
Autocorrect Jokes

94 autocorrect jokes and hilarious autocorrect puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about autocorrect that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Ready for a laugh? See how people have transformed their intended messages into comedic gold thanks to iPhone autocorrect. You won't believe the hilarious accidents that are created when automatic text correcting apps go awry. Discover the best autocorrect jokes and get ready to giggle.

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Funniest Autocorrect Short Jokes

Short autocorrect jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The autocorrect humour may include short accidentally jokes also.

  1. A priest, a rabbit and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender asks the rabbit What can I get you to drink .
    The rabbit says I have no idea, I'm only here because of autocorrect .
  2. A priest, a rabbit, and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender asks the rabbit "what'll ya have?" The rabbit replies, "I dunno... I'm just here because of autocorrect."
  3. If I ever opened a car repair shop, I would call it "Auto-Correct". Then I'd paint the floor with those red squiggly lines...
  4. The inventor of autocorrect has died... The inventor of autocorrect has died. I didn't even know he was I'll
  5. Auto-correct is so crazy now a days... My mom meant to text me 'I love you' but it auto corrected to 'You're a disappointment.'
  6. The guy who invented auto-correct for smart phones passed away today. Restaurant in peace.
  7. A priest, a monk and a rabbit walk into a bar. "What'll ya have?" asks the bartender. "I don't know" says the rabbit. "I'm only here because of autocorrect".
  8. Did you know the guy who invented autocorrect is an atheist? He's going to he'll
  9. Autocorrect walks into a bar DUCK!
  10. Two autocorrecting iPhones walk into a bear Bard*

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Autocorrect One Liners

Which autocorrect one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with autocorrect? I can suggest the ones about automatic and app.

  1. We'll We'll We'll...
    ...if it isn't autocorrect...
  2. The inventor of autocorrect died The funnel will be held tomato.
  3. I finally disabled autocorrect on my phone I was getting really tired of its shirt.
  4. Sad news…the creator of autocorrect has died restaurant in piece 🕯
  5. The inventor of auto-correct has died his funnel is tomato
  6. My doctor diagnosed me with "Autocorrect Syndrome" I didn't even know I was I'll.
  7. Why don't vampire use autocorrect? Because they love Type Os
  8. What's Autocorrect's blood type? typo negative
  9. The inventor of autocorrect died today His funfair will be hello on sundial
  10. The inventor of autocorrect just died. May he restaurant in peanut.
  11. I hope the guy who invented Autocorrect burns in Hello!
  12. Auto-correct walks into a bar... And the batman says, 'why the log fence?'
  13. The man who invented AutoCorrect has died. Restaurant in piece.
  14. I hate autocorrect... It always makes me say things I don't Nintendo.
  15. The man who invented autocorrect, should burn in hello.

Iphone Autocorrect Jokes

Here is a list of funny iphone autocorrect jokes and even better iphone autocorrect puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • They should make iPhones for women Where every word autocorrects to "sorry"
  • What do you get when your iPhone auto-corrects "lardass"? Kardashian
Autocorrect joke, What do you get when your iPhone auto-corrects "lardass"?

Experience Good Cheer with Hilarious Autocorrect Jokes and Friends

What funny jokes about autocorrect you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean error jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make autocorrect pranks.

Autocorrect is a great feature...

but it can also be your worst e**....

Auto-correct simply means you end up saying stuff that you didn't Nintendo.

When she texts "I Love You"...

but Auto-correct changes it to "who is this"

Turned off autocorrect and I've never been happyer.

A Man asks his lover in a restaurant

Man : Honey, what do you love most about me?
Woman : I love your company the most darling!
Man : Wow really? that is so sweet of you my love
Woman : Um, it's still making money right?
*edit :forgot to mention that I remember this joke from Benny Hills show, not my own joke

*edit 2 : Benny Hills not Benn, autocorrect strikes again!

My phone autocorrected "killed" to "kilt"...

Well plaid, phone... Well plaid.

I signed a petition to end women's suffering yesterday.

Oops. Sorry: autocorrect.

I used to work as a programmer for autocorrect...

...but they fried me for no raisin.

The man who invented autocorrect just died.

His funfair will be on Monkey.

Selling an improved autocorrect?

Shut up and take my monkey.

The funny thing about teen pregnancy is that before it happens all you hear is "Don't do it! You'll regret it! You'll lose your freedom! Make the responsible choice!" Then after it happens, they say "We're a still disappointed, but we can still make the best of this. It's not the end of the world."

s**... auto-correct: I meant "Trump's presidency" not "teen pregnancy".

The inventor of auto-correct has died

His funfair will be next monkey.

I just heard the inventor of autocorrect died...

...may his sole restaurant in pieces.

My computer auto-corrected "i**... immigrant" to "undocumented person."

It's a PC PC.

The funny thing about teen pregnancy is they all say, "Don't do it! You will lose all your freedom! Make the responsible choice." But after it happens they say "We're disappointed but we can make the best of this. It's not the end of the world."

Whoops, I accidentally autocorrected "Trumps' Presidency" to "teen pregnancy"

I see you have turned Autocorrect off.

I also like to lige dargejonsly.
I see you have turned Autocorrect back on.
I also like to l**... degenerates.

Today the inventor of autocorrect has died

Resturant in peace

What's the difference between autocorrect and my kid?

Autocorrect knows every single word in english, except for swears.

Autocorrect Inspired Poem

It means no worries
For the rest of your days
Haiku na Mattatta

With how old the United States' politicians are these days...

... it makes sense that we as a country are suffering from electile disfunction.
Edit for autocorrect

My phone keeps changing critical words in important texts.

Autocorrect, you've made a powerful e**... today.

Autocorrect often makes me write things I don't Nintendo

But Sony if I'm not careful

Who the he'll

Invited autocorrect?

Person who created 'Autocorrect' died.....

May his sole restaurant in peas..

Autocorrect made me say things...

...I didn't Nintendo.

A man joins the mob and becomes the personal assistant to the Godfather

One day he receives a text message from the boss. "I've been having problems with my wife. Please pull the plug and then call someone in to take care of the matter."
The man knows better than to question the Godfather, so he dutifully carries out the command. He shoots the boss's wife, and then calls in the clean up crew.
But a short while later, he receives another message. "s**... autocorrect. I meant wifi."

The inventor of autocorrect walks into a bar.

He asks for a bear

I hate autocorrect

It makes me say things I didn't Nintendo

Really frustrating when autocorrect comes up with a *completely* different word just because you typed one letter wrong.

Someone told me there's an easy fix,
I just hope they're Rihanna.

How did bad jokes become dad jokes?


I really hate it when...

...autocorrect makes me say things I didn't Nintendo.

The creator of autocorrect passed away

Restaurant in peace

To the person who invented autocorrect...

There's a special place in he'll for you.

Autocorrect keeps ducking up my joke every time I try to type it here for all of you.

Is it because of the fowl language?

Another term for man-splainer is...


I really hate autocorrect

My girlfriend is mad at me because she thinks I want to kick her puppy

Oh that feeling

Autocorrect is my worst Enima.

The Man Who Created Autocorrect Has Died.

Restaurant In Peace.

Walked into a bar

A priest, a rabbit, and a monk all walk into a bar.
The bartender says, 'What will it be?'
The priest says, 'a glass of wine.'
The monk says, 'I will only have water, as I am fulfilled internally.'
The rabbit says, 'I don't know... the only reason I'm in this story is cause autocorrect!'

A guy wanks into a bra

..d**..., autocorrect knows me too well.

The man who invented auto-correct has suddenly past away...

His funfair is next monkey...

The guy who made autocorrect has died

Restoration in peace

A priest, a rabbit, and a minister all walk into a bar..

The bartender asks "what will you all have?"
The rabbit says, "I'm not sure, I'm only here because of autocorrect."

A priest, an imam, and a rabbit walk into a bar

The priest has wine, the imam gets a Shirley Temple, and the bartender asks the rabbit, "what'll you have?"
The rabbit responds, "man, I dunno. I'm only here because of autocorrect."

d**... autocorrect!

My Wife texted me a selfie in a new dress and asked "Does this make my b**... look big?"
I texted back "Noo!"
My phone autocorrected my response to "Moo!"
Please send help!

The founder of autocorrect has died.

May he resist in piece.


A priest, rabbit, and Minister walk into a bar. The bar tender says to the rabbit what will you have? The rabbit says "I don't know, I think I'm only here because of autocorrect ".

I hate autocorrect.

I'm always typing things I didn't Nintendo

If you don't believe in autocorrect...

You go straight to he'll.

A priest, a minister and a rabbit walk into a bar. The bartender asks the rabbit what it's doing there.

The rabbit replies: autocorrect

The Inventor of AutoCorrect died

The Inventor of AutoCorrect died.
Condiments are roaring in.
* He will be mist
* He was a very general food man
* He was killed in four luggages
* He is in a wetter place
* Paying for his knife and Emily
* Send flours and dalmations to---
* May he roast in piece
Funnel will be held tomato.

I hit a clown car once. I faced 10 counts of manslaughter.

d**... autocorrect. I meant man's laughter. Everyone was fine.

Autocorrect joke, My doctor diagnosed me with "Autocorrect Syndrome"