
Cantelope Jokes

42 cantelope jokes and hilarious cantelope puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about cantelope that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Cantelope Short Jokes

Short cantelope jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The cantelope humour may include short honeydew jokes also.

  1. A young Indian couple was trying to have a quiet wedding, but their family refused and made them have a big wedding instead. What fruit did they serve at the event? Cantelope
  2. James and giant peach should have been serialized into a number of films. Dave and the giant strawberry.
    John and the giant cantelope.
    Your mom and the giant cucumber.
  3. Did you know that cultures with arranged marriages typically serve melon at the wedding feast? Yep. It symbolizes the fact that they cantelope.
  4. What do you call an antelope who gets sick from the fruit salad the morning of his wedding? A cantelope
    Guys I'm so proud of this joke
  5. What's the saddest part about the relationship between a melon farmer and the girl who is allergic to melons? They cant-elope!
  6. Why is it a long and expensive process for fruit to get married They just cantelope
  7. Why did the orange fleshed melon have to have a traditional marriage ceremony? Obviously because it Cantelope.
  8. Why do melons have to reproduce asexually? Because they cantelope
  9. What do you call an ungulate with low self-esteem? A cantelope.
  10. What do you call an antelope that can't reproduce? A cantelope.

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Cantelope One Liners

Which cantelope one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with cantelope? I can suggest the ones about elope and cucumber.

  1. What's Romeo and Juliette's least favorite fruit? cantelope
  2. What do you call a fruit that isn't allowed to marry? A cantelope
  3. What do you call a fruit that cannot get married. A cantelope.
  4. What do you call an antelope that's really bad at being an antelope? A cantelope.
  5. What kind of fruit has trouble getting married? The cantelope.
  6. What do you call a negative antelope? A Cantelope.
  7. Why couldn't the melons get married? Because they cant-elope
  8. What kind of fruit always has big formal weddings? The cantelope
  9. What do you call an antelope that is forbidden to marry? Cantelope.
  10. What Type of Fruit Wants to Run Away and Get Married but Isn't Able to? Cantelope.
  11. What do you call a disabled antelope? a cantelope
  12. The melons Why did the melons get married in a church?
    Because they cant-elope.
  13. Why do melons have fancy weddings? Because they cantelope!
  14. What kind of melon will only get married in a church? A Cantelope!
  15. Whats the favorite fruit of divorcees? Cant-elope

Cantelope joke, Whats the favorite fruit of divorcees?

Comedy Cantelope Jokes to Make Your Friends Giggle

What funny jokes about cantelope you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean peach jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make cantelope pranks.

Why did the melons have a big church wedding?

Because they cant-elope

Which fruit wanted to run away and get married, but couldn't?


Cantelope joke, Which fruit wanted to run away and get married, but couldn't?