Bow And Arrow Jokes
26 bow and arrow jokes and hilarious bow and arrow puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bow and arrow that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Bow And Arrow Short Jokes
Short bow and arrow jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The bow and arrow humour may include short crossbow jokes also.
- A man escaped from a bear only with a bow in hand But his friend who got an arrow in the knee was not as lucky.
- I got my son a bow & arrow set for his birthday, what does he get me for mine? … a T-shirt with a bullseye on the back. I get no respect.
- Did you hear the one about shooting an apple off your head with a bow and arrow? Yeah, I don't wanna Tell you.
- Why did all the Indians leave Oklahoma? Broken Arrow, Broken Bow, and Nowata.
(These are names of cities in Oklahoma) - Kevin Spacey killed a man with bow and arrow. Sadly the allegations are true and I'd like to let everyone know that I enjoy archery and have done for some time.
- Everybody knows that Chuck Norris can't shoot a bow even though he got 5 bullseyes in a row.
The only reason he got the bullseye is that his arrows know better than to miss. - If you're having bow problems I feel bad for you son. I dodged 99 arrows but my knee took one.
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Bow And Arrow One Liners
Which bow and arrow one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with bow and arrow? I can suggest the ones about archery and bowling pin.
- I love my bow and arrow, but… …there's one drawback.
- How does Ellen DeGeneres fire an arrow? With her Les-bow.
- Why are Mexicans good at bow hunting? Because they hav-an-arrow!
:D - What do you call a field used to grow bows and arrows? An archerd.
Bow And Arrow Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about bow and arrow you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean arrow jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make bow and arrow pranks.
Physicist, Engineer and Statistician are out bow-hunting.
They see a stag about a hundred feet away. The Physicist takes a shot, but he forgets to allow for wind resistance and the arrow falls five feet short. The Engineer takes his shot, but he adds too much of a fudge factor and the arrow's five feet too far.
The statistician goes "Nice job guys, we got him!"
Lord of the Bow
So I was telling my friend about my prowess with a bow and arrow yesterday. I said "my best round ever didn't start so well, I only scored 1 point with each of my first two arrows. Got better after that, scored 2 with the next, then 3, then 5. On my 12th and final arrow I managed to score 144."
She was quick to point out that this was impossible, so I had to confess it was a fibbin' archery sequence.
An economist, a chaos theorist, and a statistician are trying to shoot a deer for dinner with a bow and arrow...
The economist assumes no wind, and misses five feet to the left. He hands over the bow to the chaos theorist, who overestimates the effect of the wind, and misses five feet to the right. The statistician pumps his fist in the air and exclaims: "We got him!".
Three statisticians are bow hunting in the woods and see a deer...
The first shoots his arrow and misses to the right by three feet.
The second shoots and misses three feet to the left.
The third throws up his arms and yells, "We got him!"
Arrows & Targets
A boy gets a bow & arrow for his 10th birthday. He walks outside and starts shooting his arrows. Later his father walks in on him and exclaims, "Wow each of these arrows landed in a target great job! Lets go out for ice cream!" So his father and he go out for the ice cream after it's finished his father asks, "how did you do it?" Then the son says, "It wasn't hard. I just shot arrows and drew circles around them."
A statistics joke...
Three statisticians go deer hunting with bows. They see a giant buck in the woods. Statistician #1 fires his arrow--it goes 10 yards to the left. Statistician #2 fires his arrow--it goes 10 yards to the right. Statistician #3 throws down his bow and yells, "We got it!"
Student 1: My name is Tom Archer because my ancestors were making bows and arrows.
Student 2: My name is Sam Baker because my forefathers were bakers.
Student 3: My name is John Dickinson, and I hate this game.
A m**... in South America
A m**... in South America teaches native indigenous tribesman to English language. They paddling on a boat on the Amazon River and the m**... teaches him: "This is a river. This is a forest. These are the trees. There are leaves on them. "
Down by the river they saw a couple making love. m**... blushes and tells to a guy in the boat: They are riding a bicycle.
Native takes bow and an arrow from boat and takes a shoot at guy who makes love to an woman.
m**... is horrified: What are you doing?!?
Native responds: He rides my bicycle.
In 1860, a man was given the job of teaching English to Indians (as they were called at the time).
He takes one of the Indian tribesmen out to the woods and is pointing things out and saying the word for it. "Tree. Stream. Rocks."
They go around a bend and right there in the trail there's another Indian h**... a s**...'s brains out. The English speaking man turns red and says "uhhhh... man riding bike."
The Indian pulls out his bow and fires two arrows, killing the couple. The English speaking man jumps back in horror and screams, "what did you do that for?!"
The Indian looks at him calmly and says, "man riding my bike."
A blonde and her friend lost in the forest
A blonde and her friend are lost in the forest. The friend goes out on the first night and comes back with a deer, killed with a primitive bow and arrow. "Wow!" the blonde exclaims, "How did you do that?!" The friend tried to keep it very simple for the blonde so she could understand. She replied, "I see deer tracks, I follow deer tracks. I see deer, I shoot deer." the blonde nodded in understanding. The next night, the blonde, feeling a thousand times smarter than she was before, volunteered to go hunting. When she returned, however, she was beaten up, scraped and bleeding. "What happened?!" the friend was worried. The blonde replied in a very agitated, upset tone. "I did what you said!" She screamed. "I see train tracks, I follow train tracks, I see train I shoot train!"
The legend of Sorry the archer.
An archery contest is taking place, and all the top archers of Europe are in attendance. The final begins, and the three greatest archers must compete in shooting an apple from a little girls head.
The first archer steps up. He draws, and fires an arrow right through the apple. The audience applauds, he bows and proclaims "I am Robin Hood!"
The second archer steps up. He draws, and also hits the apple. He waves his hat at the cheering crowd, and cries out "I am William Tell."
The third archer steps up. He draws, and fires his arrow through the little girls eye. Blood sprays everywhere, the audience gasps and ladies faint. He takes his hat off, and announces "I am Sorry".