
Bunker Jokes

29 bunker jokes and hilarious bunker puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bunker that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Laugh your way through the archives of Archie Bunker's tank jokes! Check out our collection of the most hilarious jokes about tanks, holes and bunkers. Enjoy some of the best punchlines and gags as you find shelter from the mundane.

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Funniest Bunker Short Jokes

Short bunker jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The bunker humour may include short bunk bed jokes also.

  1. So President Trump got into his Bunker because of the Riots. As a german Guy I can say from experience that from this moment its not getting any better.
  2. Get to the bunker, a nuclear bomb is dropping "You can't force me in a bunker, I am an American, I have rights"
  3. Roseanne was fired from the Roseanne Show but re-hired to be the female Archie Bunker for the All in the Family re-boot
  4. What is Trump doing down in the bunker right now? He's down there restocking the cupboards that President Obama left empty.
  5. For all of his faults, h**... was noteworthy as a dedicated artist. In fact, the last thing he did before he died was paint the wall of his bunker.
  6. What do you call b**... in an underground bunker? What do you call b**... in an underground bunker?
    Prepper spray
  7. In light of Trump's increasing volume of golf: What's the difference between h**... and Trump? It only took h**... one shot to get out of the bunker he ended up in after succumbing to Russia.
  8. h**... was a keen golfer..... He even wrote a book on it, it was titled 'How to get out of a bunker with one shot.'
  9. They have a lot in common Both were loved by n**...
    Both feared Americans
    Both conducted regular bunker inspections
  10. TIL: h**... was a very emotional golfer ...Every time his ball went into a bunker, he became suicidal!

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Bunker One Liners

Which bunker one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with bunker? I can suggest the ones about tunnel and cave.

  1. I hit two good balls out golfing today. I stepped on the bunker rake.
  2. Why does Trump love playing golf.? Because he can hide in a bunker.
  3. Why Does Trump Love Golf? ...because there's bunkers!
  4. Where did the jews go when they bunked work? The bunker
  5. Why was the battle of Bunker Hill so slippery? Because the British were coming!
  6. Why did h**... storm off the golf course? He quit after one shot in the bunker.
  7. What was the code to h**...'s secret bunker? NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN!
  8. I hit 2 good b**... today on the golf course I stepped on a rake in the bunker.
  9. What's h**...'s favorite part of a golf course? The bunker
  10. Why didn't h**... like golf? He never got out of the bunker.
  11. How do you know that h**... was a bad golfer? He killed himself in the bunker!
  12. Where did h**... go to hide from fake news? De bunker

Bunker joke, Where did h**... go to hide from fake news?

Cheeky Bunker Jokes to Experience Good Cheer & Frivolity

What funny jokes about bunker you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean basement jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make bunker pranks.

h**... is in his Bunker

One day, h**... is in his bunker planning his strategy for the next phase of the war when there is a knock at the door. He says "enter" and Goebbels walks in.
"What is it Goebbels? Can't you see I'm busy?!" asks h**..., clearly irritated.
"Mein Fuhrer," says Goebbels, "I have news. The Italians joined the war today."
"No problem," replies h**..., "send a division against them."
"Mein Fuhrer, they are on our side."
"Ah," says h**..., "then send two divisions."

A blonde, a brunette and a redhead spy get caught behind enemy lines...

The enemy puts each of them against a fence to be shot.
The general orders his squad, "Ready. Aim."
The brunette spy is quick on her feet and yells, "TORNADO! TORNADO! TORNADO!"
The entire firing squad goes to the bunker to hide and waits for the tornado to pass. The brunette then unties her b**... and escapes. The redhead spy sees this and comes up with her own plan. The firing squad returns to kill the remaining two spies.
The general orders again, "Ready. Aim."
The redhead spy then shouts, "EARTHQUAKE! EARTHQUAKE! EARTHQUAKE!"
The enemy takes cover from the earthquake. The redhead spy then unties her b**... and escapes. The blonde spy is no dumby she gets an idea of her own. The firing squad returns to kill the last remaining spy.
The general orders once more, "Ready. Aim."
The blonde spy ready to run yells, "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!"

Putin steps away from the war room to use the restroom...

As he sits he hears alarms and red flashes fill the bunker. He hears his men running around and without hesitation he jumps up, pulls up his pants and runs our to see what the commotion is.
He asks the next in command the situation: "ICBM Mr President!"
Putin replies "I WAS IN A HURRY, I DIDNT WIPE!"

How do you escape from a windowless bunker with a sealed vault door using only a rubber band and a puddle of water?

1).Look into the puddle and see what you saw.
2). Pick up the saw and cut the rubber band in half
3).Pick up the 2 halves of the rubber band.
4). 1 half plus 1 half equals 1 whole.
5). Use the whole on the door and escape.

Bunker joke, Roseanne was fired from the Roseanne Show