.
  5. Incels who make jokes about northern African countries will never be Chads.
  6. What's an Incel's most hated country? Chad
  7. If men call short women petite. What do women call short men? Incels.
    Screw you, Chad.
  8. Between Chad Ochocinco and Roy Moore... Who do you think has said child please more?
  9. What is the favorite wine of a 90's skateboarder? A Chad Muscatel
  10. If you've never known the feeling of living next to Chad... just ask Sudan.
  11. What does a Chad that is a furry say to girls? *paw out*
    Poochie please
  12. Which country in Africa do incels have an unimaginable hatred for? Chad.
  13. The niceguys of america finally won. Chad is now officially banned.
  14. Why didn't you visit Chad? Cause he wasn't my Niger.
  15. What do they call Bro Chads in the U.K.? ......Bloke chaps.
    Play me off Johnny!

Chad Kroeger Jokes

Here is a list of funny chad kroeger jokes and even better chad kroeger puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What did Chad Kroeger say after leaving a concert of Justin Bieber? I want my Nickleback....
  • How did Chad Kroeger lose a quarter? Everyone who bought his tickets wanted their nickelback
Chad joke, How did Chad Kroeger lose a quarter?

Gather Around for Fun Chad Jokes and Laughter with Friends

What funny jokes about chad you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean chancellor jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make chad pranks.

I hear that Chad Kroeger from Nickelback, absolutely loves to take part in Nativity plays. He's played a shepherd, the inn keeper and one year, he even played the rear end of the donkey...

But he never made it as a wise man

a joke translated from turkish

Once upon a time there was a pit in a village, people used to wound themselves from falling into the pit. 3 elders of the village unite to a find a solution to this pit.
First one says that we should place an ambulance next to the pit, that way people will get to the hospital faster
Second one says that we should build a hospital next to the pit that way it will be even faster
Before the third one could talk Chad jumps in and says "y'all are idiots why don't we fill this pit up and dig one up next to the hospital.

Chad's wife decided to surprise him on his birthday

and to show him that she's a cool wife, she took him to a s**... club.
At the club:
Bouncer: Hi Chad! How you doing tonight?
Wife: How does he know you?
Chad: We play golf together!
Bartender: Evening Chad! The usual?
Wife: And how does he know you?!
Chad: Um, he's on the bowling team!
Hot blonde stripper: Hey s**..., champagne room again tonight?
At this point the wife loses it and storms out of the club, dragging Chad with her, into a taxi.
Taxi driver: Hey Chad! Boy... You picked a fat one tonight huh? Same motel?

Chad wants to divorce his wife.

He files a court case and during the hearing, the judge asks him why.
He respond by saying - she doesn't satisfy me anymore.
The wife quickly replies - Your honor, the entire neighborhood is satisfied with me, he is the only one who's never happy.

A woman had five sons.

A woman had five sons: Alex, Bill, Chad, Doug, and Eric. One day, the woman gets a phone call from the hospital. The doctor says, "I'm so sorry to tell you this, but your son was in a car accident and broke his leg."
"Oh no!" She responds, "Which one?"
The doctor answers, "The left leg."

Which country has the most d**...?

The Republic of Chad

Chad joke, A man was dissatisfied with a Chad Kroeger album he bought off of the 95% rack...