
Bulk Jokes

25 bulk jokes and hilarious bulk puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bulk that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Bulk Short Jokes

Short bulk jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The bulk humour may include short batch jokes also.

  1. I've decided to get help with my drug habit. I've managed to convince some friends to give me bulk discounts.
  2. My son was told to bulk up, so he eats seafood 5 times a week... ...because he needs those mussels.
  3. We got our Seasonal bulk in at work today and got Pumpkin Spice Motor Oil. It's for Autumnmobiles
  4. Why was the mushroom invited to the party? He had a connection to a guy who could get cheap beer when buying in bulk, and he had connections to a family member of the host.
    Oh and he was a fungi.
  5. Did you hear about the new xbox brand bulk shipping container? It was an xbox xbox box box.

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Bulk One Liners

Which bulk one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with bulk? I can suggest the ones about pack and bags.

  1. Does Dwayne Johnson purchase bulk shears? No.
    The Rock pay per scissors
  2. Where can you buy soup in bulk? The stock market.
  3. I like my women like I like my cigars. Cuban, shipped in bulk and 7 years old.
  4. What does Matthew McConaughey eat when trying to bulk up? All rice, all rice, all rice
  5. Costco stock was down today more than $6 Nobody bought their shares in bulk.
  6. Do you know the best thing to get in bulk at Aldi's? Aldi's nuts.
  7. Have you heard that Takeshi69 has been taking supplements to bulk up in Prison? Treywhey
  8. What do scientists eat to bulk up in the gym? Amino acid shake.
  9. Where do Jewish people go to save money on bulk food? Holocaust-co.
  10. Why are fat h**... cheap? It's a bulk discount.
  11. What do Mormons say when they go to the s**... club? Do they come in bulk?

Bulk joke, What do Mormons say when they go to the s**... club?

Uproarious Bulk Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time

What funny jokes about bulk you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean density jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make bulk pranks.

R.I.P. dad

My dad passed away yesterday (this is true). He was 87 and had a good innings. We've done the bulk of our grieving and all is good. My brother sent me this message this morning:
"I reckon dad has already told Eddie Van Halen to turn the volume down."

So a blind man walks into a bar..

A blind man walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "Hey, do you wanna hear a blonde joke?"
The bartender replies "Look buddy, im blonde, and I am 200 pounds of pure muscle. The guy next to you is blond too, and he is 250 pounds, and the guy on the other side is also blonde, he is 300 pounds of bulk, are you still sure you want to tell that joke?"
The blind man replies "Never mind, I dont wanna have to repeat it 5 times."


In 1912, the Titanic sank and everyone still talks about it to this day.
But only weeks after the incident, another ship fell victim to the harsh ocean. This was a large cargo ship that contains various products that were supposed to be delivered to Mexico, among them were sugar, coffee beans, but the bulk of the shipment comprised of mayonnaise. You see, Mexicans love mayonnaise. That's why when it happened on a sad day in May 5th, the whole mexican wept for the fallen sailors and the delicious products they were supposed to enjoy.
Since then, the day of mourning came to be: >!Sinko De Mayo!<

Bulk joke, Why was the mushroom invited to the party?