
Barks Jokes

42 barks jokes and hilarious barks puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about barks that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Barks Short Jokes

Short barks jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The barks humour may include short barked jokes also.

  1. I need to re-home a dog. It's a small terrier, and tends to bark a lot. If you're interested, let me know and I'll jump over next door's fence and get it for you.
  2. A kid asks, "Mommy, how come I'm black and you're white?" The mom replies, "Listen, the way I remember that party you're lucky you don't bark."
  3. One day the youngest son asks his mother, "Mom, why do I look so different from all my siblings?".... The mother says "Son, from what I remember about that party, you are lucky that you don't bark".
  4. I told my girlfriend that if she wanted her Hersheys bar she had to bark like a dog After she did it, I proceeded to eat it explaining that chocolate wasn't good for dogs.
  5. My wife thinks the dog can talk to her and that every bark is a word. My family asked what it was like and I said: It's rough
  6. If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first? The dog because he shuts up after you let him in.
  7. "Mommy, why do I have black skin and you have white skin?" "Honey, when I think back to that night, you're lucky you don't bark."
  8. Animals can sense disasters before they happen. That's why the neighbors dog barks whenever I make a move on a girl.
  9. Q: If your dog was barking on the front door and your wife knocking on the back door, who should you let in first? A: The dog, because at least it would shut up once it got in.
  10. My friend had a dog... My friend had a dog that could only bark below 100hz. It was a sub woofer

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Barks One Liners

Which barks one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with barks? I can suggest the ones about dog bark and growls.

  1. I have a pet tree... It's like having a pet dog but the bark is much quieter.
  2. A tree will never hit you They're all bark and no bite
  3. How does a dog camouflage itself in the forest? It barks.
    My 4 yo made this up.
  4. How do dogs always know who is barking? They have collar ID
  5. Trees are like dogs Some shed and some don't. Others just bark
  6. How do you tell two dogwood trees apart? By their bark
  7. What does an Icelandic dogs bark sound like? Björk
  8. How many times a day does a dog bark? About 100, but that's just a ruff estimate.
  9. How do trees communicate? They bark.
  10. Why do dogs always bark when they hear a doorbell? It's almost never for them.
  11. I tried to build a computer out of wood, but it wouldn't turn on. All bark and no byte.
  12. I have a pet tree It's not as good as a pet dog but the bark is quieter.
  13. How do you identify a dogwood tree? By its bark.
  14. My dog has no sense of humor Every time I say knock knock he just starts barking.
  15. A wise chinese guy once said: If a dog barks- It's undercooked.

Barks joke, A wise chinese guy once said: If a dog barks-

Fun-Filled Barks Jokes to Boost Your Mood

What funny jokes about barks you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean barking dog jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make barks pranks.

I used to be a telemarketer

I phone up one of my usual numbers and a little boy answers the phone.
"Are you parents home, young man?" I ask.
I hear him drop the phone and burst into tears. I wait a few seconds until someone pick up the phone. An elderly voice at the end of the line barks back at me:
"For the last time, this is an orphanage. PLEASE stop calling."

So a chicken and an egg are lying in bed together.

The chicken slowly puffs on a cigarette as he radiates satisfaction. The frustrated egg turns to him and barks, "Well I guess that answers that question."

A dog walks into a telegraph office

He says to the operator take a message.
"Bark bark bark, bark bark bark, bark bark; bark."
The operator says "You could send ten barks for the same price."
The dog replies "Well then it wouldn't make any sense."

What's your name?

A cop pulls a guy over and asks for his license and registration.
The driver responds, "I don't have a license or registration, Officer."
"Tell me your name then," the cop demands.
"Mr. Kret," the driver says.
"TELL ME YOUR FULL NAME," the officer barks, sufficiently irritated.
The driver smiles..."Itza C. Kret."

A Cop and His Trained Dog Stop me on a Sidewalk

The dog sniffs around me for a bit and barks to the officer.
The officer walks up to me and says, "Where are the drugs? The dog says he could smell them off you."
I reply, "Drugs? What drugs? You're the one talking to dogs."

An english man, an irish man and a scottish man are running away from the police.

An english man, an irish man and a scottish man are running away from the police. They find 3 sacks and hide in them. The police man approaches the sacks and kicks the first one. The English man barks like a dog. The police man kicks the next one and the Scottish man screams like a cat. The policeman kicks the next one and the Irish man says "sack of potatoes".

A WWII joke for you guys...

Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, visits France and is not recognized by the customs guard at the French border.
'Name?', the guard barks out.
'Olaf Scholz', he says.
'Oh no,' he says, 'just for a few days.'

An oak tree walks into a bar.

Nuts on a woman, barks something inappropriate, and leaves.

My neighbors dog barks unbelievably loud...

... so I asked him to train his dog to bark at a more believable level.

My girlfriend and I purchased a Great Dane, and now the smell around our house is absolutely revolting.

Every time he barks I s**... myself.

Sister Catherine is asking all the Catholic school children in fourth grade what they want to be when they grow up.

Little Sheila says:
"When I grow up, I want to be a p**...!" Sister Catherine's eyes grow wide and she barks: "What the **** did you say?"
"A p**...!" Sheila repeats. Sister Catherine breathes a sight of relief and says: "Thank God! I thought you said a Protestant"

What do you call a cat that barks??

Fake mews.

My dog was barking at the neighbour's dog so I gave her a big stick...

Now she barks softly.

I have an autistic nephew...

and I'm starting to think my dog is autistic as well because she also barks at the vacuum.

A wise chinese guy once said to me

"if the dog barks, it's undercooked"
- Some wise chinese guy

My dog understands several human words...

Yet i dont understand anything my dog barks.
He may be smarter than me.

Free to Good Home:

Small terrier, cute and cuddly but barks constantly. If interested, I'll hop the neighbor's fence and get him for you.

What do you do if you dog barks too much?

Put him in a barking lot

"Kneel before me!" demands a portly king. All present kneel, except for one peasant who remains standing casually. Outraged, the king points his scepter at this peasant and barks, "You there, why do you not kneel!?" The peasant responds,

"Considering how long it'd take you even just to get out of that chair, there's clearly no need to rush."


What do you call that which barks during the day and floats during the night ?
- Your grandma's jaws

You know the honeymoon's over when...

your dog brings your slippers...and your wife barks at you.

I slept with my 10 year old today...

Unfortunately, he kept waking me up with his barks and growls from the foot of my bed.

What do you call a Wolfman who barks at a half moon?


The Chinese and the dog

A Chinese man, coming home from a long day of work, is walking on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, a stray dog jumps out of the bushes and barks at the man. The Chinese man, appreciating a good laugh, barks back at the dog for fun. The dog stops barking and stands up on his hind legs. The dog , deeply offended, says, "That's very rude. How would you like it if I said Ching Chang Chong?"

Barks joke, The Chinese and the dog