
Cereal Box Jokes

41 cereal box jokes and hilarious cereal box puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about cereal box that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Cereal Box Short Jokes

Short cereal box jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The cereal box humour may include short cereal jokes also.

  1. Box of cereals walks into a bar. Sorry, we don't serve your kind.
    - Is it because I'm square ?
    No, it's the bar code.
  2. There's a guy sneaking around in grocery stores in my town dropping chunks of dry ice in boxes of cereal. We're being attacked by a cereal chiller!
  3. My kids love Life cereal. I told them there's a grown-up version called That's Just Life Each box of it is expensive, mostly empty & doesn't taste very good.
  4. If you eat the prize from a cereal box.. does that make you a specially marked box?
    source: soos says some words
  5. My grandfather picked up a box of Grape-Nuts cereal... "I didn't know grapes have nuts. No wonder they wine when you crush them!"
  6. California is like a box of cereal... When you get rid of all the fruits and nuts, all that's left are the flakes.
  7. You can use a cereal box to see the solar eclipse, But can they see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
  8. Why did the blonde avoid eating cereal? Every box had, in huge letters, "0mg cholesterol!"
  9. While buying groceries I saw a guy smashing several boxes of Cap'n Crunch and Frosted Flakes on the ground for no reason, Call me paranoid but I think he might be a cereal killer.
  10. I'd rather buy a box of cereal than an iPhone 7 Because you can have apples with your jacks

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Cereal Box One Liners

Which cereal box one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with cereal box? I can suggest the ones about breakfast cereal and cardboard box.

  1. my family is like a box of cereal Those who aren't nuts or fruits are flakes
  2. What do you call a group of cereal boxes that never keep their word? Corn flakes
  3. What do you call a cereal box full of snakes? Honey Bunches of nopes
  4. *Opens box of cereal* We've updated our privacy policy.
  5. Somebody finished off my box of cereal today But there wasn't a Shreddies of evidence.
  6. I Saved A Life Today. It looks great in my cereal box collection.
  7. Why don't you see hippos hiding in cereal boxes? Because they're so good at it.
  8. Is it nice when mice chew your cereal boxes? Gnaw.
  9. What do you call a man who eats the entire box of Cheerios? A cereal killer.
  10. What do you call a group of crows eating a box of corn flakes? A cereal m**....

Cereal Box Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about cereal box you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean lunch box jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make cereal box pranks.

A blonde is working on a puzzle...

She calls her husband over and says, "This is the hardest jigsaw puzzle I've ever seen in my whole life!"
The husband responds, "What do you mean, honey?"
She says, "Well there's a picture of a tiger on the box, but looking at all these pieces, I don't see how in the world this is going to ever make picture of a tiger."
The husband says, "That's alright honey, let's just put all the cereal back in the box."

Kelloggs once had a cereal called s**...'

You open it up, dump out the cereal and eat the box.

A Grandfather talks to his grandson

Grandpa: Back then, for a dollah, I could get rice, milk, sardines, eggs, four boxes of cereal, a bottle of coke, some chips, and a tub of ice cream
Grandson: How about now, Grandpa?
Grandpa: Now a days, it's impossible to do anything with all dem gawddam cameras around!

I was running late this morning to I took my weet box to eat on my commute to work. In my tired state I hopped on the wrong bus which instead of taking me to work went hurtling through space.

I accidentally had gotten on the Universal Cereal Bus.

I looked at my box of cereal and asked, "Are you serious when you say you're going to make me have super-powers?" It replied,

"I'm super cereal."

I was about to pour myself the last bowl of captain crunch, but my father snatched the box out of my hands.

Turns out, my dad is a cereal r**....

20 years I've been eating outta cereal boxes, and you gotta give it to em'.

They stayed firm and refused to move with the times. I mean they know the resealable ziplock bag exists, but they've never backed down. No matter how many times the fold-in top rips or the plastic bag tears on the wrong edge, they say "No innovation, we say no!"

20 years I've been eating outta cereal boxes, and you gotta give it to em'.

They stayed firm and refused to move with the times. I mean they know the resealable ziplock bag exists, but they've never backed down. No matter how many times the fold-in top rips or the plastic bag tears on the wrong edge, they say "No innovation, we say no!"

What did the cereal box top say?

Q: What did the cereal box top say?
A: "I'm gonna flip out!"

A blonde joke (that i didn't make nor take credit for)

A blonde wakes up one morning and decides she wants to do a puzzle. So she reaches into the cabinet and grabs a box. After 4 hours of trying to match the pieces together she finally breaks down and calls her boyfriend for help.
Blonde: "I've been trying to get this puzzle together for over four hours and I can't even find one piece."
Boyfriend: "What's the picture on the box?"
Blonde: "A tiger with a bowl of cereal on a blue background."
Boyfriend: "Honey... Put the Frosted Flakes back in the box."

My wife and I tried to join a catholic church...

We met with our town's catholic priest this past Sunday to talk about becoming catholic. He gave us a long list of requirements we would have to fulfill (what we could/couldn't eat, say, do, etc.) and at the end of our meeting he said, "Oh yeah and one more thing, until next Sunday you must abstain from s**...."
I hesitantly looked at my wife, "Okay... I guess that's okay." So the week went by and we met the next Sunday before mass to talk with the priest. He started, "So how'd it go this week?"
"Pretty good..." I began. "Except for one thing. It was really difficult to go a whole week without having s**...... Yesterday, my wife bent down to pick up a box of cereal, and I couldn't resist. We tore each other's clothes off and went at it right there on the floor."
"Well I'm sorry," replied the priest. "But we can't let you into the church."
"That's okay," I said. "They won't let us back into Walmart again either."