British Airways Jokes
9 british airways jokes and hilarious british airways puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about british airways that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Rib-Tickling British Airways Jokes that Bring Friends Together
What is a good british airways joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
A woman had three daughters getting married the same day. Naturally she was worried about their s**... life. It was agreed that they would send a discrete message.
Two weeks after the triple wedding the first message arrives. An ad for Maxwell House with the slogan "Good till the last drop." She's happy for her girl.
A month passes and a second message arrives with a Marlboro ad. "Marlboro: Extra long, extra strong." She's a little embarrassed, but happy.
Three months pass. She's really worried about her youngest when finally a message arrives. It's addressed in shaky handwriting and contains an ad for British Airways. "London to Paris: Seven days a week, three times a day, both ways."
She fainted.
British Airways. Breakfast in London. Dinner in New York.
Luggage in Tokyo.
Tried to sue British Airways because they lost my luggage.
Turns out I didn't have a case.
A little boy sitting in an aeroplane looks out of the window and asks his mother...
"If big ducks have small ducklings and big cats have small kitties, why don't big planes have small planes?"
The exasperated mother tells her son to ask this question to an airhostess.
The boy calls for an airhostess and asks, "If big ducks have small ducklings and big cats have small kitties, why don't big planes have small planes?"
She smiles and says, "Tell your mother that the British Airways always pulls out on time."
A guy called British Airways before his flight from London to Paris: Hi, I have a question. Can I fly to France using my drivers license?
No , said the woman. You need a plane
I can afford to hire a private jet but I prefer to fly British Airways.
It keeps me grounded.
How does an english airplane breathe?
Through its british airways, of course
Do you ever wonder what happens to your luggage once you checked it in?
So does British Airways.
160 Destinations, Over 90 Countries Worldwide.
Could be in any one of them.
Why did Jesus refuse to fly British Airways?
Because they had a pompous pilot.
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