
Broom Jokes

133 broom jokes and hilarious broom puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about broom that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Looking for some good-humored fun? Check out this collection of witch broom jokes! Whether it's the classic broomstick of a witch's coven or a modern-day robotic cleaner like a Roomba, get ready to be tickled with these funny gags about all things cleaning!

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Funniest Broom Short Jokes

Short broom jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The broom humour may include short brush jokes also.

  1. The invention of the shovel was groundbreaking, but the invention of the broom swept the nation.
  2. Wife: "I have blisters on my hands from the broom." Husband: (trying to be playful) "Next time take the car, silly."
  3. How do you stop Canadian bacon from curling in the frying pan? You take away their brooms.
  4. When you think of it, invention of the shovel was groundbreaking But it was the invention of the broom that swept the nation.
  5. A woman complains to her husband about the blisters on her hands "I have so many blisters from using this broom" says the wife
    "well maybe use the car next time" the husband replies.
  6. but I have a PhD... "Here's a broom go and sweep the floors."
    "But I have a phd..."
    "Oh sorry, give me the broom, I'll show you how its done."
  7. Minesweeper It's either a computer game or an angry German custodian yelling at kids who stole his broom.
  8. Husband: Honey, I broke a glass in the kitchen:Wife: I am coming with the broom. Husband: It isn't urgent. You can come on foot
  9. How do you keep Canadian bacon from curling in you frying pan? Take away their little brooms.
  10. Did I tell you about the time I was nearly killed with a broom? It was a brush with death.

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Broom One Liners

Which broom one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with broom? I can suggest the ones about toothbrush and hair brush.

  1. How do you get canadian bacon to stop curling in the pan? You take away the broom.
  2. How warm is a janitor's closet? Broom Temperature.
  3. I don't mean to make sweeping generalizations but all brooms are pretty much the same.
  4. My bacon kept curling in the frying pan so I took away their little brooms and rocks.
  5. Why was the broom late for work? Because it over swept.
  6. A new type of broom has just been released, It is sweeping the nation.
  7. How do you keep bacon from curling in the pan? You take away its tiny brooms.
  8. Why was the broom late for the meeting? Because it over - swept
  9. Why was the broom late? because it overswept
  10. Did you hear about the gay broom? Spent 10 years in the closet.
  11. I saw two janitors making out And I said hey, get a broom!
  12. Have you heard about the new broom they invented? Its sweeping the nation
  13. What happens when a witch breaks the sound barrier? You hear a sonic broom.
  14. My wife asked for the broom... And I said, "Why? Are you going somewhere?"
  15. Why did the guy kick the broom out of his house? It swept with his girlfriend :P

Witches Broom Jokes

Here is a list of funny witches broom jokes and even better witches broom puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • A witch was flying on her broom when she noticed that all the witches she passed were flying on vacuum cleaners. She thought to herself, "Am I the only one who still drives a stick?"
  • Why do witches go commando when riding around on their brooms? Better grip.
    Happy Halloween :)
  • Why don't witches wear underwear? To get a better grip on the broom.
  • Why don't witches ever wear underwear? Gives 'em a better grip on their brooms...
  • What does a witch say to fly faster? Broom, broom!
  • A witch was going to take a friend's broom for a ride But she couldn't drive a stick
  • what noise does a witch in a car make? Broom broom
  • What sound does a witches vehicle make? BROOM BROOM
  • What did the Witch say when the Broom Salesman showed her a Vacuum? I don't want an automatic
  • What sound does a car make when a witch starts it? Broom Broom

Witch Broom Jokes

Here is a list of funny witch broom jokes and even better witch broom puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why don't witches wear underwear? Better grip on the broom!
  • What sound does a witch's motorcycle make? BROOM, BROOOOOM!
  • What did the witch say after her broom was stolen? "Well, good thing I can drive a stick."
  • Why didn't the witch fall off her broom? She wasn't wearing underwear
  • Why do witches wear a skirt? So they can grip the broom.
  • What sound does a witch's car make ? Broom Broom !
  • halloween When I told my wife to use a vacuum instead
    of a broom the witch flew of the handle.
  • Why do witches fly on brooms? Because vacuums are too heavy.
  • What did the witch say before leaving on her broom? "Broom broom!"
  • Q: Why didn't the witch fly on her broom when she was angry?
    A: She was afraid she would fly off the handle.
Broom joke

Broom Stick Jokes

Here is a list of funny broom stick jokes and even better broom stick puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • My wife told me she has blisters from the broom stick I asked her why she didn't take the car.
  • A guy once lied about being a broom on the internet... I guess OP was a bundle of sticks.
  • Why don't witches wear p**...? Because their broom sticks better.
Broom joke, Why don't witches wear p**...?

Unearthly Funniest Broom Jokes to Tickle Your Sides

What funny jokes about broom you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean toilet brush jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make broom pranks.

What's the best way to pick up a Jewish girl?

With a broom and dust pan!

What did the mommy broom say to the baby broom?

Time to go to sweep.

Why didn't the witch wear p**.......

So she could grip the broom better.

Why don't witches wear p**...?

Because they need to grip the broom.

While browsing broom section at grocery store with girlfriend...

Me, to older man also browsing: "you think the cheap $4 ones work just as well as the $12 ones?"
Older man, without missing a beat: "I don't know, ask her to take it for a spin."

What do you say to two dust particles making out in the street?

Get a broom, you two.

Did you here about that new broom?

For the past week or so, it's been sweeping the nation.

How did n**...'s pickup Jewish Women?

With a dust pan and broom

Two dust pans were dry h**.....

I was like dude, get a broom already!

Old joke for Halloween. Why do witches not wear p**...?

For better grip on the broom

What do you say when you see two cleaning ladies making out in public?

Get a broom.

Here's one for you recent graduates.

A college grad decides to get a job at a hardware store for the summer. He shows up on his first day of work and his boss hands him a broom.
"Here, your first task is to sweep out all the aisles. After that, I'll show you where the rest of the cleaning supplies are."
The grad looks at the broom and says to his boss, "I don't think you understand, I'm a college graduate."
His boss replies, "Oh, no problem. I can show you how to use a broom."

Did you hear about the worlds largest broom?

It's really sweeping the nation

Yesterday i told my friend that i always wanted to ride that thing in Harry Potter.

"A broom?" he asked.
"No, Hermione."

You guys hear about that new broom that came out?

It's sweeping the nation!

Why dont witches wear p**...?

So they can grip the broom.

How do you pick up my ex girlfriend?

With a broom and a dustpan.

A man is walking by a mental hospital and hears chanting.

A man is walking by a mental hospital and hears chanting from over the fence. He stops to listen and hears that they are saying "Five! Five! Five! Five!"
His curiosity peaked, he walks until he sees a hole in the fence. He puts his eye up to the hole to try to see what's going on, when he's poked in the eye by a broom handle! Angry and in pain, he starts to walk away and hears that the chanting is now, "Six! Six! Six! Six!"

My grandpa may be having trouble with his memory, but he still has a great sense of humor. He just told me this one: Why was the broom late for work?

Because 7,8,9

A Janitor starts up his car.

"Broom broom"

The invention of the broom may have swept the nation...

... but the invention of the Galaxy Note 7 really set the world on fire

The upstairs neighbors were making a lot of noise one night and my wife says she's going to go get the broom.

To which I reply "Are you going to fly up there and complain?"

My dad told me about the birds and the bees today...

Then he gave me a broom and told me to clear them out of the attic.

Boss: Take this broom and go sweep the hallways!

Employee: But I'm a college graduate!
Boss: Great! Then I should only have to explain this just once.

the invention of the shovel was ground breaking (short)

the invention of the shovel was ground breaking.
but the invention of the broom was the one that truly swept the nation.
- Scratch Farrell

Why did Harry Potter use so much Gold Bond when he got off his broom?

I'll see myself out.

What's the benefit of having a s**... broom?

They tend to sweep around.

Why did the broom miss the wedding?

It overswept

Wife asks: have you seen my broom?

Husband replies: why? Are you going somewhere?

Two brooms are in the kitchen

The lady broom is crying and upset, she tells her boyfriend, "honey, I'm pregnant!" Her boyfriend replies, "how is that possible? We didn't even sweep together!"

Guess you can say that the invention of the broom really...

Swept the nation

Don't get much use out of my broom...

It's just there gathering dust....

I put my name into a drawing in order to win a tiny broom used to clean beef.

I hope I win this sweep steaks

Have you guys heard there is a new type of broom out

Sweeping the nation

A young, poor boy approaches a cheesemaker...

A young, poor boy approaches a cheesemaker.
"Sir, I am very hungry. I am willing to clean your entire cheese shop for a pound of cheddar. "
The cheesemaker thinks for a moment, decides, and nods. "Forthwith!"
The little boy grabs a broom and vigilantly begins cleaning.
At the end of the day, the little boy shows the cheesemaker his fine work. The cheesemaker, approving of the poor boy's efforts, hands him a pound of Swiss cheese.
"But I said I would clean your shop for a pound of cheddar!" protested the boy.
And the cheesemaker replies, "And I thaid for thwith."

What sound does a racing vacuums engine make


A man was at the checkout to buy a broom for his house.

He goes up to the cashier and asks if the broom he has is the best one they have. The cashier responds "im not sure i mean a broom is a broom". The man replies "whoa lets not make any sweeping generalizations here"

What happened to the broom in the flood?

He got swept away.

Have you seen the new brooms at Quality Quidditch Supplies?

They're flying off the shelves!

One broom said to the other...

'New brooms are always better than old ones.'
'Wow, that's a sweeping statement.' the other broom replied.

A janitor gets accepted into Nascar

His car goes "Broom, Broom"

You know those brooms they ride around on in Harry Potter? How much do they cost?

About a quid each...

Why was the broom late for work?

He over swept.

Why don't witches wear p**...?

They need to grip the broom

A young man hired by a supermarket reported for his first day of work.

The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, gave him a broom, and said "Your first job will be to sweep out the store.
But I'm a college graduate! the young man replied indignantly.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that" said the manager. "Here, give me the broom - I'll show you how...

What did the broom say to the dustpan?

Get down on the floor and let me put this in you.

Wife: "Have you seen the broom ?

Me: " Why!! Are you going somewhere?"

Have you heard of the movie about the broom?

It's sweeping the nation.

The wife complains to the husband...

Wife: I already have blisters on my palms because of the broom
Husband: Next time try to go by car

"Here's a broom go and sweep the floors."

"But I have a PhD..."
"Oh sorry, give me the broom, I'll show you how its done."

Why do witches not wear p**...

For better grip on the broom

It's all about grip

Why don't witches wear p**...?
Better grip on the broom!

The janitor had trouble with his broom

After days of frustration he went to his boss and demanded sweeping reforms

Mommy broom and her child

Mommy broom and her child are walking outside.
Child: "Mom, how did dad and you make me?"
Mom: "Oh, we swept together."

Broom joke, Mommy broom and her child

jokes about broom