
Caveman Jokes

52 caveman jokes and hilarious caveman puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about caveman that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Looking for a good laugh? Check out our collection of caveman jokes. These jokes are sure to get you laughing out loud.

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Funniest Caveman Short Jokes

Short caveman jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The caveman humour may include short dinosaur jokes also.

  1. Joke I made up: Caveman and a bear walk into a bar. Bartender says "what's your story?" Caveman says... bear with me...
  2. I fell in love with a caveman It didn't work out. I wanted to settle down. He just wanted to go clubbing.
  3. What does one call a wandering caveman? A Meanderthall.
  4. what do you call a catboy caveman? a nyan-derthal
  5. What did the caveman say after he got bit by a cat? Me ow
  6. Hipster Caveman Went clubbing before it was cool.
  7. Properly relocating a cavewoman Q: Why did the caveman drag his cavewoman around by the hair?
    A: Because if he dragged her around by the feet she would fill up with dirt.
  8. I asked the caveman if he wanted to play poker He said:
    "Deal, me in!"
  9. This guy at work thought it would be funny to call me a caveman I told him that was pretty low-brow humor
  10. What do you call a homeless caveman? Hobo Erectus

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Caveman One Liners

Which caveman one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with caveman? I can suggest the ones about viking and tin man.

  1. What do you call a caveman who likes to walk slowly all the time. A Meanderthal
  2. What do you call a caveman who doesn't really know where he's going? A meanderthal.
  3. What do you call a caveman who is walking really slow? A Meanderthal.
  4. I (maybe?) came up with this joke today. What do you call a lost caveman? A meanderthal.
  5. "We need to talk". Thought the caveman.
  6. What did the caveman order at the cafeteria? A Club Sandwich
  7. What do you call a caveman who wanders from place to place? A meanderthal.
  8. What do you call a wandering caveman? A meanderthal.
  9. What do you call a caveman who goes on long, wandering walks? A Meanderthal.
  10. What is a caveman's favourite thing to do on a Friday night? Go clubbing.
  11. What do you call a nomadic caveman? A meanderthal.
  12. What is a caveman's favourite audio compression algorithm? OGG
  13. What do you call a roaming caveman? A meanderthal
  14. What do you call a caveman that just wanders off? A meander-thal
  15. What do you get when you mix an amphibian and a caveman? A froglodyte.

Caveman Fart Jokes

Here is a list of funny caveman fart jokes and even better caveman fart puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What do you call a caveman's f**...? A blast from the past!

Rude Caveman Jokes

Here is a list of funny rude caveman jokes and even better rude caveman puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What did the caveman give his wife on Valentine's Day? Ughs and kisses!
Caveman joke

Comedy Caveman Jokes to Make Your Friends Giggle

What funny jokes about caveman you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean civilization jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make caveman pranks.

Once upon a time, there were two cavemen...

There were two cavemen overlooking the tundra.
Caveman 1: Hey look! A flock of elephants!
Caveman 2: Herd?
Caveman 1: Herd of what?
Caveman 2: HERD of elephants.
Caveman 1: 'course I have! There's a flock of them, right over there!

What did the Mammoth say to the n**... caveman?

How can you even breathe outta that little thing?

At the dawn of the Stone Age…

Og the caveman noticed that after a long period of darkness the sun would rise, traverse across the sky and then sink below the horizon.
Then darkness… until the sun would again rise once again, travel across the sky and sink below the horizon.
Again and again. Over and over.
Og wished to give a name to this event.
He thought long and hard. He tried all
sorts of words until his brain hurt and his tongue lolled in his mouth.
He tried every variation of sounds he could think of until he was exhausted.
In the end, utterly exhausted, he just gave up and called it a day.

Two cavemen were chiseling on slabs of rock in a cave

Suddenly one of the cavemen shouted, "I've did it! I've discovered zero!"
The other caveman asked, "What is it?"
The first caveman replied, "Oh, nothing."

Misc religion based puns

What do you call a horse who doesn't believe in God?
What do you call a pig who believes in the old gods?
A pag-ham.
What do you call a practitioner of Hinduism who solely worships in the morning?
A Hin-dew.
What do you call a caveman unsure it he believes in tools or not?

Caveman Diet

My wife put me on the cave man diet. She says that like our ancestors, we can only eat things you would gather or catch. After about six weeks of this, I've come to the conclusion, I can catch a pizza guy.

What do you call an aimless caveman?

A meanderthal.

What genre of music does a caveman play?


A caveman walks into an auditorium

He sits down in the front row and a janitor walks by. The janitor turns to the caveman and says, "Hey, the anthropology lecture doesn't start for another hour. You're early, man."

The Better Paleo Diet

I'm on the Paleo diet, 
except I'm the caveman who discovered Snickers.

As a civilized caveman, Arg found Kro's advocacy for cannibalism to be deplorable and publicly opposed him.

When the great famine arrived, he realized he was going to have to eat Kro.

What did the caveman say when he stumbled upon a p**... dinosaur?

"That's pooposterous!"

Caveman joke, What did the caveman say when he stumbled upon a p**... dinosaur?

jokes about caveman