Buddhist Temple Jokes
5 buddhist temple jokes and hilarious buddhist temple puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about buddhist temple that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Happy Buddhist Temple Jokes for a Lighthearted Night with Friends
What is a good buddhist temple joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
What did the Buddhist monk say when asked to leave his temple?
'Nah imma stay.'
A Zen Buddhist and a Christian got in a fight over a neighborhood nativity scene last winter. The Buddhist trashed the 3 Wisemen display right before he went to temple.
They charged him with premeditated myrrhder.
Why didn't the gorilla join the Buddhist temple?
It was too monk-y.
Two friends are hanging out at a buddhist temple
One says to the other "I think im gonna go man, you coming?"
The other says "nah-mastay"
A priest, a rabbi and a Buddhist monk were talking
about how they paid themselves every week after the worshippers donated to the temple, church etc.
The Priest: I have a good method. I draw a circle on the ground, step in the middle and throw all the donated money up on the air. With the grace of God whatever falls in the circle is my salary and outside belongs to the church.
The monk: how interesting, I almost do the same thing. But I believe what falls within the circle belongs to the monastery and outside is mine.
The rabbi chimes in, oh my God, we all think alike. I do the same thing. I draw a circle, get in the middle of it and throw all the donations in the air. What stays up in the air belongs to the temple and what falls on the ground is mine!
Note: Before labeling me an anti-semite, be advised my uncle (an Orthodox Rabbi) is the one who told me this joke, which he was told 50+ years ago in Yeshiva.
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