Bodily Fluids Jokes
5 bodily fluids jokes and hilarious bodily fluids puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bodily fluids that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Hilarious Bodily Fluids Jokes that Bring Laughter with Friends
What is a good bodily fluids joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
A runner walks into a bar
An ultra runner jogs into a bar and orders a beer. She reaches into her sweaty sports bra and pulls out a sweaty crumpled $5 bill to pay. The bartender gingerly picks up the damp bill with a pair of tongs and dumps it in a bucket. "You realize every time I get money with b**... fluids on them I have to report it to the government," the bartender grumbles. "It's g**... income."
Do you guys like jokes about the exchanging of b**... fluids for doggy biscuits?
Well, u**... for a treat!
There is new term for waking up in prison, covered in various b**... fluids
Cosby sweater
A chemist went to see a doctor
"Doctor, I don't feel thirst and keep finding myself always dehydrated". "Drink 8 glasses of fluid a day as a guideline" adviced the doctor.
"Can I count in fruit juice?" asked the man. "Since they do contain a bit of sugar, don't forget to supplement the fluid intake with H20 too" replied the doctor.
"You sure doc? I have to drink H20 too?" the man queried. "Yes, it is vital to your b**... functions, 8 glasses a day should be enough" the doctor answered. Trusting the doctor, the chemist trusted the doctor and followed the advice.
A few days later, the chemist was found dead in his apartment due to hydrogen peroxide poisoning.
He took the doctor's advice two litrerally.
What is the most polite b**... fluid?
Pus... it is always saying I in-sist
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