
Carb Jokes

40 carb jokes and hilarious carb puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about carb that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Having low carb troubles? Get a dose of carb-related hilarity! Check out this collection of carb jokes, which include witty puns about carb loading, carbohydrates, gluten, and even cinnamon. Enjoy a chuckle or two while becoming a carb-comedian in your own right!

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Funniest Carb Short Jokes

Short carb jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The carb humour may include short gluten jokes also.

  1. Han Solo's diet mainly consists of protein and fat... But he allows himself one carb a night.
  2. I treat every day like I am running a marathon tomorrow... I rest, load up on carbs and don't run.
  3. I saw a climate scientist eating pasta out of a pink leather bowl He was eating carb on dyed ox hide
  4. I am both dyslexic and diabetic... So needless to say I fell in love with the idea of "All You Can Eat Carb Legs".
  5. What's the difference between a potato and your sister? Ones is fat, lumpy and full of carbs. The other is a potato.
  6. Why are these low carb diets like keto so controversial? Because they go against the grain
  7. Baltimore Ravens go low carb Baltimore ravens go low carb and cut Rice. (I will see myself out)
  8. How do you guys feel about that popular country singer's new diet, it allows very very small amounts of carbs. It's called the Trace Atkins diet.
  9. Coke is releasing "Coca-Cola Ginger" for a limited time (seriously)... They are also releasing a "Coca-Cola Ginger Zero" version, which has 0 calories, 0 carbs, and 0 soul. ;p
  10. How do you make zero carb bread? You meatloaf!

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Carb One Liners

Which carb one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with carb? I can suggest the ones about cinnamon and yeast.

  1. What do you call 52 slice of bread? A deck of carbs!
  2. What do you get when you stack 52 loaves of bread? A deck of carbs.
  3. How many carbs do people in india eat while dieting? Naan.
  4. Why was the dietician kicked out of the casino? He was caught counting carbs.
  5. My doctor told me I need to try a low-carb diet. He put me on 6 weeks of breadrest.
  6. What do you call a bunch of Muslims on a low carb diet? A Mosque-Keto
  7. I slept with an Italian woman last night She gave me carbs.
  8. How much bread can you eat on a low carb diet in India? Naan.
  9. Carbs are my starch enemy.
  10. If you drink a soda flat you'll lose more weight I mean, the soda is a low carb soda now.
  11. Q: What do you call a Satanist who only eats low-carb pizza? ʇsnɹɔ-ᴉʇu∀ ǝɥ┴ :∀
  12. What social construct has the most carbs? Gender rolls
  13. Healthy human blood must be a low-carb meal... Because it's the most-keto diet.
  14. How did Superman turn into Iron man? The Man of Steel went on a low-carb diet.
  15. What video game character is made of Bread, rice, pasta, and crackers???? Carb-y!!!!

Low Carb Jokes

Here is a list of funny low carb jokes and even better low carb puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What do you call it when a skinny person farts? ...Low Carb Emissions
Carb joke, What do you call it when a skinny person farts?

Comedy Carb Jokes to Make Your Friends Giggle

What funny jokes about carb you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean naan jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make carb pranks.

My carbon monoxide detector won't stop beeping.

It's giving me a headache, and dizziness, and nausea.

I was carbon-dating a dinosaur the other day, trying to figure out what era it was from

Upon closer inspection, I realised that it didn't have the 3 anuses I was expecting, so I ruled out the Triassic period

How does carbon dioxide make soda so bubbly?

By obeying the laws of fizz-ics.

My carbon monoxide detector keeps beeping

It's really giving me a headache

I don't know what carbon dating is...

But I'll try anything at this point.

What did carbon yell at gold while trying to get his attention?

A! U!!!
If it doesn't make sense tell it so someone out loud. Pretty sure this is my first original joke :)

Are you a Carbon sample?

Because I want to *date* you.

My carbon monoxide alarm went off in the middle of the night

It gave me a really bad headache, so I had to turn it off.

A new carbonated beverage mimics the sounds of a human voice when you pour it out of the bottle.

or out of the can, soda speak.

Carbon and Helium were having a conversation.

Carbon: And then I said, Barium!
Osmium walks into the room.
What's so funny guys?
Carbon whispers to Helium: Don't tell him. He's too dense to get it.

A lady brought her car into my shop the other day

It had a rough idle. I adjusted and cleaned the carburetor. Called the lady to come pick it up, and when she got there she asked what was going on. I said "s**... in the carb". She said "how often do I need to do that?"

Why do all of the carbon atoms in benzene get along so well?

They learned to just let pi bonds be pi bonds.

When the carbon tax comes into effect, fragrance manufacturers will be upset..

..they will be paying per fume.

Why are carbon chains with two double bonds so sad?

Because they're diene

Why does carbon monoxide smell like


Carb joke, Carbs