Brew Jokes
78 brew jokes and hilarious brew puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about brew that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Brew jokes are a great way to laugh while enjoying a favorite beverage. Whether it's witches brew, cold brew, home brew, special brew, or even hebrew, these jokes pack lots of caffeinated laughs into your favorite beverage. Join us as we explore the lighter side of your favorite brew.
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Funniest Brew Short Jokes
Short brew jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The brew humour may include short beer jokes also.
- I used Redbull instead of water to brew my coffee today Got halfway to work, realized I forgot my car.
- I'm going to start brewing beer and name it after the first day of the week. Whenever a 24 or 30 pack is brought to a party they'll say, "Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays".
- I started brewing beer specifically for certain professions. The first two batches were brewed for lumberjacks and bellhops. A lager and a porter.
- My coffee wasn't strong enough. So, yesterday instead of using water, I brewed with Red Bull. I got halfway to work before I realised I'd forgotten my car.
- They tried to combine a networked hard drive with a device that brewed drinks... It was NAS-tea
- At my job there is a strict policy that no one can discuss the topic of beer... We don't talk about brew no, no, no.
- Did you hear that the beer brewing Company got a new Brewer? He's only got one leg and is in charge of hops
- The Starbucks in my town just hired a Jewish barista... He brews.
- When's the best month to make coffee? Feb-Brew-ary!
- Did you hear about the allegations on the forged distillery? Sorry, fake brews.
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Brew One Liners
Which brew one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with brew? I can suggest the ones about wine and berry.
- How does moses make his coffee? Hebrews it.
- I am opening a bar that only serves milk stouts I am calling it Brew Dairymore
- How does a jew get his beer? He brews
- What would you call a potion brewing pig in the desert? A ham sand witch.
- How does ChatGPT make coffee? It uses its neural networks to brew the perfect cup.
- Who makes cold brew coffee? A Brrrrrista.
- How does a Jew make beer? He brews.
- How do you describe your jewish friend who makes alcohol? He Brew
- I heard Dunkin Donuts has a cold brew now. Cool beans.
- Where does the Jewish barkeeper get his beers? He brews!
- How does Moses makes coffee ? He brews
- How does Moses make his tea? He brews it.
- What do you call a jew who works at a brewery? A he brew.
- What does a Jewish beer maker do? He brews
- What do you call thunder and lightning in a tea cup A storm brewing
Brew Coffee Jokes
Here is a list of funny brew coffee jokes and even better brew coffee puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I tried brewing my coffee with Red Bull instead of water. I drank it and left my house to go to work. After 15 minutes I realized I forgot my car.
- Did you know it's forbidden for women to make coffee? In the bible it says... He-Brews
- Seeing all of these coffee jokes lately.. Im getting Deja Brew
- If Jesus wouldn't brew coffee... ... what would hebrew?
- What religion is a coffee machine? He-brew.
- I brewed my coffee with Redbull today I can smell noises
- Why did the Jewish guy open up a coffee shop? Cuz he brews!!
- I can't believe how much money I've spent fueling my drinking problem. Time to start brewing coffee at home.
- I cold brewed my coffee for the first time this morning. It didn't come out so hot...
- How did the Jewish man shake up his morning routine? He brew some coffee.
Brew Tea Jokes
Here is a list of funny brew tea jokes and even better brew tea puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What kind of tea do cops make? Police brew tali tea.
- How do you describe a Jew making Tea? He-brew
- How does Moses make tea? He brews
- I entered a tea brewing contest The competition was steep
- Why was Karl Marx arrested for brewing a cup of Earl Grey? Because all proper tea is theft.
- I left my tea to brew for too long... was a steep learning curve.
- I call my kettle Jim Carey, because it brews-all-my-tea.
- How does the rabbi make his tea? He-brews it
- How long does it take to brew traditional Chinese tea produced through a process including withering the plant under strong sun and oxidation before curling and twisting? tOolong.
- How does Jesus make tea? He brews it.

Home Brew Jokes
Here is a list of funny home brew jokes and even better home brew puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Why do the New Zealanders prefer drinking in the living room? Because it's home, brew.
Cold Brew Jokes
Here is a list of funny cold brew jokes and even better cold brew puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- As a Korean man, I do love to crack a cold brew but.... I would never kill a Warmbier.

Silly & Ridiculous Brew Jokes to Spread Joy & Laughter
What funny jokes about brew you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean craft beer jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make brew pranks.
An Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walk into a bar...
...and each take a seat and order a beer. When the Englishman gets his beer, he sees a fly floating in it, and politely asks for a different brew. The Scotsman, intrigued by this, looks into his beer and also notices a fly in it. He shrugs and picks it out. When the Irishman's beer arrives, also containing one fly, he's had enough. He picks up the fly, holds it very close to his mouth, and says...
"Spit it out, lad, spit it all out!"
Did you hear the story of the Rabbi who lifted his synagogue into the air with a bunch of balloons?
He brew up.
What do you say to a Jewish New Zealander?
Hee brew
Why are jewish potion makers all male?
He brew
A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the coffee each morning....
The wife claims, "You should do it, because you get up first and then we don't have to wait as long to get our coffee."
The husband says, "You are in charge of cooking around here so you should do it, because that is your job, and I can just wait for my coffee."
The wife replied, "No, you should do it, and besides, it is in the Bible that the man should make the coffee."
The husband replied, "I can't believe that; show me!"
So she fetched the Bible, and opened the New Testament and showed him at the top of several pages, that it indeed says..........
I'm goint to brew a stout beer named stdout
..that you can import!
I'm opening the first place you can create a painting and brew your own beer
It's called "Arts & Crafts"
Two brewers made a joke about drowning in beverage.
You wouldn't understand it. It's an in-cider joke.
Why is it smarter so smoke herb than drink brew?
'Cuz bud wiser.
I decided to go to a coffee shop today
The barista behind the counter said that I should try a new but expensive brew of coffee. It was $9 but I decided to try it. I took a sip of the beverage, and almost instantly spat it out.
"Wha... This tastes like mud!" I shouted at the barista.
He turned and smiled. "It should. It was fresh ground this morning!"
What do you call it when you brew a batch of wine too early?
Statutory Grape.
What do you get when a brewmaster punches you lightly on the shoulder?
What are Jew's favorite brew?
Whats a New Zealanders favorite drink?
What does a Jewish man do in a brewery?
He brew.
A Christian couple
Newlyweds wake up one morning on their honeymoon and the man suggests: "Darling, why don't you brew us some coffee?"
Wife looks confused: "But that's your task, honey."
What? Why?
"It's all over the Bible, dearest."
"The Bible says nothing about who's supposed to be brewing coffee!"
The wife grabs hold of a copy and starts flipping pages at random: "See? Everywhere: Hebrews, Hebrews, Hebrews."
Why did the brewery keep rabbits on hand?
So they could add the hops.
BREWER: We're sorry to inform you Mrs. O'reilly that your husband drowned today at the Guinness factory
WIFE: Well at least give me the comfort in knowing it was a quick death
BREWER: well he drowned in only 15 minutes, short considering he got out of the keg twice to pee
What does a brewery and a Nickelback concert have in common?
They are both responsible for a lot of boos.
I went to a brewery tour and the tour guide asked what horrible thing happened in the early 1900s
Apparently women's suffrage wasn't the right answer.
Joke translated from Romanian
A police officer goes to a Romanian town and asks one of the residents:
"So, where do you brew the liquor?"
The man replies:
"See that church over there? Everywhere except there."
Brewing company Hart Dickins is catering to its female customer base with a new alcoholic apple cider.
After all, what woman wouldn't want a Hart Dickins cider?
Husband asks Wife to make coffee
Newlyweds wake up one morning on their honeymoon and the man suggests: Darling, why don't you brew us some coffee? Wife looks confused, But that's your task, honey. woman says What? Why? man asks. It's all over the Bible, dear. woman replies The Bible says nothing about who's supposed to be brewing coffee! man replies confused. The wife grabs hold of a copy and starts flipping pages at random: See? Everywhere: Hebrews, Hebrews, Hebrews.
In a brewery, the ceiling is getting painted
One of the painters falls into a barrel with 1000 liters of beer and drowns. His boss then goes to the colleague's wife to report the death. "Did my husband suffer much?" "I don't think so, he went out to take a p**... three times."
Three witches are standing around a bubbling caldron.
The first witch tastes the brew. "It needs an eye of newt," she says.
"Agreed" says the second.
"Aye," says the newt.
"Perfect," says the third.