Brother Jokes
189 brother jokes and hilarious brother puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about brother that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Make your brother laugh with our hilarious collection of jokes about brothers! Whether he's your brother in law, your brother from another mother, your best man, your sis, or your childhood tepee mate - these jokes are sure to get a smile from your mom.
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Funniest Brother Short Jokes
Short brother jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The brother humour may include short sister jokes also.
- I finally realized my parents favored my twin brother. It hit me when they asked me to blow up balloons for his surprise birthday party.
- What did our parents do to kill boredom before the internet? I asked my 10 brothers and sisters, but they don't know either.
- My brother who has a stutter is in prison. It's just heartbreaking knowing he will never finish his sentence.
- What is something with 8 eyes, 8 leg, and 8 hands? 8 pirates
My little brother told me this joke and I am so proud of him. - A hungry traveler stopped at a monastery and was taken to the kitchen where a brother was frying chips... "Are you the friar?" he asked.
The brother replied "No. I'm the chip monk." - Its funny how we all sleep differently. I sleep on my side, my brother sleeps on his back, my ex sleeps with everybody...that sorta thing.
- My brother just broke the record by downing 22 Russian jets in Ukraine He'll forever be remembered as the worst mechanic in the Russian Air Force
- My Mum used to feed my brother and I by saying 'Here comes the train', and we always ate the food straight away. Otherwise she wouldn't untie us from the tracks.
- Yesterday my brother uploaded a status on Facebook. He wrote in his facebook status "I love my girlfriend <3"
I knew that he liked them young but this is getting out of hand. - When I professed my love to a female friend she told me she loved me like a brother... We are from the south so things are going good.
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Brother One Liners
Which brother one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with brother? I can suggest the ones about bros and comrade.
- Bruce Lee was fast, but he had an even faster brother… Sudden Lee
- My parents named me after my older brother. And before my younger brother.
- Happy Ramadan to all my Muslim brothers and sisters! This month, lunch is on me.
- We all know Albert Einstein was a genius.. But his brother Frank was a monster.
- I was named after my older brother. And before my younger brother.
- I got a PS5 for my brother. Best trade ever.
- Today i have met the vegetarian brother of Bruce Lee Brocco Lee
- My brother and I laugh at how Competitive we were as kids. But I laugh more.
- My brother just threw a milk carton at me How dairy.
- My HP printer died today It was like a Brother to me.
- My brother asked me to describe myself in 3 words... Lazy
- I met Bruce Lee's vegetarian brother Broco Lee
- Why don't robots have any brothers? They all have transisters.
- What does a black man call a black lawyer? A brother in law
- My brother's daughter and I fell down on hard pavement My knees hurt
Your Brother Jokes
Here is a list of funny your brother jokes and even better your brother puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Y'know, I was feeling sad after my crush told me that she liked me as a brother, But then I realized that she was from Alabama.
- I was walking past a homeless man when he yelled, "Stephen King is my older brother and he stole the ideas for all his novels from me!" I replied, "Surely you must be Joe."
- I was tickling my brothers feet last night... ...and my mum woke up and had a right go at me. It was something about waiting until he's born first.
- Why girls don't have willys Little brother came into the kitchen and declared "mom, now I know why girls don't have willys! They fall off, and I found yours under your pillow"
- I wonder what my parents did to fight boredom before the Internet was a thing I asked my 17 brothers and sisters, and they didn't know either
- My brother wanted to play cowboys and indians So I put on a ten gallon hat and and chaps and he went to MIT and graduated in computer science.
- When i was a boy, i had a disease that required me to eat dirt three times a day in order to stay alive... It's a good thing my brother told me about it
- I told my dad to embrace his mistakes... I told my dad to embrace his mistakes.
He cried.
Then he hugged me and my brother. - The worst part about spring... Getting sued by the Fine Brothers for having an allergic reaction.
- Never hit a man with eyeglasses Use your fist instead.
>Enthusiastically told by my 6 year old brother, I thought it was worth sharing.
Sister Brother Jokes
Here is a list of funny sister brother jokes and even better sister brother puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- If a man and a woman get married in Tennessee then move to Texas and get divorced… Are they still brother and sister?
- I've always wondered what my parents did for fun before the internet... So I asked my 27 brothers and sisters and they don't know either.
- How did my parents combat boredom before the internet? I asked my 26 brothers and sisters and they didn't know either.
- Teacher - how did our grandparents kill time without smartphones or internet ? Student- I've already asked this question to my mum, her 5 brothers and 7 sisters !!
- I wondered what my parents did to pass time when they were younger. I asked my 19 brothers and sisters but they didn't know either.
- I wonder what my parents did before the internet I asked my 17 brothers and sisters and they didn't know either
- I've always wondered what parents used to do for fun before the internet. I'll go ask my twelve brothers and sisters.
- How did our grandparents killed time when there were no Smartphones and Internet? I already asked my mom, her four sisters and five brothers.
- I often wonder what my parents did to fill their time before the internet was invented... ...I've asked my 17 brothers and sisters and they don't know either...
- Sister: Did my brother come from heaven? Mother: Yes.
Sister: Well, I don't blame the angels for chucking him out

Brother Sister Jokes
Here is a list of funny brother sister jokes and even better brother sister puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Why don't robots have brothers? Because they only have trans-sisters
- I've always wondered what my parents did to ease boredom before the internet was invented My 19 brothers and sisters don't seem to know either.
- If patricide is killing your father, matricide is killing your mother, and fratricide is killing your brother... Is pesticide killing your sister?
- What did our parents do to kill time before the internet? I asked my 21 brothers and sisters and they had no clue either.
- What did our parents do when they were bored back in the days before the internet or video games? I asked this question to my 24 brothers and sisters too...
- A sister got a PS5 for her younger brother on Rakhi.
Best trade ever!
- I wonder what my parents did to fight boredom before the internet? I asked my 18 brothers and sisters and they don't know either.
- A new law recently passed in Arkansas. When a man and woman are divorced, they can still be brother and sister.
- What happens when a brother thinks he is ugly?
After that, he thinks of his sister and feels better.
- I was wondering what my parents did for fun before the internet I had no idea and neither did any of my 27 brothers and sisters
Brother And Sister Jokes
Here is a list of funny brother and sister jokes and even better brother and sister puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- My parents just told me they'd love another child. I said, I'd love a little brother or sister! They said, That's not what we meant.
- Why did a brother tell a sister to go sit in the middle of the highway? Because that's where accidents belong.
- I wondered what my parents did to kill boredom before the internet. I mean, I asked my 26 brothers and sisters and none of them had a clue.
- What did our parents do when they were bored with no internet? I asked my 18 brothers and sisters and they didn't know either.
- I found my brother in bed with my girlfriend yesterday. I couldn't believe it and I had to get my revenge. So I shagged his sister.
- I asked my parents how they coped with boredom before the internet It turns out my 18 brothers and sisters don't know either
- Robots don't have brothers... They have tran-sisters.
- AMA Request: Kim Davis. I would like to hear her answer this question, for she seems uniquely qualified to do so:
If a man and woman from Kentucky get a divorce, are they still brother and sister? - My sister-in-law said her friend was studying abroad... My brother quickly replied, "what's her name?"
- Me and my best friend were born within an hour of each other, our mothers said we could be sister and brother Just like their parents were.
Brother In Law Jokes
Here is a list of funny brother in law jokes and even better brother in law puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- My other brother-in-law died. He was a karate expert, then joined the army. The first time he saluted, he killed himself.
- I told my brother in law, David, to name his son Harley that way I can introduce him as Harley, David's son.
- Turns out my brother-in-law has some kind of psychosis Turns out I'm married to her.
- My Brother-in-law was addicted to the Hokey Pokey. It was a rough couple of years but he eventually turned himself around.
- In the court: The judge: So is it true you saw your brother beat his mother in law?
Yes, sir
Then why didnt you try to help?
I could see he could handle her himself - Question: What is a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet? Answer: Arrrrghhh!
Response: Nay! 'Tis the SEA we love!!
*My brother-in-law told me this one! - In-laws A son would be a son-in law
A mother would be a mother-in law
A brother would be a brother-in law
But your wife, is the law. - My dyslexic brother-in-law eats shellfish for anxiety... He says it clams him down.
- My brother in law was trying to explain something, and was trying to think of a word for the opposite of verbally And I said: oh you mean Nounally!
- What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? A Lickalottapuss!
*credit goes to my brother-in-law who recently told me that one

Quirky and Hilarious Brother Jokes to Let the Chuckles Begin.
What funny jokes about brother you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean uncle jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make brother pranks.
My brother just updated his status to "I love my girlfriend <3".
I always knew he liked them young, but that is f**... ridiculous.
Two conjoined twins walks into a pub
The bartender is amazed: "You're not from around here"
The siamese on the left side:"No, we're french, every summer, we come to the UK, rent a car and start a road trip"
"So, you really seem to like the country?"
"Not that much, but once a year, my brother can drive".
Little brother told me this joke, genius.
"Why did Beethoven kill his pet chicken?"
"Because it kept saying "bok bok bok"
The man says to the bartender...
"Gimme twelve shots of your finest whiskey, and fast!"
The bartender lines up a dozen shot glasses and as he fills them, the man starts to down them one after the other.
Shocked, the bartender asks, "What's the hurry, buddy?"
Between shots, the man replies, "You'd drink fast too, if you had what I've got."
Concerned, the bartender asks kindly, "What have you got, brother?"
The man downs the last shot and puts all his money on the table. "Fifty cents!"
What are the two most important holes on a woman?
The Nostrils. So she can breathe while giving me a b**....
*My 10 year old brother told me this today
My 11 y/o brother told me this
What is pickle bread before its baked?
Dill dough
My buddy tells me he had s**... with his GF and her twin the other night.
I asked him how he told them apart.
He says, "well her brother has a mustache"
(6-year old brother gave me this one) Why do farts smell?
So that deaf people can enjoy them too!
Denise and WHAT?!
A woman falls into a coma as she is giving birth. When she wakes up a few weeks later, the doctor greets her with some news.
"Congratulations! You had twins; a boy and a girl. Since you were in a coma, we gave your brother the liberty of naming your children."
"What did he name them?" she worriedly asked, "he isn't very bright!"
"Your daughter is Denise," replied the doctor.
Slightly relieved she says, "That's not so bad! And the boy?"
At my friend's house, her dad told us these jokes called "Mama mama jokes." I expected old fashioned "Yo' mama" jokes. I got these.
Mama, Mama, I don't like little brother!
Shut up and eat what you're told.
Mama, Mama, I don't want to go to Hawaii!
Shut up and keep swimming.
Mama, Mama, I don't like going in circles!
Shut up or I'll nail your other foot to the floor!
Honestly, I'm scarred.
A lady almost 9 months pregnant falls down some stairs and knocks herself out...
When she wakes up, she is in a hospital bed.
Doctor: "We had to deliver your fraternal twins while you slept, but they are completely healthy. Also, your brother stopped by and named them for you"
New Mother: "My brother named them? But he's an idiot! What are their names?"
Doctor: "Well, the little girl is named Denise."
New Mother: "Well, that's not so bad. What about my son?"
Doctor: "Denephew."
My buddy told me he had a t**... with his girlfriend and her twin.......
I asked how he could tell them apart. He said "Her brother has a mustache."
A joke my 8 year old brother told me. G rating
Why dont you take a pokemon to the bathroom.
Because it might pi-ka-chu
A German boy pushed his brother off a cliff.
He then turned to his mother and said "Look Mom! No Hans!"
A 3 months pregnant woman falls into a coma...
6 months later she awakes and she asks her doctor about her babies. And he replies
"Oh you had happy healthy twins. One boy, and one girl. Luckily your brother was here to name then"
"Oh god no" says the woman "my brothers an idiot. What are their names"
"The girls name is denise" says the doctor
"Oh thats not to bad, and the boy?"
Why did the brother octopi look so alike?
They were itentacle twins.
A cannibal passed his brother in the woods.
The last joke my brother made up, before he passed away this week.
Him: "If my name was Ella, and I married Darth Vader. My name would be Elevator". s**... and corny, but it's exactly the kind of lame jokes he would make.
My cute younger brother's contribution.
Brother: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Me: Don't know, why?
Brother: To go to the ugly guy's house.
Me: Huh??
Brother: Knock, knock.
Me: Who's there?
Brother: The chicken.
A woman who is 3 months pregnant falls into a deep coma. 6 months later, she wakes up and asks the doctor about her baby.
Doctor: You had twins, a girl and a boy. Fortunately, your brother was there to name them for you.
Woman: Oh no, not my brother! He's an idiot! What did he name the girl?
Doctor: Denise.
Woman: Well, that isn't so bad. What did he name the boy?
Doctor: Denephew.
A man always smoked two cigarettes at a time
When people asked him why, he answered: i'm smoking one for myself and one for my brother in jail.
One day he was smoking only one, so people gladly asked "is your brother out of jail?"
He answered: "no, I quit"
A girl from Alabama asked me if I found her attractive.
I said, "You've got a face only a brother could love."
My brother won a prize for staying in a hospital bed for a really long time.
He got a trophy.
Two brothers live together, and one of them makes tennis equipment for people with gigantism.
Late one night, he is up, hard at work, when his brother knocks on the door. He gets up from his desk, and answers the door.
"What do you want?" he asks.
His brother responds: "Hey, I'm trying to sleep. Can you stop making a huge racket?"
A woman wakes up from a coma and...
A 4-months-pregnant woman falls into a deep coma. 5 months later she wakes up and asks the doctor about her baby.
Doctor: You had twins, a boy and a girl, and they are perfectly fine. Luckily your brother named them for you.
Woman: Oh no not my brother! He's an idiot. What did he name the my daughter?
Doctor: Denise
Woman: Oh that's not that bad. What did he name my son?
Doctor: Denephew
A r**... finds out his girlfriend is a v**......
A r**... finds out his girlfriend is a v**.... Upon hearing this, he stands up, turns away from her, and leaves without a word.
Later, when his buddies at the bar ask what went wrong, he explains...
"If she ain't good enough for her daddy, her uncle, her brother, and her cousin, she ain't good enough for me!!"
A woman who has just given birth has fallen into a coma.
After 7 months the mother finally awakes and asks the doctor about her baby.
Doctor: Good news, you had twins! a boy and a girl. They are healthy, luckily your brother named them for you.
Mother: Oh no, not my brother! he's so s**...! What did he name my daughter?
Doctor: Denise.
Mother: well that isn't so bad, and what did he name my son?
Doctor: Denephew.
A man's car breaks down outside a monastery.
The monks take him in and give him dinner--a fantastic dinner, of fish & chips. Best fish & chips he's ever had.
So he goes into the kitchen to compliment the chef. He says to one brother, "Excuse me, are you the fish friar?"
"No," he answers. "I'm the chip monk."
If a guy says you're hot, he's looking at your body. If he says you're pretty, he's looking at your face...
If he says you're fabulous, he's looking at your brother
My brother just admitted that he broke my favourite lamp,
I'm not sure I'll be able look at him in the same light ever again.
My 8 year old brother came up to me and asked if I wanted to hear a joke, this is how it went
Bro," what washes up on a tiny beach?"
Me," No idea."
Bro," a microwave."
Followed by about 2 seconds of me not getting it then laughing for a solid minute
My brother and I were playing chess, and I said to him 'care to make this interesting?' He said 'sure'.
So we stopped playing chess.
My daughter walked into our bedroom to catch us having s**....
"What are you doing?" she asked in shock.
"Making you someone to play with," I said.
"A brother?" she asked excitingly.
"No, a cousin," I replied. "Now go and watch out for your mother coming home."
I am 24 seconds older than my twin brother...
... whenever I come out of the toilet I start a sentence with "When I was your age...." then proceed telling him the details of my majestic creation.
My dad was trembling when I told him me and my brother had gotten hired as valets.
I guess he really didn't like the idea of having parking sons.
My brother started making terrible bird puns to annoy me...
But toucan play at that game
A little girl asks her mother why her name is Feather
"You see, daughter - when you were born, a feather blew in through the window and landed on your head." she replies.
"Then why is my name Leaf?" Asked her little brother. "You see," replied his mother - "when you were born, a leaf blew in through the window and landed on your head."
In comes the youngest brother, and yells:
His mother calmly replies,
"Please be quiet, Refrigerator."
What's in a name?
A pregnant woman lapses into a coma. She awakens and frantically calls for her doctor. "You had twins, a boy and a girl. They're fine," he says. "Your brother named them."
Oh, no, the new mother thinks. He's an idiot. Expecting the worst, she asks, "What's the girl's name?"
"Denise," the doctor says.
Not bad, she thinks. I guess I was wrong about him. "And the boy?"
Ladies: A guide to understanding what guys say...
* If a guy says you're hot, he's looking at your body.
* If a guy says you're pretty, he's looking at your face.
* If a guy says you're fabulous, he's looking at your brother.
What's the worst trick you can do to your blind brother?
Leave the plunger in the toilet
My brother got fired from his job because he had s**... with one of his patients...
its a real shame as he was a great veterinarian
A blind man and his mistress.
A blind guy visited his choir mistress at home and found her bathing. Since he was blind, she let him in.
After bathing, she came out n**..., spread her legs and started shaving in front of him. She tried to make a conversation by asking him, Brother John, what brings you here? Is everything OK at home?
He replied, Yes, very fine. I came to tell you that I have done the eye surgery and I can see very clearly now.
My crush told me that I was like a brother to her while we were in the car...
We were driving to New York at the time, and about halfway up the east coast she told me I was like a brother to her. She was surprised when I proceeded to turn the car around and drive the other way without even acting phased. She asked "where are we going now?" My only answer was "Alabama."
My Brother took going to jail really badly.
He refused food or drink. He spat and swore at anyone who came near him, and started throwing things.
We never played Monopoly again.
My little brother wanted to be treated like a prince...
...So I slit his t**... while he was sleeping to ensure he didn't lay claim to my crown.
What's worse than your wife cheating on you with your brother?
Your wife cheating on you with her brother.
Source: am from Alabama.
I think it's interesting how people sleep differently
I usually sleep on my back, my brother sleeps on his stomach, and my ex sleeps with half of this town
My brother and I made a $50 bet on who could throw meat the furthest into the air
I guess you could say the steaks have never been higher.
My brother went to jail. He didn't take it very well. He was yelling insults and attacking everyone, he even threw his f**... on the wall.
I don't think we will play Monopoly with him again.
A son was arguing with his dad, insisting that 1+1 equals 11
The father then looked at his son's eyes and said:
-Right, then go and buy 2 popsicles!
His son then goes and buys 2 popsicles.
Then, his dad said:
-Now give me one and the other to your brother!
Son asks:
-What about mine?
Father answers:
-You can have the other nine left over, stubborn kid!
My brother asked me which super power I'd like
Apparently the united states wasn't a good answer.
My brother is in the ER right now because of a bee sting that swelled his head,
Luckily I was close enough to hit the bee with a shovel.
I was in bed with this r**... girl when her father, her brother and her boyfriend busted in the room...
....and boy was he mad.
As a child I had a severe condition where I had to drink my own u**... else I would die
Lucky my brother told me about it before it was too late.
My brother did one like that after a long string of pirate jokes.
"What's a pirate's favourite crime?"
"Arrrrson," I said, chuckling at my cleverness.
"You idiot," he replied, "it's obviously Piracy."
My brother took going to jail really badly.
He refused all offers of food and drink, spat and swore at anyone who came near him and smeared the walls with his own f**.... After that, we never played Monopoly again.
My brother asked if i could help him come up with a way to advertise the new vacation resort he was opening up.
I said "Brochure."
A man noticed that his friend only smoked two cigarettes at a time.
He asked him about it and his friend said: "one for me and one on my imprisoned brother's behalf. He told me to smoke for him too"
Years later, the man saw his friend smoking only one cigarette, he told him: "I'm guessing good news! Your brother finished his sentence?"
His friend said: "No, I quit smoking"
Whats you father's occupation?
Asked the school secretary, filling in the forms at the start of the academic year. "He's a magician," said the small boy. "How interesting! What's his favorite trick? "Sawing people in half." "Really? Now, next question. Any brothers or sisters?' "Yes, one half brother and two half-sisters."
There's a guy who smokes 2 cigarettes together
They asked him: why do you always smoke 2 cigarettes together?
He said: one for me, and one for my brother in prison.
After a while they saw him smoking one cigarette only and they asked him: so your brother is out of the jail?
He said: no, I stopped smoking.