
C3po Jokes

4 c3po jokes and hilarious c3po puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about c3po that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Unearthly Funniest C3po Jokes to Tickle Your Sides

What is a good c3po joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

The Millenium Falcon is taking off...

Han Solo asks C3PO to give him a countdown, and C3PO says..
Han interrupts him and asks what the heck he's doing.
C3 says "You told me to never tell you the odds"


Papa, when C-3PO is n**..., he is see-through PO (My 5 1/2 y/o just came up with this. I think it's funny, for a 5 y/o :-))

What does C3PO stand for?

Because he's got rusty knees.

Chris recently beat his girlfriend Paulina in a Star Wars trivia contest which was the best of five rounds...

...the score was C-3PO.

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