
Bomb Squad Jokes

9 bomb squad jokes and hilarious bomb squad puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bomb squad that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Bomb Squad Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good bomb squad joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

There was three pilots...

Three WW2 pilots were shot down behind enemy lines and captured. They were sent to a POW camp to be executed. They were lined up and the firing squad said "Ready, aim" and then the first pilot screamd
"Tornado" then the soldiers ran for cover. When thay found no tornado they lined back up.
"Ready aim" Then the second screeched "b**... run" then the soldiers ran for cover. They then lined up again. "Ready aim" Then the third pilot knew what to do and screamed "FIRE".

what does it feel like to join a s**... bomb squad?

I don't know, you'll have to C4 yourself!

When asked how he keeps his cool under pressure...

The bomb squad captain said "either I'm right or it's not my problem anymore."

I got fired from the bomb squad yesterday. It's too bad really...

I had a blast working there.

My girlfriend is the star of the local police department's bomb squad.

When asked what is her secret to such skilled techniques, she responded:
Plenty of practice every night with a short fuse and explosions that go off early.

Spent my summer with the bomb squad!

It was a blast...

Why was the chemist fired from the bomb squad?

Because he tried to diffuse the bomb

A break-dancer got arrested on suspicion of terrorism

His boombox was safely detonated by the bomb squad.

TIFU by having the bomb squad called to my party.

They said it was the bomb.

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