Bourdain Jokes
6 bourdain jokes and hilarious bourdain puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bourdain that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Cheerful Fun Bourdain Jokes for Lovely Laughter
What is a good bourdain joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
Anthony Bourdain and Robin Williams got into a fight over the phone.
After a while they both hung up.
Hear about the pastor who hung himself?
He was a Bourdained minister.
Celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdain is to be cremated.
Gas mark 7 for about 40 minutes should do it.
Some food critics eat and run
Anthony Bourdain hung around.
So Anthony Bourdain was cremated...
Surely as a chef he would have preferred they stopped when he was medium rare.
French women were more shocked about Anthony Bourdain's s**... than anyone.
They were sure there would never be a well\-hung man in France.
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