
Bad Dentist Jokes

22 bad dentist jokes and hilarious bad dentist puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about bad dentist that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Bad Dentist Short Jokes

Short bad dentist jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The bad dentist humour may include short bad teeth jokes also.

  1. If dentists make all their money from bad teeth... ....why should we use toothpaste that 8 out of 10 dentists recommend.
  2. If 2020 is not bad enough already, I've just read about dentists planning a national strike next month Brace yourselves.
  3. King Charles to get Crown next year... You know U.K. dentistry is bad when the King can't even get a dentist appointment.
  4. Bad Romance A lady approached me, and said
    "Every time you smile, i want to give you my number!"
    I said "Aww that's sweet. Are you single?"
    She replied "No. I'm a dentist."
  5. A bad day at the dentist is better than a bad day at the airport. Because a search for cavities sure beats a cavity search.
  6. Dentists make a living from people with bad teeth. Why would you use a toothpaste that 9/10 dentist recommend?
  7. Why did frosty the snowman have to go to the dentist? He has a very bad case of frost bite.
  8. I used to think it was no big deal that my gums bled whenever I flossed, but I talked to my dentist about it and she said that it can actually be a bad sign. So now I never floss.
  9. If dentists make money of of bad teeth... ...Why should I trust a product 4 out of 5 of them recommend

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Bad Dentist One Liners

Which bad dentist one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with bad dentist? I can suggest the ones about dentist and bad doctor.

  1. What's red and bad for your teeth? An angry dentist
  2. What do you call a bad dentist? And Awfuldontist
  3. Why did y=x^2 go to the dentist? It bad a concavity
  4. My dentist was a little nervous while working on my bad tooth But he pulled it off
  5. Every time I'm at the dentist my doctor makes me feel like a bad Christian I'm Jewish.

Howlingly Hilarious Bad Dentist Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy

What funny jokes about bad dentist you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean dentist appointment jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make bad dentist pranks.

A lady goes to the dentist with a sore tooth.

The dentist looks and says "you have a bad tooth we are going to have to pull it"
The lady says "I would rather be pregnant than have a tooth pulled"
The dentist replies "Make up your mind, I have to adjust the chair"

Three doctors are talking about death

The first, a dentist, says, When I die, I think I'd like my tombstone to be shaped like a tooth made of white marble.
Hey, adds the cardiologist, that's not a bad idea, I'd love my tombstone to be shaped as a heart…

The gynecologist is silent for a bit, then says, I think scattering of the ashes is my option.

"Have you been for a check-up recently?" asked my dentist.

"No. No I haven't," I answered.
"I can tell," he replied.
"Are my teeth bad?" I chuckled.
He said, "No, but I saw the w**... of cash in your wallet."

Bad holiday joke

I love Hollandaise sauce, and put it on everything, but the lemon juice in it reeks havoc on my dentures. My dentist said he has just the thing: dentures made of chrome. Because there's no plate like chrome for the hollandaise.

Don't Do That In Public

A boy and his mother stood looking at a dentist's showcase. "If I had to have false teeth, I'd take that pair," said the small boy, pointing.
"Hush, w**...," interposed the mother quickly, shaking his arm. "Haven't I told you it's bad manners to pick your teeth in public?"

Cloyd went to a Charleston dentist complaining his gums had shriveled up and his teeth were falling out.
After examining him, the dentist said, "Your mouth is really bad. Do you brush?"
"Ah sure do!" replied Cloyd. "Everee single day!"
"What do you brush with?" asked the dentist.
"Preparation H," said the r**....