
Bunny Hop Jokes

40 bunny hop jokes and hilarious bunny hop puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bunny hop that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Bunny Hop Short Jokes

Short bunny hop jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The bunny hop humour may include short bunny rabbit jokes also.

  1. What does a bunny say when it hops into a garden on the spring equinox? "Lettuce celebrate spring!"
  2. What does a rabbit use to make his beer? Bunny hops!!
    Just came up with this this afternoon so © carteelith777 2018
  3. Why did the the bunny get searched by the police? It was acting like it was all hopped up on something.
  4. Why did the bunny hop to a T-Mobile store? ...because it wanted to join JUMP! On Demand.
  5. Why didn't the bunny hop? No bunny knows... :(
  6. Bunny Beer Why is Bunny Beer so g**...?
    They put too many hops in it!

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Bunny Hop One Liners

Which bunny hop one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with bunny hop? I can suggest the ones about bunny and hopping.

  1. What do you call a group of Bunnys hopping backwards? A receding hair line
  2. Why did the bunny work in the brewery? he knew a lot about hops
  3. What does the Easter Bunny listen to while hiding eggs? Hip hop.
  4. Why does the Easter Bunny drink IPAs? He loves the hops.
  5. What type of music does the Easter Bunny like? Hip Hop.
  6. What do rabbits use to make beer? Bunny hops
  7. What are four hundred Easter bunnies hopping backwards? A receding hare line.
  8. Why are bunnies so good at brewing? Cause beer is made with hops.
  9. How do bunny rabbits like their beer brewed? With lots of hops!
  10. What do an angry bunny and a pro basketball player have in common? Mad hops.
  11. What's the Easter Bunny's favorite type of music? Hip Hop!
  12. What is Easter Bunny's favorite kind of music? Hip-hop, of course!
  13. Why do alcoholic bunnies love Xmas? It's the hop, hopsiest season of all...
  14. Where do bunnies go to get their eyesight checked? The hop-tician!
  15. Why do rabbits always get banned from CS:GO? Because they're always bunny-hopping.

Bunny Hop Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about bunny hop you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bugs bunny jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make bunny hop pranks.

A bunny escapes from a research facility

he runs out of the lab and joins some other bunnies in the field behind the building.
"hey there!" one of the bunnies says. "are you from the lab?"
"yeah. I'm from the lab"
"then you have a lot to learn about being a bunny" one of the other bunnies says.
he teaches the young bunny about how to eat carrots, hop, and etc.
"So, new friend, do you want to stay with us?" the wild bunnies chorus
"I'm sorry, but I have to go back. I'm dying for a cigarette!"

The doctor and the bunny (clean)

A doctor is driving home one dark and stormy night. A few yards ahead, a rabbit bolts out from the forest. Try as he may, the doctor couldn't stop in time and he struck the rabbit.
An animal lover, the good doctor leapt from the car to see if he could help the little guy. But the rabbit was not responsive. He ran back to the car to get his medical bag, but then realized that he was driving his wife's car, and so his bag would not be there. He reached into the glove box and pulled out what he thought was a bottle of water.
Returning to the bunny, he carefully lifted its little head and helped it sip from the bottle. To his amazement, the bunny sprang back to life. The bunny gave him a big wave and then hopped off. It stopped a few feet away and then waved again. Bounding up the hill, once again the little bunny waved. Astonished by the remarkable recovery, the doctor looked at bottle in his hand and read the label out loud, Hair restorer with permanent wave.

A police officer was directing traffic when a little bunny hopped up to him...

The officer picked up the bunny fearing that the little guy would get squished. He waved down a BMW filled with some rich kids. He said, "You guys look responsible. Please take this bunny to the zoo for me." The rich kids took the bunny and said very seriously, "We won't let you down."
The police officer watches as they drive away, happy with himself that he saved an innocent life.
About a week later the officer is in the same spot directing traffic when the same BMW full of rich kids pulls up. One of them jumps out, holding the bunny. He presents the bunny to the officer and says, "Here you go!"
The officer looks back and says, " I thought I told you to take this bunny to the zoo!?"
And the rich kid looks back and says, "We did take him to the zoo...then to the circus...then to the mall...then to the movies...and now we're bringing him back to you!"

All the forest animals are having a big car show..

..shining their rims, getting ready to put their cars on display for the forest folk to see. The bunny is hopping along half drunk and stumbles into the clearing.
"WHOAAHhh bear, that's a sweet lambo, how did you ever afford it?"
"Well bunny, i'm not an alcoholic like you" replies the bear.
The bunny takes another sip of his stashed mickey and hops with his face into the rims of a Ferrari.
"Woaahh Fox, how on earth did you afford this!"
The Fox, grabbing a towel out of its back pocket gives the bunny a dirty look and mutters "I don't spend every acorn i earn on booze.."
The bunny, amazed, takes another swig of v**... and hops his way back into the woods.
As everyone is adding the finishing touches to their rides, ready to open the show to the public, a helicopter lands in the middle of it all with the bunny in the pilot seat. He barely makes two hops and throws up.
"Wow bunny.. how on earth did you ever manage to afford that?!" the amazed onlookers exclaim.
" *hic*.. turned in my empties"