
Bust Move Jokes

6 bust move jokes and hilarious bust move puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bust move that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Bust Move Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good bust move joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

I saw a cop pull over a U Haul today...

Looks like he was trying to bust a move.

I man and his wife walk into a disco...

And in the middle of the dance floor there is a very handsome man with a great body and expensive jewelry. Who is busting some serious moves, back flips, moon walking, running man etc.
The wife turns to her husband and says "see that man he asked me to marry him ten years ago but I said no"
The husband replies "and it looks like he is still celebrating"

Why did the cop pull over the u-haul truck?

He wanted to bust-a-move

On may way to work today I passed a police officer that had pulled over a U-Haul....

I think he was trying to bust a move.

Why did the cop pull over the moving can?

He wanted to bust-a-move.

Fugitive joke

Three fugitives are trying to outrun the cops. They come across a farm, and quickly find places to hide. The first one hides in a pen full of sheep, the second one hides in a pen full of cows, the third one hides in a pile of potatoes.
The cops bust into the farm, and start looking for the fugitives. First they search the sheep pen. The guy hiding there goes "Baaaaaahhhhhh" and the cops say "Just a bunch of sheep here." and move on.
Next, they search the cow pen. The guy hiding among the cows goes "MOOOOOOOO" and the cops say "Just a bunch of cows here." and they move on.
Finally, they come to the pile of potatoes, and look around. The guy hiding under the pile says.

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