Bunny Jokes
172 bunny jokes and hilarious bunny puns to laugh out loud. Read animal jokes about bunny that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Laugh with your family and friends this Easter when you tell them these bunny jokes! From cuddly wabbits to Easter egg hunts, these jokes are sure to bring plenty of laughs and smiles to your holiday celebration.
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Funniest Bunny Short Jokes
Short bunny jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The bunny humour may include short buns jokes also.
- I remember being a kid and my parents filling my head with nonsense, like Santa, the easter bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Well now that I'm older I don't fall for that rubbish anymore, thank God.
- What is the difference between a unicorn and a carrot? One is a funny beast and the other is a bunny feast.
- Apparently, elton john owns a pygmy rabbit that is super hyper and runs all the time. It's a little, fit bunny.
- When I was a kid, I used to believe in such nonsense as Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. Now that I've grown older, I don't believe in that rubbish anymore, thank God.
- Had a rabbit that would come by every morning. I'd leave a bit of food for him. But he stopped coming one day. Now he's just some bunny that I used to know.
- What does a bunny say when it hops into a garden on the spring equinox? "Lettuce celebrate spring!"
- What happens when you put the energizer bunny's battery's in backwards? He keeps coming and coming and coming.
- Why did the Energizer Bunny go to jail? He was charged with Battery
I know...it's bad...but it had to be shared. - How does the Easter Bunny keep his ears standing straight up? He uses Hare Spray...
(Ill see myself out) - As a child my parents used to tell me about the Easter Bunny, tooth fairy and Santa I dont believe in those stories anymore, thank GOD
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Bunny One Liners
Which bunny one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with bunny? I can suggest the ones about rabbit hare and bear and rabbit.
- Elton John bought his pet rabbit to the gym... "It's a little fit bunny...."
- Apparently Elton John has a personal trainer for his rabbit… It's a little fit bunny
- What do you get when you cross a bunny with a rottweiler? A rottweiler.
- What do you call a towel used by a bunny? A hare dryer!
- Why was the Energizer Bunny thrown in jail? Because he was charged with battery.
- I got a baby bunny today. I had to swerve pretty hard to do it, but I got him!
- What do you call a rabbit that tells jokes on the first day of spring? A funny bunny!
- Ever wonder why you don't see the energizer bunny anymore? He got arrested for battery.
- What do you call a bunny in a kilt? A hopscotch
- What do you call a row of bunnies going backwards? A receding hare line.
- What do you call a group of Bunnys hopping backwards? A receding hair line
- Did you hear about the Energizer Bunny? A judge charged him with battery.
- Why did the bunny work in the brewery? he knew a lot about hops
- What did bugs bunny save his word processing as? Whats up.doc
- elton John got a treadmill for his pet rabbit It's a little fit bunny
Easter Bunny Jokes
Here is a list of funny easter bunny jokes and even better easter bunny puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Who is the odd one out between.... Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, Bill Cosby and the tooth fairy? The Easter bunny, the rest only come when you are sleeping.
- What type of jewelry does the Easter Bunny wear? 24 carrot
- What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny...
Happy Easter - What does the Easter Bunny listen to while hiding eggs? Hip hop.
- When I was a kid, I used to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy Now that I've grown older, I don't believe in that nonsense any more, thank God.
- Why did Donald Trump lock down the White House when the Easter Bunny was escaping? because his hare is almost gone.
- What's the difference between a male and female chocolate Easter bunny? About a quarter inch of chocolate
- My seven year old figured out Easter this year He said The Easter Bunny isn't real dad. It's really a man dressed as a bunny that hides eggs in your house
- How do things come out of the Easter Bunny? With rear eggularity.
- Easter Kids' Joke Why can't you sniff out Easter Eggs?
(In a tone like you have no idea) "No bunny nose"
-Made up this morning in bed to a very dissatisfied girlfriend
Bunny Rabbit Jokes
Here is a list of funny bunny rabbit jokes and even better bunny rabbit puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What's the difference between a clown and an athletic rabbit? One is a little bit funny and the other is a little fit bunny
- What do you get if you crossbreed a rabbit with an insect? Bugs Bunny
- 3 months ago, Senator McConnell took my rabbit. Mitch better have my bunny.
- Elton John found a baby rabbit at the gym the other day. It's a little fit bunny...
- What's the difference between a rabbit on a treadmill and a rabbit with a carrot stuck up its nose? One is a fit bunny and the other is a bit funny
- What do you get if you cross a frog with a rabbit? A bunny ribbit
- Did you see the treadmill Elton John got for his rabbit? "It's a little fit bunny..."
- What do you call a snuggly rabbit? Hugs Bunny
- What did Elton John say when he saw a muscular rabbit? It's a little fit bunny…
- Elton John has bought a treadmill for his pet rabbit. It's a little fit bunny.

Energizer Bunny Jokes
Here is a list of funny energizer bunny jokes and even better energizer bunny puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Energizer Bunny Arrested Charged with battery.
- Breaking News: Energizer Bunny Arrested Charged with battery
- Why did the energizer bunny go to jail He was charged with battery
- Why did the Energizer Bunny go to jail? because he was charged with battery
- The energizer bunny has been arrested!! Has been charged with battery
- The Energizer bunny was just releases from prison. He was charged with battery.
. . . - Did you hear that the Energizer Bunny was arrested last week? Yeah it's crazy. He was charged with battery.
- I just found out that the Energizer Bunny got arrested! He was charged with battery.
- The Energizer bunny got arrested today! He was arrested for battery.
This was a joke I posted on Facebook 7 years ago. - Police arrested the Energizer Bunny today, Police say he was charged with battery.
Bunny Hop Jokes
Here is a list of funny bunny hop jokes and even better bunny hop puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Why does the Easter Bunny drink IPAs? He loves the hops.
- What type of music does the Easter Bunny like? Hip Hop.
- What do rabbits use to make beer? Bunny hops
- What are four hundred Easter bunnies hopping backwards? A receding hare line.
- Why are bunnies so good at brewing? Cause beer is made with hops.
- How do bunny rabbits like their beer brewed? With lots of hops!
- What do an angry bunny and a pro basketball player have in common? Mad hops.
- What's the Easter Bunny's favorite type of music? Hip Hop!
- What is Easter Bunny's favorite kind of music? Hip-hop, of course!
- Why do alcoholic bunnies love Xmas? It's the hop, hopsiest season of all...

Playful Bunny Jokes to Add Joy and Laughter to Your Group
What funny jokes about bunny you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rabbit jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make bunny pranks.
A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks, "Excuthe me, but do you thell baby bunnieth?".
The pet store owner smiles and says, "Why, yes, sweetheart! We sell all kinds of baby bunnies. Now... what kind of baby bunny would you like? Would you like a baby grey bunny? Or a baby white bunny? Or would you prefer a pretty brown bunny?"
The little girl replies, "I don't think my python weally gives a thit."
The Energizer Bunny died last night...
...of s**... exhaustion. Someone put in his batteries the wrong way and he just kept coming and coming and coming...
What ever happened to the Energizer Bunny?
So the other day I'm talking to a friend about what happened to the Energizer Bunny. It's been quite sometime since I've seen him appear in a commercial. I was always under the impression that he "kept going." My friend proceeds to tell me the Energizer Bunny was arrested last year ,and they charged him with battery. Now it all makes sense.
Whats invisible and smells like carrots?
bunny farts
what do you get when you cross a rabbit and an ant?
Bugs Bunny.
Why didn't the bunny get the job as a marsupial?
He wasn't koalafied!
Why did the bunny find some extra green in his paycheck?
Because he put in a little extra clovertime.
A little girl walks into a pet shop. She asks the owner for a bunny, to which he responds "what kind of bunny would you like? A cute black one, an adorable brown one or perhaps a sweet little white one?"
The girl looks at the owner and answers: "I don't think my python really cares..."
Bad money
What is the difference between an angry rabbit and a counterfeit dollar bill?
One is bad money and the other is a mad bunny.
A tour bus is traveling through Nevada...
it briefly passes by the Bunny Ranch in Carson City.
The guide notes, "We are now passing the largest house of legal prostitution in America"
A man in the back shouts, "WHY?!?"
I'm using my computer to write an essay about Bugs Bunny.
The filename is whatsup.doc
The Energizer Bunny was found dead today from s**... exhaustion
His battery was put in backwards and he just kept coming and coming and coming.
The Energizer bunny was arrested for battery...
It was awful. It took 5 cops to pull him off his wife. He just kept going, and going, and going....
Little Johnny's dad asks him if he knows about the birds and the bees...
Little Johnny claps his hands over his ears and says, "I don't wanna hear anymore! First you tell me there's no Santa Claus, and then there's no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy either. If you're about to tell me grown ups don't have s**..., I got nothin' to believe in anymore!"
An old Yiddish man goes to the Bunny Ranch.
He says to the madam, "I'm looking for a girl who knows how to do it the Jewish way."
One of girls walks over to him and says, "I'm new here, and I want to learn how to do everything, so if you'll teach me how to do it the Jewish way, I'll give it to you for half price."
The man exclaims, "THAT's the Jewish way!"
What do you call a molecule with the structure bunny-O-bunny?
An Ether Bunny!
What did the Duracell Bunny get arrested for?
Assault and battery
Why was the Energizer Bunny tried in court?
He was charged with battery.
Why does Elmer Fudd only let Bug's Bunny eat snickers bars?
Because silly wabbit, twix are for kids!
I was in an elevator with the Easter bunny yesterday
It was a hare raising experience.
Why did the Energizer Bunny need to lawyer up?
He was charged with battery.
Little Johnny and the Birds and the Bees
Little Johnny's father asks him if he knows about the birds and the bees.
"I don't want to know!" Little Johnny says, bursting into tears.
Confused, his father asks what's wrong.
"Oh, Dad," Little Johnny sobs, "first, there was no Santa Claus, then no Easter Bunny, and finally, no Tooth Fairy. If you're about to tell me that grownups don't really have s**..., I've got nothing left to believe in."
Why was the Energizer Bunny sent to jail?
Domestic battery
Did you hear that the Energizer Bunny was arrested?
It's ok; he wasn't charged.
How do you catch a unique bunny?
Unique up on it !
What do you get when you cross a bunny and a Rottweiler?
Just the Rottweiler.
Bugs Bunny at the airport
"Eh, what's up Doc?"
Have you heard that Duracell bunny is in jail?
They say he was charged with battery
Why does the Easter bunny hide his eggs?
He doesn't want anyone to know he's been messing around with a chicken.
(It's the only Easter joke that I know)
So Tim is interviewing for a job.
"I will need you to take a test before I hire you." Says the man. "You have to shoot 5 black men and a bunny"
"Why the bunny" asks Tim?
"Your hired"
My girlfriend complained about her new bunny misbehaving
I said "just give her some thyme".
I gave the pet store $20
Mitch better have my bunny
A little boy is crying, because his pet bunny died...
his mother asks: How does it come you are crying much more now than when your grandma died?
little boy:I didnt have to pay for her with my allowance.
What do you get when you throw a rabbit into your oven during Easter?
A hot cross bunny
What crime did the Energiser Bunny commit?
What do you call a bunny that sings supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
Mary Hoppins
By the way, not to brag, but I got that spelling right without Googling
My kid said I was like the Easter Bunny
He stopped believing in me years ago
DAD: Johnny, do youy know about the birds and the bees?
Little Johnny (Bursting into tears): "I dont want to know!"
Father: "Whats wrong?"
LJ: Oh dad, first there was no Santa Claus, then no Easter bunny and finally no Tooth-Fairy. If you are about to tell me grown-ups don't really have s**..., I've got nothing left to beleive in!
If you're attacked by the Energizer Bunny...
...is he charged with battery?
Three blondes walking through the woods...
One of them stops and points at the ground in excitement saying, "Oh my gosh look. Those are like, bunny tracks!"
"Those are so not bunny tracks. They're deer tracks." The second blonde says in a matter-of-fact tone.
The third blonde, with hands on her hips, says "Your both wrong. They're not bunny tracks and they're not deer tracks. They're-"
A train suddenly hits them.
Remember when Bugs Bunny shot someone because he wouldn't stop coughing?
He did not carrot all.
Bugs Bunny walks into a hospital
He asks his doctor What's up, doc?
The doctor replies Your blood pressure, Bugs.
And if I don't get it sorted out?
The doctor, visually distraught, answers: That's all, folks.
The energiser bunny was arrested today
He was charged with battery
Did you hear the Duracell bunny was in court last week?
He was charged with battery.
When I was a kid, my parents fed me a lot of b**..., like believing in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. But I finally started thinking for myself and realized it was all wishful thinking.
Thank you Jesus!
Bought a vintage Energizer Bunny but accidentally put its batteries in backwards...
Now it keeps coming and coming and...
Hey I heard the energizer bunny got arrested!
He got charged with battery
A little girl walk into a pet shop...
A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks for a bunny. The worker says the fluffy white one or the fluffy brown one ? The girl then says, I don't think my python really cares.
Both of my parents died in a car c**... when I was a kid.
Not only did I lose my parents, but Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny all forgot about me that year too.
Did you hear the awful news? The energizer bunny died of s**... malfunction.
Someone put the battery in backwards and he just kept coming and coming and coming and coming.