
Bien Jokes

5 bien jokes and hilarious bien puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bien that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Cheeky Bien Jokes that Will Make You and Your Friends Chuckle

What is a good bien joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

I once met a guy named Bien. He was a bit annoying but...

I think he meant well

Very good

(Two people studying for a Spanish test)
Person 1: How do you say, Good in Spanish?
Person 2: Muy Bien.
Person 1: That's very good.
Person 2: Thanks!

I asked my Spanish friend how her s**... life's been since she came out of the closet.

She says it's less bien.

A man from the US was staying in a Montreal hotel.

He noticed that when he turned on a tap that was labeled C, he got hot water. So, he called the manager to complain.
"Oh," explained the manager, "C stands for 'chaud', which is the French word for 'hot'."
"OK," said the American, "but the other one says C too."
"Bien sûr," replied the manager. "Montreal is a bilingual city."

I want to know if this Spanish joke translates at all

What's the similarity between a boat, a firefighter and a family?
The boat and the firefighter have hard outer coverings (cascos).
*and the family?*
They're good, thanks for asking!
(Original Spanish)
¿Que se parece entre un bombero, un barco y una familia?
El bombero y el barco tienen cascos
*¿Y la familia?*
Bien, gracias.

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