Cake Jokes
188 cake jokes and hilarious cake puns to laugh out loud. Read food jokes about cake that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Cake jokes are the perfect way to add a little fun to any birthday party or celebration. From classic one-liners to hilarious cake puns, these jokes are sure to get a laugh out of everyone.
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Funniest Cake Short Jokes
Short cake jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The cake humour may include short cream jokes also.
- Since this is the first year that I've remembered my cake day, here's my four year old's favorite joke. What did one hat say to the other hat? You stay here. I'll go on ahead.
- I absolutely HATE when people make a post subtly implying it's their cake day, just so people can wish them. You won't catch me doing that today.
- For my cake day, a joke I made up as a kid: Why is Aquaman such a dedicated super hero? Because he was born with a sense of porpoise.
- My wife left me because I'm too insecure. No wait, she's back. She just went out to bring me a cake.
- My annual cake day joke repost - how can you tell the difference between a plumber and a chemist? Ask them to pronounce unionized
- I can't believe no one has managed to come up with a cure for anorexia yet... I thought it'd be a piece of cake...
- My favorite Dad joke, because it's my cake day. Why does a chicken coup only have two doors?
Because if it had four doors, it would be a sedan. - My son asked me, Dad, can I eat the last piece of cake in the fridge? I smiled and said, Sure..." "But the dining room would probably be more comfortable.
- For my cake day, I'd like to share my favorite joke of all time. Three guys were walking down the street.
Two of them walked into a bar.
The third guy ducked. - I absolutely HATE when people make a post subtly implying that it's their cake day just for upvotes… You won't catch me doing that today.
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Cake One Liners
Which cake one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with cake? I can suggest the ones about bread and toast.
- Nobody will upvote a cake joke on my cake day. Feeling desserted.
- My friend wanted t know how I got all my karma I replied "piece of cake"
- Nobody will upvote a cake joke in my birthday I feel desserted
- nobody seems to upvote a cake joke on cakeday anymore Feeling desserted
- I said I love you to my cake. It burst into tiers.
- What do you get if you mix human DNA and whale DNA? Banned from of Seaworld
- What happens when you don't get any upvotes on your cake day.... You feel desserted.
- How does an uncreative Redditor get karma? Piece of cake.
- What food makes women stop giving blow jobs? Wedding cake
- What do you get when you cross Father's Day and Cake day? Extra Karma... I hope.
- Nobody upvotes a cake joke on cake days anymore Feeling desserted
- Actual joke dad said this morning waitress: How do you like your egg?
dad: in a cake - I went to a sad wedding Even the cake was in tiers.
- What do you get when you eat 3.14 slices of cake? Diabetes.
- Friend: "how hard is it to get upvotes on reddit?" I told him it was a piece of cake.
Cake Day Jokes
Here is a list of funny cake day jokes and even better cake day puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I absolutely HATE when people make a post subtly implying that it's their cake day just so people can wish them a happy birthday. You won't catch me doing that today.
- Communist jokes aren't funny Unless everyone gets them.
My favorite joke for my cake day - What do you get if you eat 3.14 desserts? You probably get Fat.
What? were you expecting a pi joke?
Not on my cake day! - If McDonalds sold fancy steaks they'd call them Filet Mc'gnons ...also it's my 5 year cake day so shower me in internet points or however this works I dunno. Thanks!
- I really wanted to share a link to Weird Al's 1984 Michael Jackson parody today but I realized That I can't have my Cake Day and Eat It, too.
- The Most Dad Joke of Puns! All the best Puns are written down on paper. That way, they're truly tear-able.
Also it's my cake day! - What do you get when you eat 3.14 cakes? Diabetes.
Did you really expect me to make a pie joke on my cake day? No, you get diabetes. All of them at the same time. - What's Whitney Houston's favourite type of coordination? HAAAAND EEEEEEEEEYYYYEEE!
It's my cake day humour me. - What do you get if you eat 3.14 cakes? Fat. You get fat.
You were expecting a joke about pi? On my cake day?
C'mon, you know the rules!! - Cake joke for my cake day! Was at a wedding today and it was so beautiful everyone started crying.
Even the cake was in tiers.
Eating Cake Jokes
Here is a list of funny eating cake jokes and even better eating cake puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Eating too much cake is the deadly sin of gluttony But not eating too much pie, because the sin of pi is always zero.
- Why did the kid eat his homework? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.
-My 6 year old Nephew - What do you get if you eat 3.14 cakes? Fat. You get fat.
What, did you think I would make a pie joke on my cake day? - What do you get if you eat 3.14 cakes? Fat. You get fat.
You expected a Pi joke? On my cake day? - Perks of being an adult: Nobody will stop me from eating an entire cake. Cons of being an adult: Nobody stopped me from eating an entire cake..
- The sin of Gluttony Eating too much cake is the sin of gluttony. However, eating too much pie is okay because the sin of pi is always zero.
- What do you get if you eat 3.14 cakes? Probably a massive stomachache.
What, you didn't think I would make a pie joke on my cake day did you?? - Food Coma…. A health forum speaker asks, Which food causes extreme suffering for years after eating it.
After a long silence, an old man answered,
Wedding Cake ……. - What do you get when you eat 3.14 pies? Fat. You get fat.
What? Like I would make a pie joke on my cake day? - What's the difference between cake and pie? πr^2, cake are round
What do jokesters eat for breakfast?

Birthday Cake Jokes
Here is a list of funny birthday cake jokes and even better birthday cake puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- The worst thief ever came to my birthday party today. I mean, I've seen other thieves, but this one took the cake.
- Ever been to a bulimic's birthday party? (fixed) The cake jumps out of the girl.
- A man walks into a seafood shop carrying a trout under his arm. "do you make fish cakes?"
"Yes we do" replies the fishmonger...
"Great" says the man, ït's his birthday" - Sigh, nobody will upvote a cake joke on my birthday I feel so desserted.
- I could never figure out why birthday cake gave me heartburn. Apparently you're supposed to blow out and remove the candles first.
- The cops in my town are looking for a suspect who they are calling the birthday party thief . I've seen a lot of crazy criminals, … but this one takes the cake.
- Fish Cakes A guy walks into a bar with a Salmon under his arm and says, "Do you sell fish cakes here?"
Bartender: No we don't.
Guy: That's a shame... it's his birthday. - Why do hockey players always make terrible birthday cakes? Because icing is not allowed.
- What do rats like on their birthday? Mice cream and cake!
C'mon, you know the rules!! - I cut my birthday cake in half and ate both sides. I wanted to halve my cake and eat it too
Today is my cake day
Wedding Cake Jokes
Here is a list of funny wedding cake jokes and even better wedding cake puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I went to a beautiful wedding this weekend. It was so emotional.
Even the cake was in tiers. - It was such an emotional wedding... Even the cake was in tiers.
- The last wedding I was at was very emotional. Everybody was crying, the Bride and Groom, the whole reception, the priest..
Even the massive cake was in tiers.. - I was at a wedding today and it was so beautiful everyone started crying Even the cake was in tiers
- What kind of dessert makes women gain the most weight? Wedding Cake.
- Doctors say they found a food that causes years of pain and suffering after its eaten... It's called wedding cake
- I was at a wedding the other day It was so moving, even the cake was in tiers
- I just got back from a very emotional wedding Even the cake was in tiers.
- I went to a very emotional wedding last weekend. Even the cake was in tiers.
- What food, when consumed by a female, causes a complete loss of desire? Wedding cake.

Experience Instant Grins & Giggles with Playful Cake Jokes
What funny jokes about cake you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean meal jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make cake pranks.
For my cake day, a joke...
Harry answers the telephone, and it's an Emergency Room doctor. The doctor says, "Your wife was in a serious car accident, and I have bad news and good news. The bad news is she has lost all use of both arms and both legs, and will need help eating and going to the bathroom for the rest of her life."
Harry says, "My God. What's the good news?"
The doctor says, "I'm kidding. She's dead."
Thought I'd share a favorite on my cake day
Gandhi used to walk barefoot on most days, neglecting modern footwear, and eventually grew a strong set of callouses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather weak and with his odd diet, suffered from very, very bad breath. To others he smelled atrocious, this super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
Useful Metric Equivalents
* 1 million microphones = 1 megaphone
* 1 million bicycles = 2 megacycles
* 2000 mockingbirds = two kilomockingbirds
* 52 = 1 decacards
* 1/2 lavatory = 1 demijohn
* 1 millionth of a fish = 1 microfiche
* 435.6 graham crackers = 1 pound cake
* 10 rations = 1 decoration
* 10 millipede = 1 centipede
* 3 1/3 tridents = 1 decadent
* 10 monologues = 5 dialogues
* 2 monograms = 1 diagram
* 8 nickels = 2 paradigms
Edit - formatting
What one food reduces a woman's s**... drive by 90%?
Wedding cake.
If meat is m**......
...then is cake battery?
How do you get a fat girl into bed?
Piece of cake!
Two l**... named Rachel walk in to a wedding cake shop...
To plan for their upcoming nuptials. After learning that the cake will be for their own wedding, the baker refuses service. Offended, the couple can't believe the guy is so opposed to gay marriage we won't even bake a cake. The baker replies, "No no I'm fine with gay marriage-- I just can't support inter-Rachel marriage."
Two l**... named Rachel walk in to a bakery...
To buy a cake for their upcoming wedding. After learning that the cake will be for their own wedding, the baker refuses service. Offended, the couple can't believe the guy is so opposed to gay marriage that he won't even bake a cake. The baker replies, "No no I'm fine with gay marriage-- I just can't support inter-Rachel marriage."
(posted before but I felt it was an appropriate time for it to rerun.)
Ordering a cake over the phone
"And what would you like the cake to say?"
[covers phone to ask wife]
"Honey, do we want a talking cake?"
Did you hear about the party thief?
I mean I've seen some crazy people at parties, but this guy definitely takes the cake.
Q: What food diminishes a woman's s**... drive by 90%?
A: Her wedding cake.
I just took a Baking Class
The final was a piece of cake.
My friend drowned. So at his f**......
...we took a cake shaped like a life raft.
After all...It's what he would have wanted.
Two women named Rachel meet and fall in love.
They decide to get married and go to the baker's to pick out a wedding cake. The baker inquires about their story and appalled, refuses to bake them a wedding cake. They are very upset and accuse the baker of narrow-mindedness and bigotry. "Oh, no, no, no," the baker responds, "I don't have a problem with gay marriage, I just can't support an inter-Rachel marriage!"
Happy Valentine's, everyone!
I bought a chessboard cake from the bakers last week.
Took one bite, looked up, and said "it's stale mate".
He seemed surprised, said "no, mate".
So I handed him the cake and said "check mate".
If you struggle cutting cake....
Is it still a piece of cake?
The cake is a lie.
A little boy caught his mom and dad having s**.... After, he asked, "What were you and daddy doing?"
The mom quickly replied, "We were baking a cake."
A few days later, the little boy asked his mom, "Were you and daddy baking a cake again?"
Surprised, she said yes, and asked him how he knew. He answered, "Because I licked the frosting off the couch."
What is 20ft long and has 5 teeth?
The funnel cake line at the Alabama state fair
A guy goes to a cake shop and says:
- Can you please make me a cake that says "you are the only one for me"?
- Yes sir.
- Well, I'll order five of those.
A friend once asked me how to get a fat girl to fall in love with me.
I replied, "piece of cake."
What do you feed a woman to stop her from having s**...?
Wedding cake
What do you call a 300 year old joke?
PS: One day till cake day :D 11m 30d
What's the one food guaranteed to kill a woman's s**... drive?
Wedding cake.
I'm not saying you are old...
but the candles cost more than your cake.
(I heard this one at a bridge club today)
I got my friend a cake in the shape of Pac Man
At least that's what I told him when he saw it.
What is a food that, if eaten by women, could lower their s**... drive by up to 90%?
Wedding cake
In celebration of my very first Cake Day, I'm reposting one of my own jokes:
A truck loaded with Worcestershire sauce is driving through Saskatoon, Saskatchewan when it collides with a Nissan Qashqai.
The truck then careens down the road and hits a car from Massachusetts, injuring the two otorhinolaryngologists inside. One of them, suffering from Schistosomiasis, has a myocardial infarction.
A bystander witnesses the entire event and quickly calls to report the accident on his Huawei.
The emergency operator asks the bystander, "What happened?"
"It's hard to say."
It's my Cakeday! 8 Years on Reddit!
My life is the joke.
How do you know if someone is just farming for karma?
They only post on their cake day
A friend challenged me to get more karma
I replied *"piece of cake"*
What takes 3 years?
Making a successful post on my cake day!
A Redditor asks another Redditor what the best way to get karma is...
The experienced Redditor says: "It's a piece of cake."
Making a deep dish pizza is surprisingly super easy!
It's a pizza cake!
My friend wanted to know how I got all my 'karma'
I simply replied piece of cake
Since it's my cake day, I thought I'd do an appropriate joke. Why did the coffee cake kill himself?
Because his life was so crumby!
It's my cake day, so here's a joke for everybody. My dad told me this joke, but I haven't seen it any other places:
A man goes on trial for calling the Duchess a pig. The judge finds him guilty of slander and explains that if he ever calls the Duchess a pig again he'll be severely punished. The man then says to the judge, If I can't call the Duchess a pig, would I still get punished for calling a pig Duchess?
The judge publicly rules that he can indeed call a pig Duchess.
On his way out of the courtroom, the man walks by the royal plaintiff, tips his hat, and says Good day, Duchess.
Coming up with a good Reddit post is usually pretty hard.
But today it's a piece of cake!
So little Billy give the "dog ate my homework" excuses.
So little Billy give the "dog ate my homework" excuses.
Teacher: Why on earth do you let your dog eat your homework?
Billy: Well, my dog really love to eat cake.
Teacher: And how does this even related?
Billy: Yesterday you said that the homework is a piece of cake....
What do you call it when redditors get undeserved free Karma?
Piece of Cake
The best part about Reddit karma is, if you know what you're doing, it's
a piece of cake.
Teach a man a joke and he will laugh for a day
Teach a redditor a joke and they will repost it for a lifetime!
What do they serve at birthday parties in heaven? Angel food cake, of course!
Its cake and y'all know the rules!
How easy is it to tell a joke 1 year after joining Reddit?
A piece of cake.
The only cake joke I could remember for cake day.
What's the difference a cake and a pie?
πr2, cake is round.
For cake day, I wanted to share my grandpa's favorite joke when I was growing up: Wanna hear a dirty joke?
-A man fell in a mud puddle.
Wanna hear a clean joke?
-The man took a bath with bubbles.
Wanna hear a dirtier joke?
-Bubbles was the woman next door.
For my first cake day I want to share a joke my dad told me when I was probably too young to really understand it. How does an elephant hide in the jungle?
Climbs to the top of a cherry tree and paints his b**... red.
What's the loudest sound in the jungle?
Giraffes eating cherries!
(Apologies if you've heard it before fellow Redditors! Maybe by next cake day I'll get better material)
I tried to memorize 100 digits of pi today
But why would I worry about pi on my cake day?
I logged on to Reddit today and was promised Fame, Fortune, and Women
The cake was a lie.
What did 0 say to 8?
Nice belt!
Told to me by a six year old.
Why was the snow yellow?
Because Elsa let it go!
I am a waiter and I have regular family every week on Monday. I exchange jokes with the youngest boy and he always wins free dessert. This week however he won a free meal for the whole family. I laughed til I made yellow snow
Edit. Did not know it was my cake day! I think this is my first joke post. Just wanted to share.
How difficult is it to get undeserved upvotes on reddit jokes?
Piece of cake