
Bartender Tip Jokes

15 bartender tip jokes and hilarious bartender tip puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bartender tip that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Bartender Tip Short Jokes

Short bartender tip jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The bartender tip humour may include short bartenders serve jokes also.

  1. Ok what's the difference between the Titantic and California? At least the lights were on when the Titanic sank.
    Thank you, tip your bartenders ladies and gents…..
  2. A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a shotgun... and fires it just missing the man. The man says thanks, leaves a tip, and walks out.
    He had the hiccups

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Bartender Tip One Liners

Which bartender tip one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with bartender tip? I can suggest the ones about money tip and bartender pirate.

  1. Why don't women tip bartenders? They don't give a tip because they take the tip.

Bartender Tip Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about bartender tip you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean tipped waitress jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make bartender tip pranks.

Two guys from New York go on a cross-country trip and end up walking into a bar in Kansas.

After a few too many drinks, one of the guys asks the bartender, "Hey, can you tell us how to go cow tipping?" "I'm sorry, gentlemen. Cow tipping is simply an urban myth," the bartender explains. "The farmers actually pay them a competitive wage."

After couple beers, a man at a bar is chatting with the bartender.

"So, how many kegs of beer do you go through in a week?", he asks.
"About twenty," says the bartender.
"I've got a tip that could bring that up to twenty five, if you're interested."
"Absolutely!", says the bartender.
The man looks the bartender in the eyes and says, "Try filling the glasses up to the line."

A cowboy walks into a bar and accidentally bumps shoulders with someone while walking up to the bartender

The cowboy says politely, Scuse me, sir.
The person looks over at the cowboy uncomfortably and responds, Uh, actually I'm non-binary. The cowboy tips his hat respectfully and says, Oh, pardon me M'theydy.

Advice for final exams

A college student walks into a bar and orders a beer. "Wish me luck, I have end of term exams tomorrow," she tells the bartender. "Good luck," the bartender says. "Are you all prepared?" "I've done everything I can think of to prepare. I even texted my ex last night," she says. "I asked him if he had any good cheating tips."

So my bf and I walk into a bar. We notice this guy kept hitting on the female bartender by telling her corny jokes as she fake chuckles.

One joke involved him asking her why no one trusted atoms. (Because they make up everything). My bf retaliates with his own joke... 'What do female bartenders like most about their male Patrons?.... Just the tip' 😎

A guy walks into a bar.

He sees a tip jar labelled 'steaks'. He asked the bartender what the tip jar was for. Thanks bartender pointed to a couple pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling. He said, "If you jump and slap both pieces of meat before your feet hit the floor, you win however much money is in the jar. If you don't, then you have to put in $100. Are you willing to take the bet?"
The guy said, "No. The steaks are too high."

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, Why the long face?

I was born into servitude, and when I die, my feet will be turned into glue, replied the horse.
The bartender realized he would not be getting a tip.

A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water.
The bartender pulls out a shotgun and fires a shot, barely missing the man's head.
The man gets up, says thank you, and leaves a tip.
Why the tip and thank you, "because the man had the hiccups."

A man runs into a crowded bar and yells Run! Bad Bob is coming!

Everyone in the bar dropped their drink, screamed and ran for the doors. Soon there was nothing in the bar but fluttering napkins and a speechless bartender.
Boom! The bartender looked up. BOOM! Right outside the door. c**...! The door splintered. In walked a man, dressed all in black. Guns slung at the ready. Hat tipped low over steely eyes.
Sitting at the end of bar, he orders a whiskey. The bartender shakily serves it to him. The man quickly tosses it back.
Another...? asks the timid bartender.
The man looks up sharply - are you kidding? Bad Bob is coming !

A man walks into a bar with his dog . . .

. . . and the bartender says "You can't bring a dog in here!"
The man says "It's my seeing eye dog". The bartender apologizes profusely and gives the man his drink on the house.
A second man enters the bar with his dog and the first man calls to him: "Pssst, buddy. You can't bring a dog in here unless you say it's your seeing eye dog". The second man thanks him for the tip, goes to the bar and orders a drink.
The bartender says "You can't bring a dog in here!"
The man says "It's my seeing eye dog".
The bartender says "I don't think so, they don't give out Chihuahuas as seeing eye dogs".
The man says "WHAT?! They gave me a Chihuahua?"

Guy walks into a bar.. (long joke)

And asks for a drink. He notices a jar full of money and asks the bartender if he gets a lot of tips. Bartender explains that it's part of an ongoing bet. The man asks what he must do to win the money. The bartender states that the man must climb the oak tree behind the bar and grab a leaf from the very top, pull an abscessed tooth from a pit bull, and bang a 50 year old v**.... The man refuses.
After many drinks, the man finally accepts the bet. He climbs the tree with ease and brings the bartender a leaf. The man then stumbles to the back room where the dog is sleeping. After a lot of commotion, screaming, and yelping, the man returns. He says, "Now where's the lady with the abscessed tooth?"