
Bee Hive Jokes

74 bee hive jokes and hilarious bee hive puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bee hive that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Bee Hive Short Jokes

Short bee hive jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The bee hive humour may include short bee swarm jokes also.

  1. My son asked me, "Daddy, why do bees stay in the hive in the winter?" I smiled and answered... "Swarm."
  2. After years of research, scientists discovered bees are allergic to pollen Turns out when exposed to pollen, bees develop hives
  3. Have you ever realised how pretty the second letter of the word hive is? I've always said that beauty is in the I of the bee holder
  4. A man tried robbing a bee farm without success. He broke out in hives when he broke into hives.
  5. A beekeeper said he wanted to train his hives to work with stitching and rope. I asked him if he really thought that would work, and he nodded and said May bee sew, may bee knot
  6. Why do bees stay in their hives in winter? Swarm.
    What did they bee say to his wife when they were running late for dinner?
    Hurry up honey.
  7. Trees are allergic to bees.. ..when bees get too close, [they break out in hives.] (/spoiler)
    Original joke!
  8. Where do American bees store their honey? In a USBee hive.
    ~Thank my ten year old for that one.
  9. did you know that bees are allergic to pollen? Because when they get exposed to them they develop hives
  10. You know the worst part about being allergic to bees and loving honey? Breaking into hives

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Bee Hive One Liners

Which bee hive one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with bee hive? I can suggest the ones about honey bee and honeybee.

  1. Why do bees stay in the hive in the winter? Swarm
  2. Where did noah keep his bees? In the ark hives
  3. How do we know Noah kept bees All the evidence was in the ark hives
  4. If you want to know how many bees Noah had... Check the ark hives.
  5. What do you call a bee hive with no exit? Un-bee-leave-able
  6. Bees like to stay huddled up together in their hives during the winter Swarm
  7. How do Australian bees please the queen bee? They bee hive
  8. What do bees say when they get back to the hive? Honey! I'm home!
  9. How do bees get into their hive? They get buzzed in!
  10. What does a bee say when it returns to it's hive? Honey, I'm home!
  11. Where did Noah keep his bee keeping manual. In his Ark Hives.
  12. TIL that trees can actually be allergic to bees. ... they break out in hives
  13. Why do bees stay in their hives during winter ? Swarm.
  14. Apparently I'm allergic to Burt's Bees body wash Broke out in hives
  15. I know you're wondering… why do bees live huddled together in hives? 'Swarm

Bee Hive Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about bee hive you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bee sting jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make bee hive pranks.

What time do bees clock off work?

Hive O'Clock

What do bees who are allergic to honey get?


Have you heard about the gay bees with allergies?

They come out in hives.

I'm severely allergic to bees...

...whenever I go near one, I break out in hives!

The tree in my front yard is allergic to bees

It always get hives

A Story of Two Bees

So once upon a time, there were two bees, and they were out collecting pollen for their hive. It was going well at first, but soon the clouds started to gather together. One bee said to Two bee, "We better hurry up and meet our quota, it looks like it's going to rain." Two bee said to One bee, "Yes, I agree. Our colony is in grave danger of starvation, and we need to bring them this pollen."
But soon, the rain began. The bees headed for shelter, but before long, One Bee was hit by a drop of water. Two Bee rushed to his side, and dragged him under a leaf, but it was too late. As One Bee lay dying, he said "Two Bee, you must live. Take the pollen I have gathered, the hive needs it. And when you return, tell my wife and children, I love them. Go on without me," then died.
As the rain cleared up, Two Bee knew he still had a long journey ahead of him, so he set his emotions aside.
What happened next?
Two Bee Continued.

How does the queen bee get around the hive?

She's throne.

What did the house save to the bee-hive?

Hi honey, I'm home.

Corny jokes!

Q: Why can't a bicycle stand on its own?
A: Because it's two-tired.
Q: What happens to nitrogen when the sun rises?
A: It becomes daytrogen.
Q: Where did Noah keep his bees?
A: In the Ark Hives!
Q: Can February March?
A: No, but April May.
Q: What is it called when you kill a friend?
A: Homiecide
"Fish tanks are s**...!"
"Fish don't even have any militaries!"

Bees are actually allergic to honey.

That's why they always have hives.

Where does Noah store his bees?

The ark-hives.

Bee population worldwide is exploding. What a time to be a hive.

Why did the bee go to the doctor?

Because he had hives
Badum tsh

what do you call a beehive without any bees?

a hive

Why did the bees build the hive?

It's in their beehavior.

Mom explained all about the birds and the bees when I was young,

Now I'm 39, and all I have is this empty hive with some eggs I laid a few years back in it.

Have you ever jumped into a bee hive?

It's Un-Bee-Leave-Able!

What did the queen bee say to her colony after a close encounter with a bear?

What a time to bee a hive!

Buyer beware

A man wants to purchase some farmland, but is wary of the bees on the property. The farmer thinks the bees are harmless so he makes the prospective buyer a deal: he'll tie the buyer n**... to a tree that has a bee hive for an hour, and if any bee stings him, the farmer will GIVE him the land for free.
The farmer ties the buyer up and leaves. He comes back an hour later and finds the buyer nearly unconscious. The farmer asks, "Are you all right?"
The reply: "Doesn't that calf have a mother?"

As I sneezed in front of my stuttering friend, I said, "man, my sinuses feel like a r**... bee hive".

He said, "i-i-is i-i-it an-an-allergy?"
I said, "no, more of a simile".

Why don't bees leave the hive in the winter?


Why do bees stay in their hives during the winter?

Because they want to hivernate

What do bees break out into a lot?


Bees: Forming a beehive is not an effective business plan

It's a hive mind full of buzzwords

What do you call a bee with AIDS?

HIVE Positive

Why did the bee get punished?

Because it mis-bee-hived.

An English kid and Russian kid were examining a beehive together.

English kid: See that one? We call that the Queen because it is the leader of the hive, just like the Queen is the leader of our country.
Russian kid: We call it the czar.
English kid: Well that's a little bee czar.

A local beekeeper was selling his bees for 5 dollars each.

"5 dollars for a single bee?! That's ridiculous," I complained.
"Well, if you don't like the price, you can select from that hive over there, those are freebies."

The male bees were unhappy with their lot ...

So they decided to stop fertilizing the Queen. They had the usual demands: larger honey rations, shorter hours, etc. The worker bees tried to negotiate, but it was too late, and the hive never recovered. Thus it became the first beehive destroyed in a drone strike.


A group of golfers were approaching the first tee when they noticed a woman being given first aid. One of the golfers asked what had happened, and he was informed that the woman had been stung by a bee and was having an allergic reaction.
"Where was she bit?" one of the players asked. "Between the first and second hole," was the reply.
The player responded, "Wow, she must have been standing right over the hive."

What do you call a bee that is not welcome in the hive?

Hepatitis B

Why did the bee cross the road?

To get to the other hive.

Moving the Hive

I'm a devoted beekeeper, so when my wife and I decided to move to a new house I carefully packed up my favorite hive and placed it in the car. My wife asked "are you really going to put a swarm of bees into our car with us ?" I thought she understood that I couldn't leave my best queen and hive behind.
But then I saw her face, now I'm a bee leaver.

A guy looking to become a bee farmer went to a seasoned Apiarist and asked if he could buy some bees off him to start up a hive. The Apiarist said he had plenty to spare and was having a sale for 50 bees for $50...

The man bought the bees, went home and began putting the bees into the empty hive; he counted each one to make sure he got his moneys worth but by the end of the gruelling task he realized he had not 50 but 51 bees. He called the seasoned Apiarist and asked why he was given 51 bees when the sale was for 50.
The Apiarist replied: >!that's a free-bee!<