Badge Jokes
44 badge jokes and hilarious badge puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about badge that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Looking for a chuckle? Check out this collection of badge jokes that explore the humor behind wood badges, blue badges, merit badges and more. Learn why a badge bunny may want a strategically placed fedoral, or why a sticker can be just as important as a badge.
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Funniest Badge Short Jokes
Short badge jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The badge humour may include short checker jokes also.
- My boss: You're fired. Me: *turns in gun and badge*
My boss: You're a waiter where did you get those - It's like my uncle always said: "The day I can't do my job drunk..." " the day I hand in my badge and gun."
- After 35 years of carrying a gun and a badge. I've decided it's time to stop impersonating a police officer.
- I was just fired from my job so I turned in my gun and badge The other cashiers were quite concerned
- As my Grandfather always said.... the day I can't come into to work drunk, is the day I hand in my gun and badge.
- My dad is an amazing dad When I was 5 he left to go get his "Dad badge" he has never came back, so he must be looking hard just for me
- I wanted to chat-up the girl serving in the coffee shop, so I looked at her name badge and said: "That's a beautiful name... Trainee"
- I'm a cop and I got caught choking the chicken in public I was revoked of my badge and sentenced to three years jail time. The chicken filed a civil rights suit and received 3 million in reparations
- Why did Micheal Jackson want to be a camp counselor? He would give Merit Badges for pitching a tent.
- The cops who are currently covering up their badge numbers are probably very bad at video games They have no account-ability!!
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Badge One Liners
Which badge one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with badge? I can suggest the ones about charm and award.
- Where do you hide after killing a black person? behind a badge
- Where is the best place to hide after killing someone? Behind a badge..
- Where's the safest place to hide after shooting someone? Behind your badge.
- Wheres the best place to hide after shooting a black guy? behind a badge
- Where do you hide when you kill a black guy? Behind a badge
- Where do you hide if you kill a black man? Behind a badge.
- Which animal was the best at girls scout club A Badge-r
- How do you lower the crime rate? Give the criminals badges.
- What do you do with a guy who has a history of criminal violence? Give him a badge.
- What do you get when you cross a road with an old lady? A Boy Scouts badge.
- Apple has made a car that is pretty much an Apple badge Kia Soul. It is called the Ikea.
- So the thing about police badges. Wouldn't it be great if they were made from "copper"?
- What's the scariest thing about an Asian guy in prison? His badge and gun
- Why did the police give the guy who got 23 kills a badge? Because he's always undercovers
- How did I get away with killing a black man? I hid behind a badge.

Charming Humor Badge Jokes with Loads of Fun
What funny jokes about badge you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean coupon jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make badge pranks.
Where's the best place to hide after committing m**...?
Behind a badge.
My 85-year-old grandfather was rushed to the hospital with a possible concussion.
**The doctor asked him a series of questions: Do you know where you are? I'm at Rex Hospital. What city are you in? Raleigh. Do you know who I am? Dr. Hamilton. My grandfather then turned to the nurse and said, I hope he doesn't ask me any more questions. Why? she asked. Because all of those answers were on his badge. **
Where do you hide after a m**...?
Behind a badge.
A week before Memorial Day, kids bring pictures of veteran family members to school for show and tell.
First up was Mary. "My daddy served in Afghanistan. He was a paratrooper."
"A paratrooper?" Asked the teacher, who was awed.
"Yes, please look closer -- you can see his jump badge."
Second was Joe. "My granny served in Vietnam. She was a doctor."
"A doctor?" Asked the teacher, who was moved.
"Yeah, see? That's a stethoscope hanging around her neck."
Third was little Johnny, "This is my great grandpa. He was an electrician."
"An electrician?" Asked the teacher, who was perplexed.
"Yeah, here. You can see the two lightning bolts on his helmet"
An 85-year-old grandfather was rushed to the hospital with no memory and brain damage.
The doctor asked him a series of questions:
Do you know where you are?
I'm at Rex Hospital.
What city are you in?
Do you know who I am?
Dr. Hamilton.
the old grandfather then turned to the nurse and said, I hope he doesn't ask me any more questions. Why? she asked. Because all of those answers were on his badge.
guys i have copied this joke and edited formating. its not my original creation.
On the badge you......
My 85-year-old grandfather was rushed to the hospital with a possible concussion. The doctor asked him a series of questions: Do you know where you are? I'm at Rex Hospital. What city are you in? Raleigh. Do you know who I am? Dr. Hamilton. My grandfather then turned to the nurse and said, I hope he doesn't ask me any more questions. Why? she asked. Because all of those answers were on his badge.
How did the badge get away with m**...?
He pinned it on someone else.
Drug use?
A monster was feeling kind of hungry and he knew that they served food at the local bar. He walks into the bar and sees a couple girls sitting at the bar. He walks up and gobbles one of the girls down. The other girl who was a cop, pulls out a badge and says, "You're under arrest for m**... and drug use!" The monster looks at her and says, "Drug use?" The cops says, "Yea! That was a bar b**... you ate!"
The badger
A husband and wife are driving home and run over a badger, they get out and find it's still breathing but freezing cold.
The husband says,"Put it between your legs to warm it up."
The Wife replies "But it's all wet and it stinks!"
Husband says "Well, hold its nose!".
A h**...'s Angel is doing the deed with his girl in the back seat of a car. He hears a tap-tap-tap on the window, looks up, sees a flashlight shine on a badge and then into the back seat, and a gravely voice say, "I'm next."
He starts quivering and shaking, and his girl asks him what is the matter.
He says, "I never done it with a cop!"
Literary alcohol puns
I saw someone post some the other day. Has anyone thought of any new ones?
Here are a couple my friends and I thought of...
50 Shades of Grey Goose,
Into the Wild Turkey,
Beer and Present Danger,
Patriot Drinking Games,
The Sum of All Beers (I like Tom Clancy),
The Red Badge of Liquid Courage.
When does a bad apple become rotten?
When it dons full riot gear and covers up its badge number.
Him: "Why do you always have to correct everything I say? What are you, trying to earn your Pedantry Badge in Boy Scouts or something?"
Me: "It's actually a pin, not a badge..."