
Brutal Jokes

36 brutal jokes and hilarious brutal puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about brutal that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Do you like jokes that are so brutal they’re almost grisly? Look no further! This article contains unrelenting yo mama, ginger, orphan, and bald jokes that will make your sides split. Prepare yourself for some of the most brutal jokes out there!

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Funniest Brutal Short Jokes

Short brutal jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The brutal humour may include short brute jokes also.

  1. I saw a skinny guy getting brutally beat up by 5 huge guys! I'm not the hero type, but still decided to help out. It felt good being on the winning side for once.
  2. A man was walking in the street one day when he was brutally beaten and robbed. A psychologist ran up to him and exclaimed, "My God! Whoever did this really needs help!"
  3. A man walks into a gym and kills everyone there brutally After the investigation, the police state that the victims could only be described as ripped and shredded
  4. Got fired for being brutally honest... My boss told me to leave my problems at the door so I told him to go stand by the door.
  5. Xbox one and PS4 got into a brutal fight, someone called an ambulance Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U
  6. He was such a brutal fighter that, after slaying the tigress in the arena, he proceeded to devour her flesh. And he felt no remorse. He was Gladiator.
  7. What is the difference between black, morbid and brutal humor? Black humor - 12 children in one trash can
    Morbid humor - 1 children in 12 trash cans
    Brutal humor - 12 trash cans in one children
  8. Why hasn't Jesus returned? Would you want to hang out with a bunch of people who wear reminders of how you were brutally tortured and killed the last time you saw them?
  9. -40° outside sounds brutally cold, Fahrenheit or Celsius. My friend Kelvin just rolled his eyes.
  10. I was standing next to a guy before he was brutally stabbed. It was a near-death experience.

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Brutal One Liners

Which brutal one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with brutal? I can suggest the ones about cruel and ruthless.

  1. 2020 has been brutal this year Now it's just Ruthless
  2. Is it just me, or is the US Supreme Court getting increasingly brutal? Ruthless, even.
  3. Knock Kncok Who's there?
    Police brutality
    Police brutal...
  4. A neckbeard was brutally murdered in a cornfield It was very M'Cob
  5. Finger Brutality is real against boogers It's a civil rights tissue
  6. The most negative and brutal takedown I've ever seen. EA's karma
  7. What do you call a car that becomes a brutal dictator? Sedan Hussein
  8. What happens when we put white people in power Police brutality.
  9. When you make chips from potatoes, those potatoes are brutally a-salted.
  10. What is the hardest, most brutal dance that exists? North-Coreography
  11. a death fetishist finds out that his wife was brutally murdered. He came fast.
  12. Brutal childhood of pepper When pepper is naughty, it gets grounded.
  13. Yo mama so brutal… She killed the Dead Sea
  14. What does a brutally ugly woman use for contraception? Her face.
  15. Why was the black person sad? Why was the black person sad?
    Police Brutality

Brutal joke, Why was the black person sad?

Fun-Filled Brutal Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle

What funny jokes about brutal you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean horrific jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make brutal pranks.

For you guitarists out there...

After going through a brutal divorce, a woman decides to get revenge. She goes to get ex's house, and proceeds to destroy each and every one of his guitars. When she gets to court, the judge asks her;
"First offender?"
She replies; "No. First a Gibson, then a Fender."

A warlord was looking for some supplemental troops.

He thought he found the most merciless and brutal mercenary company but their receptionist answered the phone...
"My name is Ruth, how may I be of assistance today?"

So an Australian wakes up from his coma in a hospital after a brutal car c**......

...and the first thing he sees is a beautiful nurse!
So he asks her, "Did I come here to die?"
The nurse replies, "Nope, you came here yesterday."

A body has been found at Real Madrid manager Zinedine Zidane's house, in what seems to have been a brutal attack.

Police are saying it's m**... on Zidane's floor

Yesterday was brutal. I forgot to apply the parking brake on my car...

And then it just went downhill from there.

My GF was brutal when we moved. Told me anything not used in the past 6 months had to go...

I just looked down and gave my condolences

Saw an old friend walking back from the protest yesterday...

I asked him how it was, he goes "great, we're finally gonna overturn our brutal capitalist society" then asked me if I wanted to get a shake at McDonald's

What's the difference between a brutal military overthrow and a Volkswagen Beetle made out of mucus?

One's a vicious coup and the other is a viscous coupe.

Just for laughs, I named my newborn son 'Someoneyourownsize'

Soon I will teach him brutal marital arts

I heard the police raided my neighbors house on suspicion of a brutal m**......

... When they charged into the bathroom they found Head and Shoulders.

Women will not have true equality with men until...

They have a brutal dictator of their own, that genocides millions of their own citizens.

Sophie turner (sansa stark) in brother in law's wedding

Aunties in Indian wedding can be more brutal than Frey's in Red Wedding.

Brutal joke, What is the hardest, most brutal dance that exists?