
Bookstore Jokes

57 bookstore jokes and hilarious bookstore puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bookstore that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Bookstore Short Jokes

Short bookstore jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The bookstore humour may include short library books jokes also.

  1. I went to a bookstore recently. Someone was throwing Stephen King books at everyone. I wondered why they were doing that. Then IT hit me.
  2. A guy walks into a bookstore and asks for a book on Pavlov and Schrodinger. The book keeper says it rings a bell but he doesn't know if it is there or not.
  3. Where can single men over 65 find younger women who are interested in them? In the bookstore, under "fiction".
  4. I went to a bookstore and asked the assistant for a book on Turtles.. "Hardback?" she asked
    "Yes, with little heads" I said
  5. Did you hear about the bar for West African bookstore workers with anti government views? Liberian Libertarian Librarian Libations
  6. I went to a large bookstore ... ... and asked the lady at the counter, where the self-help section was. She said if she would tell me, it would defeat the very purpose of it.
  7. Campus bookstore robbed The Campus bookstore was just robbed of $25000. The criminal was seen taking a sweatshirt and 4 textbooks
  8. A midget walks into a bookstore... ...& asks clerk: 'do you happen to have any books on irony.'
    The clerk points to a shelf: 'top row.'
  9. At the bookstore Customer : Do you have any books on turtles
    Server : Hard back ?
    Customer : Yeah, with little heads
  10. A girl came into my bookstore and asked... A girl came into my bookstore and asked, "what are the chances you have a book on curing eating disorders with religion?"
    Slim to nun?

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Bookstore One Liners

Which bookstore one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with bookstore? I can suggest the ones about bookshelf and target store.

  1. I saw a book at the bookstore called "How to Solve 50% of your problem" So I bought two
  2. Rioters are destroying Baltimore. Don't worry though, all the bookstores are safe.
  3. what do you call a bookstore that's also a bar? tequila mockingbird
  4. Went to my local bookstore today and took a look at the classics section... It was lit
  5. I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the Self Help section was.
  6. libraries are like communist bookstores. No food allowed.
  7. TIL there are only 13 feminist bookstores in America. They are all Dairy Queens.
  8. What Is A Mexican's Favorite Bookstore? Borders.
  9. Why did the Arab get kicked out of the Persian bookstore? He couldn't pe.
  10. What is a Republican's favorite bookstore? Closed Borders
  11. What do you call a group of physicians without a local bookstore? Doctors Without Borders
  12. Did you hear about the man who tried to rob a bookstore? They threw the book at him.
  13. Someone broke into my local comic bookstore... They're calling him the comic-con.
  14. What do you call a burden of a bookstore A liabilitirary
    *say it out loud*

Bookstore joke, What do you call a burden of a bookstore

Happy Bookstore Jokes for a Lighthearted Night with Friends

What funny jokes about bookstore you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean drug store jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make bookstore pranks.

Bookstores are a great place to meet women...

... But not so if your opening line is "What does this word mean?"

A blind man walks into a bookstore with his seeing eye dog...

He picks the dog by the tail and starts swinging him around.
A clerk sees this and asks,"Sir may I help you?"
"No thanks, we're just looking around."

A guy walks into a bookstore...

A guy walks into a bookstore and asks the assistant, "Hey, do you know if you guys have the new book for guys with short p**...?"
The assistant says, "I'm not sure if it's in yet."
Guy says, "Yeah, that's the one!"

I called the bookstore and asked if they had any books about constipation.

She told me it hasn't come out yet

I walked into a bookstore and asked if they have any books on gloryholes.

She said ya, over there in the mystery romance section.

I walked into a bookstore and told the clerk...

I walked into a bookstore and I told the clerk, "I'm looking for a book called, 'How to Deal with Rejection without Killing'... Do you have it?? **Do you have it?**"

Do you have the original book Romeo and Juliet?

A customer at our bookstore asked me, "Do you have the original book Romeo and Juliet? My daughter needs it for school, and all I can find is the play."

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?"

She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

Overheard this in a bookstore

Guy 1: "Which side of a turkey has the most feathers?"
Guy 2: (After some thinking) "I don't know, what?"
Guy 1: "The outside."

A guy walks into a Muslim bookstore wearing a Make America Great Again hat...

As he was wandering around taking a look, the clerk asked if he could help the man find anything.
Do you have a copy of Donald Trump's book on his U.S. immigration policy regarding Muslims and i**... aliens?
The clerk said, Kiss my a**...… get out… and stay out!
The man said, Yes, that's the one.  Do you have it in paperback?

My buddy Frank always goes to the bookstore rather than just get the online PDF

yeah, he's a real 'buy the book' kinda guy...

I went to a bookstore and asked the woman at the desk if they had any books on turtles

"Hardback?" She asked.
"Yes" I said...
"And the little head and feet"

At the bookstore, I asked Do you have a book by Shakespeare? Of course, Sir. Which one?

Me: William

I asked the woman at the local bookstore

If they had the book for men with small p**..., she said I don't think it's in yet
That's the one I said!

I noticed at my bookstore that the "Kama Sutra" and "The Art of the Deal" are both in the erotica section

According to the bookstore, "The Art of the Deal" has people getting s**... in a lot more positions.

A man went into a bookstore and complained...

I bought this book from you yesterday, 'Cowards in History' and all the pages fell out!"
The sales assistant said, That's because it has no spine.

I've just seen a man in the local bookstore exchange a swede like vegetable for some hardbacks

I thought, that's a turnip for the books

I asked the lady at the bookstore for a guide to Turtles.

She said 'hardback?', I said 'Yeah, and like, little heads'

A man walks into a bookstore and asks, "Got any books on turtles?"

The shopkeeper replies, "Hardback?"
The man says, "Yeah. And little heads."

A man walks into a bookstore and asks the young assistant,

"Do you have the book on constipation?"
She replies, "It's not out yet"
"Yep, that's the one"

Just came from a bookstore where I asked the saleswoman how to find the self-help section...

she said if she told me it would defeat the purpose...


A man goes into a book shop and asks the young female assistant,

"Do you have the new book out for men with short p**...? I can't remember the title. "

She replies, "I'm not sure if it's in yet."

The man said, "Yes! That's the one! I'll take a copy, thanks!"

I went to the bookstore ....

I went to the bookstore and saw a book called;
How to solve 50% of your problems. '
I bought two

I was browsing in a bookstore and found an English book about unexpected uses for a pry bar.

50 Ways to Love Your Lever.

A girl came into my bookstore and asked "What are the chances you have a book on curing eating disorders with religion?"

Slim to Nun?

My final work dad joke

I always include a dad joke on the schedule for my employees (which this sub helps out with when I can't think of one, thank you). Next Friday is my last day, and this is the last schedule I'm sending to them. We work in a bookstore, and my final, cringe inducing joke to them is:
After careful consideration, I've decided to leave my job at the bookstore.
_It's time to turn the page to a new chapter in my life_
Pretty bad even by my standards, but it felt right.

I got in trouble my bookstore today...

...they didn't appreciate me moving The Handmaid's Tale to non-fiction.
(My heart goes out to the US. I'm so sorry.)

I went into the bookstore and asked the clerk, can you tell me where the self-help section is?

And she said, why don't you try to find that yourself?

Bookstore joke, Where can single men over 65 find younger women who are interested in them?

jokes about bookstore