
Biology Jokes

153 biology jokes and hilarious biology puns to laugh out loud. Read science jokes about biology that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Did you biology know that jokes can be funny and educational? This article has all kinds of biology jokes to make you, your molecular friends, your biology teacher, and your plant-loving friends laugh. From flirty jokes to chemistry puns to biology-themed Christmas, Halloween, and other holiday jokes, there is something here for everyone. Get ready to laugh and learn with these hilarious biology jokes!

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Funniest Biology Short Jokes

Short biology jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The biology humour may include short science jokes also.

  1. Father: Son, you were adopted. Son: What?! I knew it! I want to meet my biological parents!"
    Father: We are your biological parents. Now pack up, the new ones will pick you up in 20 minutes.
  2. Son, you're adopted "I Knew it! I want to meet my biological parents."
    "We are your biological parents, your adoptive parents will come for you tomorrow."
  3. My biology teacher grew human vocal chords from stem cells in the lab, the results... ... speak for themselves
  4. I failed my biology test today. Apparently, "black guys" isn't the answer to the question "What is found in cells."
  5. I failed a biology test today, they had asked me what was commonly found in cells Apparently black people was not the answer.
  6. In biology class my teacher asked "What is most commonly found in cells?" Apparently "black people" was not the right answer
  7. I missed a question on my biology exam today. The question was "what are commonly found in cells?" I guess "black people" wasn't the right answer.
  8. my 14 year old came back with this after his biology class Q. who was the Jewish prophet that led the water molecules across the partially permeable membrane?
    A. osmoses
  9. I was asked on a biology test "what is most commonly found in cells" Black people was the wrong answer...
  10. My biology professor's favorite joke What's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone? You can't hear an enzyme!

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Biology One Liners

Which biology one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with biology? I can suggest the ones about physics and biologist.

  1. I think I'm failing my marine biology class My grade is below C level.
  2. I have a step-ladder I've never known my biological ladder
  3. Why did the physics teacher breakup with the biology teacher ? There was no chemistry
  4. My sister stepped on my toe. Me being a biology student , I shouted - mitosis
  5. What does prison have in common with biology? Cell culture.
  6. Why don't criminals study biology? Too many cells
  7. How do you pass a biology test on excretion? Process of elimination.
  8. My Biology Teacher Asked What ATP is... I replied, "where Native Americans live."
  9. What class does Tumblr hate the most? Biology 😉
  10. Between biological males and biological females... ...there's quite a vas deferens.
  11. My Biology teacher told me ants are female The males are called uncles
  12. I finally graduated as an expert in female biology I studied abroad or two
  13. Why do innovators study marine biology? To observe their e-fish-in-see
  14. Twins. Having twins is the biological equivalent of buy one get one free.
  15. Why don't biology and physics get on? They lack chemistry.

Biology Teacher Jokes

Here is a list of funny biology teacher jokes and even better biology teacher puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • My biology teacher asked me what was the ugliest vegetable IMO. Apparently, Stephen Hawking was the wrong answer.
  • Why was the physics teacher and the biology teacher always fighting? They didn't have any chemistry.
  • Biology Joke Biology teacher:
    Can anyone name a disease?
    I can sir.
    Well done. Whose next?
  • I failed my biology test today. There was a question that asked, "What is commonly found in cells?" I guess my teacher didn't think "black people" was a good answer.
  • Biology Teacher: "If you can't stop making puns about plants, I'm going to need you to get out." Me: *leaves*
  • The biology teacher asks Johnny if he can describe what a specimen is? Sure teach, a specimen is an Italian astronaut!
  • My biology teacher said there is no evolutionary advantage to blue eyes. She must have never heard of the holocaust.
  • What did the biology teacher tell the frog? Looks aren't everything, it's what inside you that really matters.
  • Today in my biology lesson, my teacher told us that all big cats hunted by hiding, except leapords. When I asked her why, she said, "Well, because they're always spotted."
  • So my biology teacher asked me what are in cells... I said "black people" and somehow that wasn't right

Cell Biology Jokes

Here is a list of funny cell biology jokes and even better cell biology puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I failed my AP Biology test... They asked; "what is something commonly found in cells?"
    Apparently black people wasn't the correct answer
  • I failed my biology test today. The question was: "What is commonly found in cells?"
    Apparently, "African Americans" wasn't the correct answer.
  • Today I Failed my Biology Test. One of the questions asked. What are normally found inside cells?
    Apparently, 'Black People' was not the correct answer.
  • In biology they ask us what we find in cells Apparently black people wasn't the right answer.
    I'll see myself out.
  • Biology is the only science in which multiplication is the same thing as division. Multiplication in biology means reproduction, which is microscopically accomplished by cell division.
  • My biology teacher flunked me when she asked me what is commonly found in cells. Apparently, black people wasn't the answer she was looking for.
  • Weird Question in Exam Q) What do you find in cells?
    My Ans) Black People
    I dont know why do they ask such weird questions in biology.
  • In Biology, I learned Mitochondria was the powerhouse of the cell In Prison, I learned Bubba was the powerhouse of the cell
  • I asked my biology teacher how he makes his class so interesting He told me: s**... cells.
  • So I took a biology test the other day... One of the questions was, "name two things commonly found in cells."
    Apparently, young b**... and latinos was not the right answer.
Biology joke, So I took a biology test the other day...

Biology Cell Jokes

Here is a list of funny biology cell jokes and even better biology cell puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I took my Biology exam last Friday I was asked to name two things commonly found in cells. Apparently "b**..." and "Mexicans" were NOT the correct answers.
  • Why did the biology magazine put a picture of gametes on their cover? Because s**... cells.
  • The Online Biology Class I almost got expelled in an Online Biology c**... course earlier. They asked me what the major constituent of cells are.
    Turns out, "black people" is NOT a good answer.
  • What did the p**... biology teacher say? s**... cells.
  • Why did the company use gametes in their commerical? Because s**... cells.
    Thought of this joke while doing biology homework, is it any good?
  • Why do Biology teachers have to teach about Meiosis? s**... cells.
  • I took a biology exam the other day. The test asked me to list two things that are commonly found in cells.
    Apparently b**... and mexicans was not the right answer.

Marine Biology Jokes

Here is a list of funny marine biology jokes and even better marine biology puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Signing up for Marine biology this semester was disappointing. I never learned what's going on in Le Pen's head.
  • My friend is an expert in Finance and Marine Biology Which makes borrowing money from him a problem, since he's a real Loan Shark.
  • Marine biology I was going to study marine biology dude. Turns out it was just a lot of maths.
    Really dude? What course?
    Algae brah.
  • I need to study marine biology. It will help my find the porpoise in my life.
  • What do you call marine life biology in Japan? s**... ed.
Biology joke, What do you call marine life biology in Japan?

Hilarious Fun Biology Jokes That Will Have You Rolling with Laughter

What funny jokes about biology you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean phys jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make biology pranks.

A male frog calls a medium line and he is told he'll meet a beautiful lady frog.

"Will it happen at a ball?" he asks. "no , in a biology class"

My wife's a biology teacher...

This morning she asked how I wanted my eggs.
I told her, "Ovariesy."

You fall asleep in lecture

and when you wake up you cannot remember what class you are in. A demonstration is happening at the front of the class. How do you figure out where you are?
If the demo moves its biology, if it stinks its chemistry, and if it doesn't work its physics.

Why are eye jokes worse than toe jokes?

Because toe jokes may be cheesy, but eye jokes are cornea.

Did you know the host of the Discovery Channel's show Dirty Jobs has 2 degrees?

In Mike Rowe Economics and Mike Rowe Biology.

I hurt my foot a few days ago

Tripped over the stairs and partially separated my left big toenail. It's getting better, but it still hurts a fair bit.
Yesterday I was walking to class with a female friend of mine who's a cell biology major. I hadn't told her yet about what happened, so eventually she said "So why are you limping, anyway?"
I turned to her, looked her straight in the face, and without missing a beat, I said:
"My toe, sis!"

A depressed frog goes to visit a fortune teller

Hoping for good news he goes to meet with a fortune teller.
The fortune teller closes her eyes, makes some strange sounds, and finally says, "You will meet a beautiful young girl that will want to know everything about you"
The frog gets excited and says, "Wow! When will I meet her? At a party?"
"No," replied the fortune teller, "in her biology class."


A frog goes to a fortune teller and asks if he is going meet a young girl.
The psychic tells him, "Yes, you are."
The frog replies, "Where? In a bar or at a party?"
The psychic says, "In biology class."

Today in biology class we learnt about all the health problems related to cigarettes

Thank god I switched to crack last week

Why do Physics and Biology teachers never get along?

Because they have no chemistry

c**... biology bar joke

A few cells enter a bar. They sit in a corner and talk amongst themselves, drink moderately and don't pick up a fight with anyone. They leave the bar quietly.
Because they were cultured cells..

I am genuinely terrified of my Biology Professor

I heard he has a lot of skeletons in his closet

I love my biology teacher....

**He gives great life lessons**

What do biology students do when they do poorly on a test?

They bio-D-grade.

I failed my Biology test yesterday

I was asked to name a parasite currently living in Britain.
Apparently 'Muslims' isn't the correct answer.

I kept trying to think of puns about the eye during my biology lesson, when we dissected one.

To be honest, they kept getting cornea and cornea....

How physicists see other sciences:

Biology: squishy physics
Geology: slow physics
Computer Science: virtual physics
Psychology: people physics
Chemistry: impure physics
Math: physics minus the units

So I was telling my dad

That the entire team that worked on finding Nemo had to take fish biology 101. Then he says "so does it ever bother you that the fish are talking?"
That was the hardest I laughed in a while

What do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?

A Nobel Prize in biology.

If you don't know how to answer a question on a flower biology test...

You can always guess the anther

My father teaches biology and Spanish..

Him: Ok, who can tell me what these are?
Me: (Raises hand) Soy Beans!
Him: Much gusto, Beans! Me llamo Dad.

Little Ahmed is doing his biology homework.

He comes upon a question: "What separates the head from the body?"
Ahmed answers: "The axe"

A biology teacher runs into a bank holding a flower.

He says "Everybody on the ground, I have a pistil!"

I remember my parent's reaction when I brought home my first A+ on a test

It was something like Who's Lily and You aren't even in AP Biology

In their biology class, students are given an activity that introduces them to relative dating...

One Student: "Relative Dating? This isn't Alabama!"

I was being mugged the other day...

The guy said, "Give me all your money or else you're biology!"
I said, "Don't you mean history?"
He told me "Don't change the subject!"

A frog wanted to know about his future and goes to meet an oracle. The oracle prophesied that in his future, he will be touched by a beautiful lady.

The frog grew curious and wanted to know when and where it would happen, to which the Oracle replied, 'next year, in a Biology lab'!

A student is going through some hypotheticals about snakes to their biology teacher

student:"What if it bites me and it dies?"
Teacher:"that means you're poisonous."
Student:"What if it bites itself and I die?"
Teacher:"It's voodoo."
Student:"What if it bites me and someone else dies?"
Teacher:"That's correlation, not causation."
Student:"what if we bite each other and neither of us die?"
Teacher:"that's k**...."

A frog

A frog telephones the Psychic Hotline. His personal psychic advisor tells him, "You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you." The frog is thrilled, "This is great! Will I meet her at a party?" "No," says his advisor, "In her biology class."

A frog goes to a fortune-teller

A frog goes to a fortune-teller.
The fortune-teller looks into her crystal ball, and tells the frog, "You are going to meet a beautiful young lady, who will want to know everything about you."
The frog is thrilled, "This is great! Where will I meet her?"
The fortune-teller says, "In her biology class."

An anatomy teacher was teaching the basics of male biology...

An anatomy teacher was teaching the basics of male biology to her class. She explained what the u**... and t**... are to her class, when a student raised his hand and said,
"I thought that the u**... and t**... were just two different terms describing the same thing?"
The teacher responded,
"No, that's not correct. There's a vas deferens between the two."

Paige finishes writing her biology dissertation and hands it in to the lecturer the following day.

He quickly flicks through it and realises something is missing.
"Where's your appendix page?"
"Easy", she says, and points to her lower abdomen.

You hear about the kid that threw his biology test in the trash, yet still managed to pass?

Turns out, it was bio-D-gradable.


My sister has always been fascinated with cell biology and she moved across state to attend a better college, moving her into her dorm we moved a dresser to benefit the small space she had and in doing so she dropped it on my foot. I yelled out MITOSIS!
(This is my first original joke be gentle)

Why does Physics hate Biology?

Because they have no Chemistry

A questionable article on marine biology goes viral.

"**New study reveals migrating Crows' droppings may be responsible for great barrier barrier reef bleaching**"
The article receives widespread criticism from the scientific community. Marine biologists across the globe insist that coralation does not imply Cawsality.

What do you call it when your Biology grade is close to an F?


Why did the biology teacher and rhe physics teacher break up?

Because they had no CHEMISTRY.

The biology teacher told us our skin is the biggest o**......

Here i was thinking it was the one they play in the church down the road!

I walked into the biology lab and saw my lab partner dissecting an insect.

I told him, "I think your fly is open."

Biology tell me you're 70% water. Physics tells me that you're 99.99% empty space. Chemistry tells me that you're 60% oxygen.

But I'm telling you that you're a 100% CUTIE!!!

My teaching career.

I used to teach history, but thats all in the past.
I started teaching biology but my heart wasn't in it.
I tried teaching chemistry, but there were elements i didnt understand.
I was offered a job teaching maths, but something didn't add up.
I was sent to Germany to do food science, that was the wurst.
I've started teaching physics, its got potential.

Biology joke, My teaching career.

jokes about biology