Brexit Jokes
96 brexit jokes and hilarious brexit puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about brexit that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Brexit jokes have taken the world by storm lately. From Brexit weddings to the jokes that British people make about the Czech out, these jokes are sure to have you laughing till you cry! Laugh as we take a humorous look at the Brexit votes, and the chaos it has caused. Brexit never looked so good!
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Funniest Brexit Short Jokes
Short brexit jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The brexit humour may include short votes jokes also.
- How many Brexiteers does it take to change a light bulb?
One to promise a brighter future and the rest to screw it up. - Brexit's Worst-Case Scenario: Brexit to be followed by Grexit. Departugal. Italeave. Fruckoff. Czechout. Oustria. Finish. Slovlong. Latervia. Byegium.. until EU reach the state of Germlonely.
- The E.U has said that Scotland could end up as a Third World country after Brexit. I don't know if things will improve to that extent, but you never know.
- Big vote today in England. If Leave wins I predict : Brexit to be followed by Grexit. Departugal. Italeave. Fruckoff. Czechout. Oustria. Finish. Slovakout. Latervia. Byegium
- The year is 2077... Brexit negotiations continue.
Nevada has counted 98% of the votes.
Cyberpunk has been delayed again. - Why is India surprised by the Brexit vote? They didn't know you could get Britain to leave by voting.
- With the Brexit vote being compared to the Presidential election, I have only one thing to say Make America Great Britain again!
- I found this great new dieting plan that's sure to make you lose a lot of pounds It's called Brexit
- I regret falling in love with my British girlfriend. You give your heart to her and she Brexit into a million parts.
- How many Brexiteers does it take to change a light bulb? One to promise a brighter future and the rest to screw it up.
I stole this from one of [elee0228](/u/elee0228) comments.
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Brexit One Liners
Which brexit one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with brexit? I can suggest the ones about election and referendum.
- I'm going to go on a Brexit diet The pounds will drop fast.
- What happens when a British guy makes a promise? He Brexit
- When Brexit happens, how much space will the EU lose? Exactly 1GB
- If i had a pound for every 'Brexit' joke on here... I'd still only have about 5 cents.
- GB: Brexit was the dumbest thing in the last years! USA: hold my drink!
- What happens when Nigel Farage makes a promise? He brexit.
- What is the longest game of Deal or No Deal? Brexit.
- Hey there's this new diet that can help lose pounds fast! Its called the Brexit
- What's is the #1 question asked after Brexit? UK?
- How much space will be freed in the EU after Brexit? Approximately 1 GB.
- If Britain has Brexit... Did the Czech Republic check-out?
- Whats the french version of Brexit? adiEU
- Have you heard about the Brexit Christmas dinner? It doesn't have Brussels
- One could say that Brexit has been ... ... quite secessful.
- Do you wanna hear a brexit joke? Actually.. yeah sorry I'll tell you in a few months.
Cheeky Brexit Jokes that Will Make You and Your Friends Chuckle
What funny jokes about brexit you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean politics jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make brexit pranks.
The year is 2192. The British Prime Minister visits Brussels to ask for an extension of the Brexit deadline.
No one remembers where this tradition originated, but every year it attracts many tourists from all over the world.
How many Brexiteers does it take to change a light bulb?
Only two: One to promise a new bulb before Christmas and another one to screw it up.
British archaeologists have issued an exciting new Brexit update today.
By digging 96 feet below the Westminster.
What is the main reason people are voting for Brexit?
When asked if they want to be economically joined with Greece, all they can say is "eeeeuuuuuuu"
They said Brexit would let us get closer to non-EU countries.
They were right, we now have more in common with Zimbabwe than ever before.
Brexit fallout: my French Toast has just surrendered to my English Muffins. Germany is sending in the Luftwaffle... these events could engulf the entire continental breakfast.
and my Irish coffee is drunk. Again.
With the brexit news, they say the pound is failing.
They're calling it the ounce, now.
Now that Brexit is over
we can expect
1. Nexit
2. Frexit
3. Grexit
4. Departugal
5. Italeave
6. Czechout
7. Outstria
8. Finish
9. Slovakout
10. Latervia
11. Byegium
12. Polend
I'm a Polish student in the UK
Today the cashier in ASDA asked me if I needed help packing my bags. The Brexit is worse than I thought...
Every single time I give my heart to a girl...
She Brexit.
There is a new slimming product in town.
It is called Brexit. It'll help you lose a lot of pounds.
Best exercise to lose a few pounds...
So my friend who is a fitness instructor just came up with a new exercise to lose pounds in just a matter of days. He calls it the "Brexit".
Brexit must have impacted Game of Thrones' budget really badly… (spoilers)
I heard yesterday they fired half of the cast.
What's the most important meal of the day to help you lose pounds?
Apparently the Brexit is inspiring other countries to hold their own referenda, and could lead to the breakup of the EU.
Could this be The Final Countdown for Europe?
What comes after Brexit ?
What is all this #Brexit going around?
When did Bromine decide to leave the periodic table?
Looks like the UK didn't read the fine print when cutting off ties with the EU...
You Brexit, you bought it.
My dad, contemplating Brexit and the board game Risk,
"Well, Europe has always been hard to hold."
An Englishman, a Frenchman and a German walk into a bar...
... and they all order a drink. The barman pours a glass of beer each for the Frenchman and the German, put provides a plastic cup of beer for the Englishman.
The other two ask him, "Why do we have glasses, and he has a plastic cup?"
The barman replies, "Because he Brexit."
I asked a pharmacist "do you stock multicoloured tampons?"
"Not since Brexit, they were made for brighter periods."
What do you call the divorce between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?
a Brexit
While everyone was busy talking about Brexit
nobody anticipated the Mexit to come.
United Kingdom: Brexit is the s**... most self destructive act a country could take.
USA : lol, hold my beer
UK and USA are in a contest to destroy themselves.
The UK edged ahead with Brexit, but the US just played their trump card.
Brexit, for France
Arsene Wenger to be named new Brexit Minister.
Since he led arsenal to another quick European exit.
Just bought one of these new Brexit calculators..
..nothing seems to add up, it just takes away and does division
The UK and the US are having a battle to see who can ruin their country the fastest.
We were winning with Brexit but the US had a Trump card.
However Thereisa chance we May yet still win.
I dont want to denigrate any brexiters for voting brexit...
And to any brexiters, denigrate means to put down.
Jose Mourinho has been brought in to help Theresa May with Brexit negotiations.
He made leaving Europe look so easy.
what do Brexit and facebook have in common?
Both seem to have been caught up in a fishing scam
Finally the English did it, without the meddling of the politicians
My approach to s**... is like the government's approach to Brexit
I go in hard and pull out when I realise I have no clue what I'm doing
Q- Do you know how much weight would Great Britain lose if it went through with the Brexit?
A lot of pounds.
In anticipation of Brexit many British politicians have unfriended their EU counterparts on Facebook.
I guess now they will have to referiend'em...
stay, slamming the door.
How much space do you free after the Brexit?
1 GB
Brexit walks into a bar.
Barman: Why the long farce?
I heard that the Brexit may not make such a big mess after all
But Theresa May
Brits are pounding their fists at Brexit.
Whilst Brexit is really f**... the Pound.
What's the most British accident?
No-deal Brexit
Theresa May has asked to delay Brexit until June
It makes sense, June comes after the end of May.
What's the future tense of England?
In a speech two days ago, Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that she plans to delay Brexit, in the hopes that the UK leaves with her deal on 22 May
May wants to leave at the end of May.
What will happen to the EU's computers when Brexit happens ?
They'll have an additional 1 **GB** of free space.
Scroll down for some positive Brexit news!!
Scroll down for some positive Brexit news!!
Keep going...
What, you didn't seriously expect to see some did you?
What do brexit and my dog have in common
They beg to be let out but just sit at the door when they finally are
To keep both Leavers and Remainers happy , why don't we go for the only thing that will keep us IN and OUT of the EU.
Schrodinger's Brexit.
I got a new cat yesterday and have decided to name it Brexit
He always meows loudly to be let out but when I open the door, he refuses to go through it.
A British man was talking to his friend about his views on Brexit...
"These b**... immigrants come over here. They're up to no good, right? I hate these b**... immigrants. They need to go back to where they came from."
His friend replies with "But why do you hate them so much?"
The British man replies, "I'll tell you why I hate them, I'll tell you why. It's because they're not even trying to be British. That's why. They don't even TRY to be British. They come here, and bring their own b**... culture. They bring their own food, spit their own b**... languages, try to take over the whole b**... place."
His friend replies with "Well, that sounds British to me"
Why don't fire stations have poles any more?
Everyone gets what they want out of brexit
The Brits get their blue passports and the average iq of the European Union goes up by 10 points.
How will Christmas dinner be different after Brexit?
No Brussels!
My girlfriend wants to have a baby…
and I don't, so we're going to compromise. We're having a baby but I get to name it. So I'm going to call it Brexit, because although only half of the people involved want it to happen, it's going to happen anyway.
They say fizzy drinks will soon disappear from the shelves in UK supermarkets thanks to Brexit.
The UK Government should do a trade deal with Mexico, I hear they're really good at getting coke across the border.
What do you call a chicken in a dinghy full of tomato sauce, using carrots for oars, chasing a British Conservative fleeing Brexit?
Chicken Cacciatore