Beneath Jokes
61 beneath jokes and hilarious beneath puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about beneath that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Beneath Short Jokes
Short beneath jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The beneath humour may include short underneath jokes also.
- The Duke ordered his subjects not to dig tunnels beneath his land but the King gave them permission to do so, He felt undermined.
- One time, I was out scuba diving when I suddenly heard beautiful voices singing in unison. I was very surprised until I looked beneath me and realized it was coming from a choral reef.
- If Major Tom flies really high up, what would you call someone very deep beneath the ground? Miner Tom
- Wearing your mask pulled down beneath your nose actually HELPS other people... ...estimate your IQ.
- If a politician says bribery is beneath them.... That means the envelope with money should be delivered under the table.
- While in my car I drove beneath an overpass that was getting some work done on it I was under construction.
- I'm a 1%er and the rest of you are beneath me I mean whole and 2% are too creamy and skim is basically disgusting milky water.
- A poster at the door of a church said, "If you are tired of your sins, come in." Someone used lipstick to write her number beneath it and added "Call me, if not."
- Why did the police chief hate going into the basement? Because it was beneath his station.
:P - I was reminded of the Cleveland man that kept those women locked in his basement, so I wrote a basement joke... but I realised that it's beneath me.
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Beneath One Liners
Which beneath one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with beneath? I can suggest the ones about downstairs and lower than.
- From my 6 year old: What does a cloud wear beneath its pants? Thunderwear!
- Don't make fun of people for being short, That's beneath you.
- Aeroplane jokes tend to go right over my head. But submarine jokes are beneath me.
- What does speedy gonzalas put beneath his carpets? Underlay! Underlay!
- What's crude and beneath most Canadians? America
- My girlfriend refuses to vacuum the carpet It's like it's beneath her or something
- Why don't renovators paint floors? It's beneath them.
- What did Zeus wear beneath his toga? Thunderwear!
- What do thunderclouds wear beneath their clothing? Thunderpants.
- The cleaning lady refused to mop or sweep "Floors are beneath me" she explained.
- My Mum told me to scrub the floor the other day. I refused, it was beneath me.
- I would never work in a coalmine. It's beneath me.
- I came here to make a dumb joke about the floor... But then I realized it was beneath me.
- This really cracks me up Screamed the concrete beneath the jackhammer
- I don't respect the ground. That's beneath me.

Charming Humor Beneath Jokes with Loads of Fun
What funny jokes about beneath you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean underground jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make beneath pranks.
Some Tim Vine jokes...
"I tell you what makes my blood boil..... Crematoriums."
"People with guns who say give me your money... you gotta hand it to them."
"So I went to my local department store and said I cant decide whether to buy this bed or not. He said do you want to sleep on it? I said of course I do."
"I refuse to work in the subway. Its beneath me."
"I met this girl called Ena. Everytime I see her I say Hi Ena and she laughs her head off."
"I cant remember my homing pigeon's name but am sure it will come back to me."
"Did you know the best selling DVD this year is Poltergeist? Its flying off the shelves."
"So i was reading this book about the history of glue.... I couldn't put it down."
what did the m**... pad say to the f**...?
you are the wind beneath my wings. :D
I heard this from someone, somewhere, many moons ago.
A skydiver jumps out of a plane...
He is flying through the air and is having a lot of fun.
Then he pulls the chord ... but nothing happens! The parachute wont open!
panicing he pulls the safety chord ... nothing happens again!
He is falling ever so fast, when suddenly a guy comes flying up from beneath him!
The skydiver yells "hey! Do you repair parachutes!?"
The guy yells back! "Nope, gas ovens..."
(english is not my first language, excuse my spelling please)
What did the m**...-pad say to the f**...?
"You are the wind beneath my wings."
A motorist stopped at a country ford and asked an Irishman sitting nearby how deep the water was. "A couple of inches." replied the Irishman. So the motorist drove into the ford and his car promptly disappeared beneath the surface in a cauldron of bubbles.
"That's odd" thought the Irishman. "The water only goes halfway up on them ducks."
Woman Swims n**... With Beluga Whales Beneath the Waves |
a giraffe, a zebra, a hippo, and a mouse walk into a bar
all of the animals hit their head on the bar except for the mouse which walked easily beneath it
I feel that jokes about basements are beneath me...
...but I won't tell you a joke about roofs because it'll go over your head.
Two middle aged men went to the gym for a workout.
As they undressed beforehand, the first man was stunned to see the second wearing a corset beneath his shirt.
"Since when have you started wearing that?" asked the first man.
The second man replied "Since my wife found it in the glove compartment."
Mom finds a large number of b**... magazines beneath her sons bed.
Calls her husband up to the room to show him and discuss.
"What do you think we should do?" she asks.
Father frowns and responds "Well I guess spanking him is out of the question"
What did the pilot say to the Vietnamese mechanic underneath the plane? "
"You are the Nguyen beneath my wings"
Arrogant people do have a point...
the world is indeed beneath them
What did the sanitary napkin say to the f**...?
You are the wind beneath my wings.
Translated Chinese joke
Good news: Today is the little Johnny's first time flying!
Bad news: The engine caught fire as soon as he took off
Good news: He took a parachute with him so he could bail out
Bad news: The parachute failed midair
Good news: He saw a huge stack of hay right beneath him
Bad news: The top of the haystack is smeared with s**...t
Good news: He didn't land on the s**...t
Bad news: He didn't land on the haystack either
I stepped over a dwarf at work today.
He was beneath me.
Three gay men are at a bar.
The first one says, I'm so loose, my boyfriend can fit his fist inside me without effort! Second one says, Oh yeah? I'm so loose that my bf can fit his whole arm inside me without effort! Third guy laughs and the stool beneath him disappears.
I don't get why people don't like sitting on floors...
It's like they think it's beneath them or something
Why do we fly by air?
Because roads are beneath us.
A Scottish lass inquired to a man wearing a kilt "Is it true what that say about what's underneath a man's kilt?"
"Place your hand beneath and see for yourself' replied he. She obliged and cried out "Sir, that's gruesome!" He said "If you place your hand back again, you'll find it's gruesome more!"
My friend has this ugly old flooring in his kitchen he's been reluctant to replace.
I asked him why he's so reluctant when the flooring is obviously beneath him.
Three men are walking in the desert.
Three men are walking in the desert, all dehydrated.
They approach a slide with an empty paddling pool beneath it with a wizard standing nearby.
Wizard: This slide is magical. When you slide down it, you can say a drink of your choosing and the paddling pool will fill up with that drink.
The first guy slides down and says "Water!" and the pool is full of water.
The second guy slides down and says "Apple Juice!" and the pool is full of apple juice.
The third guy slides down and says "Wee!"