Buoy Jokes
33 buoy jokes and hilarious buoy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about buoy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Buoy Short Jokes
Short buoy jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The buoy humour may include short boat jokes also.
- What's the difference between a buoy and my ex girlfriend? A buoy can be found above the ocean's surface.
- I spent all day bobbing up and down in the water It's been my dream ever since I was a little buoy.
- Why wasn't the giant squid terrorising ships last night? He was too busy Kraken open a cold one with the buoys!
- How do you know if an ant is male or female? Put it in water. If it sinks it's female. If it floats it's buoy-ant.
- Michael Jackson Joke #4543762 Michael Jackson tried killing himself Sunday morning
by jumping off his boat.
The coast guard found him last night, bobbing up and down
on a small buoy. - Rolf Harris went on the run... Police tracked him down and found him adrift at sea, bobbin up and down on a buoy.
- Two ants, Jack and Rose, are sitting on a leaf on water. Suddenly, a small tide comes and upturns the leaf. Only the girl ant sinks… …because the other is a buoy ant
- Why do they put protection buoys on boats during docking? To protect it from pier pressure.
- My pregnant, coastguard, friend has had an amazing early Christmas present today She's had a little buoy
- Doctor, doctor I keep thinking I'm a French floating water marker. Eau Buoy !
(This only works for Brits, as Americans say it like it's boo-ee)
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Buoy One Liners
Which buoy one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with buoy? I can suggest the ones about porpoise and balloon.
- Why do dogs float? because they're good buoys
- Why do dogs float Because they are always such a good buoy.
- my wife and i decided to adopt we adopted a buoy.
his name is bob - Why did the dog float in the water? Because he's a good buoy :p
- What do you call a floating dog? A good buoy.
- How did the dog survive a flood? Because it was a good buoy
- What did the ship captain say when his son learned to float ? That's my buoy !
- Why do dogs float in water? Because they are good buoys.
- What do you call a dog lifeguard? A good buoy
- I recently threw my dog into the Thames and he didn't sink He always was a good buoy.
- What did the boat say when it stopped floating? Oh buoy...
- How do sailors sort their books? Using the buoy decimal system.
- Ever hear about the stereotypically gay buoy? He was very
flambuoyant - Kevin Spacey fell overboard... And was found clinging to the bottom of a small buoy.
- Why are fishermen so hip? Because they are always saying " yeah buoy"
Howlingly Hilarious Buoy Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy
What funny jokes about buoy you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean boat sank jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make buoy pranks.
A woman is giving birth on a boat
The baby comes out, but a sudden wave causes the boat to rock and the child is sent tumbling overboard into the ocean. The parents are horrified, until they see that the child is miraculously floating in the water, completely unharmed.
It's a buoy.
A woman waited to find out the s**... of her baby...
After giving birth in a birthing pool, the baby floated to the surface with no arms or legs.
It's a buoy!