Buck Jokes
181 buck jokes and hilarious buck puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about buck that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Discovering the funniest buck jokes out there. From the big buck to buck teeth, we'll have you laughing at these hilarious stories and puns - perfect for a cowboy get-together or a giggle-filled elk hunt. Whether you like to pass the buck or make references to Buck Norris, these buck jokes will have everyone in stitches.
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Funniest Buck Short Jokes
Short buck jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The buck humour may include short porcupine jokes also.
- Two deer walk out of a gay bar One turns and says to the other, "I can't believe I just blew thirty bucks in there."
- Two deer walk out of a gay bar One looks at the other and says, man, I blew like, twenty bucks in there!
- This past week I made a couple bucks selling fake eclipse glasses I'm not to worried though, those suckers will never see me again.
- I walked into a store and noticed they were selling deer nuts for $1.25 Every other time I've seen them, they were under a buck.
- two deer are leaving a gay bar one turns to the other and says "I cant believe I blew 40 bucks in there"
- What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts are a dollar fifty. Deer nuts are always under a buck...
I'll see myself out now. - I'm definitely the loser if I run over a deer. It's going to cost me hundreds of dollars. But nature is only out a buck.
- Whats the difference between deer nuts and beer nuts Beer nuts are $1.50 a lb. And deer nuts are under a buck.
- What did the gay deer say when he left the bar? I can't believe I blew fifty bucks in there.
- Two deer walk out of a gay bar. The one deer turns to his friend and says "Man, I blew like 30 bucks in there."
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Buck One Liners
Which buck one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with buck? I can suggest the ones about bunny and bumper.
- I am selling my username. It's just under a buck.
- "You look like a million bucks", said bill gates disappointedly to his wife.
- A gay deer walks out of a bar and says, "Man I can't believe I blew 50 bucks in there!"
- What do female reindeer do for fun? Go into town and blow a couple hundred bucks.
- What does a sick billionaire say? "I feel like a million bucks"
- How much do pirates charge for piercings? A buck an ear.
- How much did it cost the pirate to have his ears pierced? A buck an ear
- Who wants to buy my account? It's just under a buck.
- If I got a dime every time I exaggerated... I'd have a jillion, gazillion bucks!
- I traded some deers in exchange of a car. This car costed me a couple of bucks.
- What are the cheapest kind of nuts? Deer nuts, they're under a buck.
- What do you call 50 female pigs and 50 male deer? A hundred sows and bucks.
- How much do pirates pay for earrings? Somewhere around a buck an ear.
- A deer walks out of a gay bar... "Wow. I can't believe I just blew sixty bucks!"
- How much does a pirate pay for corn? A buck an ear
Deer Buck Jokes
Here is a list of funny deer buck jokes and even better deer buck puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- A gay deer goes into a bar..... A gay deer goes into a bar, hangs out for a couple of hours, blows 42 bucks.
- Two deer walk out of a gay bar. One says to the other, I can't believe I blew 20 bucks in there!
- A skunk, a deer and a duck went out to dinner… When it came time to pay, the skunk didn't have a scent and the deer didn't have a buck, so they put the meal on the duck's bill.
- What did the gay deer say after leaving the club? I can't believe I blew ten bucks in there.
- Wound you be rich if you had 50 female pigs and 50 male deer? Of course you would, you'd have 100 sows and bucks
- A gay deer walks into a bar After a long night he comes stumbling out and says, "I can't believe I just blew 50 bucks in there"
- So a deer walks into a gay bar... Two hours and several drinks later, he walks out and says to himself, "Wow. I can't believe I blew fifty bucks back there..."
- I caught my neighbor attaching a rocket engine to a deer, so I immediately reported him to the authorities... Shame on him for trying to make a quick buck!
- Two deer are leaving a gay bar... and one say to the other in disappointment "man, I can't believe I blew 20 bucks in there"
- What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts are a $1.25 but deer nuts are always under a buck.
Buck And Doe Jokes
Here is a list of funny buck and doe jokes and even better buck and doe puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What did the Doe say when she walked out of the bushes? I'll never do that for two bucks again.
- A doe walks out of the woods.... A doe walks out of the woods, shakes herself off and says, "Well. I'll never do THAT for two bucks again.".
- What did the doe say when she came out of the woods? I'm never doing that for two bucks again!
- If I got a buck for every deer joke that I've told... I'd have a lot of doe...
- I saw a deer yesterday. I asked it if it had any doe. It said yeah, about two bucks.
- I inherited my uncle's deer breeding business worth 50 million bucks That's a lot of doe
- A doe came running out of the forest: "That's the last time I do that for two bucks."
- What'd the doe say as she walked out of the forest? Last time I'm doing *that* for two bucks.
- A doe walks through the forest and says That's the last time I'm doing that for 2 bucks.
- What did the doe say when it left the forest? "That's the last time I do that for a couple bucks."

Big Buck Jokes
Here is a list of funny big buck jokes and even better big buck puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I know a man who is so good at taxidermy, the level of detail is incredible and he really brings the animal to life, especially deer... That's why he makes the big bucks.
- Why did Sarah name her pet Fawn 99 Cents? Because it wasn't big enough to be a Buck.
- My rap album never made big-bucks Cause of the diss-counts
- Yurt? Something Uncle Bobby yells down to you after you've accidentally fallen from the tree stand while hunting big game bucks in the heart of the forests of Appalachia.
- What did the Japanese buck say to the doe he was courting? I don't know how to put this but...I'm kind of a big deer.
- How do you start making big bucks? With a little doe
- As a mohel, I get big bucks... and little tips.
Buck Teeth Jokes
Here is a list of funny buck teeth jokes and even better buck teeth puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What will the dentist give you for $1? Buck teeth!
- My dentist offered to give me dentures for only a dollar. It sounded like a good deal at the time, but now I have buck teeth.
- What do you get when you visit the dentist with a dollar? Buck-teeth!
- He only had a dollar... Did you hear about the guy who went to the dentist to get new dentures?
His insurance was denied and he only had a dollar on him...so he wound up with buck teeth. - I went to the dentist with a dollar the other day. I got buck teeth.
- What kind of teeth can you buy with a dollar? Buck teeth!
- What do you call an anorexic with buck teeth? A rake
- Why should you never trust a deer as a dentist Becuase it'll give you buck teeth
- Tooth sale Two buck teeth for 1$ buck
- When do rabbits have buck teeth?
When their parents won't get them braces.
Uncle Buck Jokes
Here is a list of funny uncle buck jokes and even better uncle buck puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- My uncle hit a deer with his car He would anything for a buck

Howlingly Hilarious Buck Jokes for an Unforgettable Evening
What funny jokes about buck you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean cluck jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make buck pranks.
what do h**... and guns have in common?
the customer wants the most bang for their buck.
Three chinese emigrate to USA
Bu, Lu and Fu from China goes to America, but in order to get around easier, they decide to Americanize their names. Thus, Bu becomes Buck, Lu becomes Luck, and Fu...well, he goes back to China.
Fiddy Cent just had a kid.
They named him after his father but adjusted for inflation. They call him Buck Fiddy.
Chinese Immigrants
Three Chinese brothers tried to migrate into America. The first brother was name Bu, the second was name Chu and the third was called Fu. Bu changed his name to Buck, Chu changed his name to Chuck and Fu got sent back to China.
How much did the pirate spend on his earings?
A buck an ear.
Ethiopian jokes I've heard from over the years.
What do you call an Ethiopian with a yeast infection?
A quarter pounder with cheese
What do you call an Ethiopian with buck teeth?
A rake
What do you call 10 Ethiopians carrying a canoe over their heads?
A comb
What do you call an Ethiopian with a club foot?
A gulf club.
A guy with a wooden eye goes to a dance.
He searches the room for a lady ugly enough to dance with someone like himself. He spots one with jutting buck-teeth. He asks, "Will you dance with me?" She replies excitedly, "Would I!?" He angrily yells back at her, "BUCK TEETH!"
A cute one I heard from a friend at work.
Three animals walk into a bar; A duck,a skunk and a deer. They go up to the bar and order 3 drinks. "5 dollars" Says the bartender. The deer looks at the duck and says "I don't have a buck to my name!" the skunk cries "I have no money, not even a scent!" but the duck says to the bartender "It's alright, just put it on my bill".
what's the difference between a normal consumer and a p**...?
A normal consumer aims to get the most bang for their buck. A p**... aims to get the most buck for their bang.
Jack and Jill went up the hill, both with a buck and a quarter....
Jill came down with two fifty.
How Much Did the Pirate Charge For Corn?
A buck an ear
What's the difference between a counterfeit dollar and a skinny woman?
One is a phony buck...
A bucket goes to the doctor
The bucket was feeling ill, and decided to go to a physician.
The doctor, seeing as this was a new patient, asked him, "tell me about yourself first."
"Well, I can hold about 1/2 a gallon of liquid. I'm 3 years old, and I have to tell you, I feel pretty under the weather."
The doctor replied, "I can tell. You seem to be a little pail."
There's 3 chinese brothers...
Bu, Chu, and Fu and they want to illgally sneak into America. So they decide to change their names to sound more American. Bu, changes his to Buck. Chu, changes his to Chuck. And Fu, got sent back to China.
What do you get with legalized prostitution and a highly competitive marketplace?
The best bang for your buck.
There's a sale on deer t**....
They're under a buck.
I s**... at sports events
It's a good way to make a quick buck.
Me and Tim a hunting went...
...Met three w**... in a pop-up tent. They was three and we was two, so I buck one and Timbuktu.
Three Chinese went to America..
Three Chinese named Chu, Bu, and Fu went to America.
Upon reaching there they decided to Americanise their names.
So Chu became Chuck, Bu became Buck..
And Fu decided to return to China.
What do you get from a dollar-an-hour h**...?
A lot of bang for your buck.
I patented a new bullet that will kill 2 deer at once
You get more buck for your bang!
Did you hear about the hunter who traded a prize deer for a high class p**...?
He got the best bang for his buck
How much did the pirate pay to get his ears pierced?
A buck 'n ear
What is the cheapest meat?
Deer t**....
They're under a Buck.
I've always liked prostitutes...
Personally, I feel like they give me the most bang for the buck.
Once, a bucket of Sodium Hydroxide slipped out of Skrillex's hands.
He dropped the base.
Buckwheat has converted to Islam
He is now known as Kareem of wheat.
My new bucket really does its job well.
My old one pails in comparison.
How much money does it cost to make Captain America cry?
One buck
How much does it cost to kill Tony Stark's parents?
Just one buck.
Man, I sure am mad about the rising bullet prices...
Now I get less bang for my buck!
A Chinese family of 5 decided to immigrate to the United States
Chu, Bu, Hu, Su and Fu were told that in order to get a visa, they would have to Americanize their names.
Chu became Chuck.
Bu became Buck.
Hu became Huck.
Su and Fu decided to stay in China.
Why are programmers so good at poetry?
Well, all words rhyme in binary.
I got kicked out of a brothel for breaking the "no pets" rule...
I was just trying to get more bang for my buck.
There once was a family of 5 from China.
Their names were Hu, Fu, Bu, Su and Chu. They wanted to move to the USA so they had to americanize their names. Hu became Huck, Bu became Buck, and Chu became Chuck. Fu and Su stayed in China.
Once, there was 3 chinese people who wanted to go to America.
Their names were Bu, Chu, and Fu. Since these names would sound awfully weird, Bu said, "I'll change me name to Buck, adding c**... to the end." Chu then said, "then I'll become Chuck." After a long pause, Fu said, "I guess I'll go back to China."
A duck, a deer, a skunk and an elephant are sitting in a bar
The end of the night rolls around and the waitress asks who is going to pay the tab.
The duck says that he can't pay because he only has one bill.
The deer says that she had a buck on her last night, but won't have any doe until spring.
The skunk says he can't pay because he only has one scent.
Finally, the elephant says "It's okay boys, the highballs are on me!"
I went to a brothel that took deer as payment
They described it as the best bang for your buck
I prefer cheap brothels.
They provide the most bang for your buck.
A mathematician, a physicist, and a statistician all go hunting.
After sitting quietly on a hillside for a few hours, they spot a buck in the field below.
The mathematician measures up his shot and does some rough calculations on bullet drop, then fires. He misses about 5 feet to the left.
The physicist says "you forgot to account for wind!" He lines up his shot, and over-corrects, missing by about 5 feet to the right.
They both look over at the statistician, who proclaims: "We hit him!"
What do you call a buck on hormones?
Which is the better deal, YouTube Red or PornHub Premium?
PornHub Premium; you get far more bang for your buck.
What do you call a cheap stripper?
Buck n**...
When hunters go ammunition shopping, they have a reputation for being cheapskates...
They're always trying to get the best bang for their buck
Three Chinese friends, Chu, Bu and Fu, decided to immigrate to the United States
In order to get their visas, they needed to change their names to something more American. Chu became Chuck, Bu became Buck and Fu decided to travel back to China
Three chinese men applied for citizenship in USA
They were accepted on the condition that they changed their names.
Bu became Buck.
Chu became Chuck.
And Fu went back to China.
What's the difference between a fake dollar bill and a skinny p**...?
One's a phony buck
How much would a pirate sell corn for?
About a buck an ear.
Three Chinese brothers
Bu, Chu and Fu came to America to live their American dream.
Bu changed his name to Buck, went into banking and became very rich.
Chu changed his name to Chuck, got a car dealership and also became rich.
Fu decided to go back to China.
Fu, Bu and Chu are three Chinese men.
One day, they decided to move to the USA.
They also decided to change their names, as to not be discriminated against.
Chu changed his name to Chuck.
Bu changed his name to Buck.
And Fu decided to go back to China.
Hitting a deer with your car is always an unfair trade.
You're out the cost of the insurance deductible, but nature is only out a buck.
Three brothers moved to America from China.
The brothers names were Chu, Bu, and Fu. These brothers decided they wanted more American sounding names so they went to City Hall to change them.
Chu decided to go by Chuck, Bu decided to go by Buck, and Fu went back to China.
What's the different between beer nuts and deer nuts?
One of them is a dollar fifty and the other is just under a buck.
What is cheaper? Deer nuts or beer nuts?
Deer nuts, because they are always under a buck.
3 Animals Feast
A duck, a skunk, and a deer went out for dinner at a restaurant one night. When it came time to pay;
The skunk didn't have a scent,
The deer didn't have a buck,
So they put the meal on the duck's bill
There was 5 Chinese immigrants. Their names were chu, lu, bu, fu, and su.
When they decided to go to America, they decided to change their names to something more western. They renamed themselves:
Chuck, luck, and buck. Fu and Su didn't get a passport because they committed tax fraud.
What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?
Beer nuts are $1.79. Deer nuts are just under a buck
ME: I trained this chicken to talk.
HER: Let's hear then.
ME: What's a male deer called?
ME: How much is 200 pennies worth?
CHICKEN: Buck Buck
HER: This is dumb.
CHICKEN: It gets way better, Susan.
Deer nuts are always the same price worldwide....
Always under a buck! lol
My 11 year old son told me this joke today and thought I'd share with everyone.
What does the buck call his wife?
How much did it cost HYDRA to kill Tony Stark's parents?
One Buck.
A buck wearing a robe and clutching a bible was found dead near a rural highway...
The person who found the animal exclaimed "Deer Lord" upon its discovery.
I just opened a deer cloning business...
It's for anyone looking to make a quick buck.
So, I trained a chicken to talk
WIFE: Well, let's see
ME: What's a male deer?
ME: How much is 200 pennies?
CHICKEN: Buck Buck
WIFE: This is s**.... Chickens just make that sound
ME: Oh believe me it gets better
CHICKEN: Yeah, just be patient Susan
What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?
Beer nuts usually are about $1-$2, but you can usually find deer nuts under a buck.
Whats the best way to get a quick buck
By teaching a deer to run
I bought a used Lamborghini cheap with hopes of making a quick buck. My friend offered to flip it for me.
He was as good as his word. The f**... is Thursday.
There was a Russian man who was a collector of supernatural oddities.
An American man heard about him, and decided to try his luck at making a quick buck. He arranged a meeting, and presented a thin gauzy cloth to the man.
"This may look like cloth, but it is actually 100%, genuine ghost skin."
The Russian man leaned in, carefully examining the cloth, and running his finger lightly across it. He then turned and looked the American square in the eyes.
"I call boo sheet."
What do you call a p**... with low prices?
More bang for your buck
Did you know, the cheapest type of meat you can purchase is a deers b**...?
Its because they're under a buck
Buckwheat converted to Islam in his later years
Now he goes by Kareem A Wheat