Calling Bingo Jokes
24 calling bingo jokes and hilarious calling bingo puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about calling bingo that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Calling Bingo Short Jokes
Short calling bingo jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The calling bingo humour may include short bingo jokes also.
- I just got fired from my job as a bingo caller... Apparently, "A meal for two with a hairy view" is *not* an appropriate way of calling out number 69...
- I got fired from my bingo calling job today. Apparently 'a meal for two with a terrible view' is not an appropriate way to call 69.
- Know why you can't play bingo with Japanese people They all scramble for cover when you call B-29.
- I've been fired from my job as a bingo caller... Apparently it's inappropriate to call the number 69 as *"A meal for two with a terrible view"*.
- Bingo I once worked as a bingo caller. I got fired on my first night, Appernetly, a meal for two with a hairy view is not the correct way to call 69.
- How can you tell that a Bingo player just isn't into you? When you call their numbers 5 times in a row and they still don't answer.
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Calling Bingo One Liners
Which calling bingo one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with calling bingo? I can suggest the ones about playing cards and roulette.
- Why do Japanese hate bingo? They all scramble for cover when you call B-29
- How do you stop a Bingo game in Japan? Call in B-29.
- How do you clear out an Afghani bingo game..? Call B52!!
- What do you call a serial killer that plays bingo? Jeffery Dauber.
- How do you clear out an Iraqi bingo parlour? Call out "B-52"
- What do you call a p**... playing bingo? A bing-h**....
- What do you call a bisexual vietnamese person? **Bi**ngo.
- why do australians s**... at bingo? they always call out m8
Calling Bingo Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about calling bingo you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean gambling jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make calling bingo pranks.
During a weekly game at the home for the aged, the bingo caller began choking and then collapsed.
He was rushed to emergency, and went immediately into surgery.
It appeared that 40 years of calling bingo games in smoky halls had finally caught-up with him.
The surgeon successfully removed a mass that was blocking his windpipe.
After waking from the surgery, the caller asked the surgeon if the mass was malignant.
The surgeon replied, "Fortunately, no. It was B9."
So a man goes to the doctor
So a man goes to the doctor and the doctor believes he may have the dreaded bingo tumour. He says "sir, there is a chance of the tumour being malignant so we will have to run some tests."
They run the tests and a couple of weeks later, the doctor calls him back to his office for the results. The doctor takes him aside and closes the door to deliver the news. "The bad news is that it is definitely a bingo tumour" The man frowns. "What's the good news?" he asks. The doctor looks him dead in the eye and says "It's b9"