
Atop Jokes

21 atop jokes and hilarious atop puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about atop that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Atop Short Jokes

Short atop jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The atop humour may include short tops jokes also.

  1. A Japanese man in a monastery atop a sacred mountain asks the wise man: "Master Ayumu, why do all Westerners think that Japanese people look alike?" "I am not Master Ayumu."
  2. Mistaken Identity A Japanese man in a monastery atop a sacred mountain asks the wise man: - "Master Ayumu, why do all Westerners think that Japanese people look alike?" - "I am not Master Ayumu."
  3. A luxury boat sank and a passenger was holding on to a floating piano... All of a sudden, someone floats by sitting atop a floating cello and asks: May I accompany you?
  4. The owner of dulux paints died today, he froze to death atop a mountain Police report states he could of done with another coat.
  5. Two midget asians sit atop each other and get makeup to look Caucasian for a movie, the director says no because two wongs don't make a white
  6. A man reached the top of the mountain and tells the sage atop it I seek one greater than the meaning of life itself. The sage replies 43.
  7. The mighty god rode his valiand steed atop the highest mountain.. ... raised his hammer high, and declared ''I am Thor!''. To which his horse replied: ''Because you forgot your thaddle, thilly.''
  8. Jesus Spoke to his Followers Jesus spoke to his followers from atop a podium.
    "Come forth, and win eternal life!"

    John came 5th and won a toaster.
  9. When I'm having s**... with a woman I prefer to do it atop a pile of fermented apples… I just love the feeling of being in cider.

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Atop One Liners

Which atop one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with atop? I can suggest the ones about top of the mountain and topped.

  1. What is black and sits atop the staircase? Steven Hawking after a house fire.
  2. Two blokes at a bar atop a skyscraper
  3. Confucius say priest who preach atop mountain often take moral high ground.
  4. I like my women like I like my dragons... Jealous, n**..., and atop a bunch of gold.

Atop joke, I like my women like I like my dragons...

Heartwarming Atop Jokes that Make You Laugh

What funny jokes about atop you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rooftop jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make atop pranks.

Jesus and Moses are at a lake in heaven

They both want to see if their powers still work
so moses splits the lake, walks right through, and says "alright jesus, now you try it"
So jesus tries to walk atop the waters but winks right through, and swims to the other side.
"What happened?" Moses asks, "Did you lose balance or something?"
"Well last time I didn't have holes in my feet"

A zoo's only gorilla dies...

so the zookeeper hires an actor to wear a gorilla costume until the zoo can get another one.
In the gorilla pen the actor makes faces, beats his chest, swings around, and soon draws a huge crowd. Encouraged, he then crawls atop a beam across the lion's enclosure, taunting the animal below. But, in horror, he lost his grip, falling into the lion's cage.
Terrified, the actor shouts, Help! Help me! Too late. The lion pounces, opens its massive jaws, and whispers urgently, Shut up! Do you want to get us both fired?!

A man named Jose has just moved from Mexico to the US

and he wants to do something very American so he decides to go to a baseball game.
Unfortunately, the game is completely sold out. However, the cashier says there is one seat available if Jose is willing to sit atop the flag pole. He agrees.
Finding the pole, Jose climbs to the top and takes a seat.
The game is about to begin when a voice comes over the loudspeaker and says "Please rise for the National Anthem". Everyone in the stadium stands up, turns to Jose, puts their hands over their hearts, and sings
Jose yells back "YES THANK YOU"

A pianist performing in a subway terminal...

was playing beautifully. I was only offput by the weird looking kid with a dunce cap sitting atop the piano.
Suddenly, the weird looking kid with the dunce cap jumped up and scurried off. The piano player abruptly stopped playing.
I asked him, "why did you stop playing?"
To which he replied, "I cannot play piano without my metro-gnome."

A parachutist is plummeting to Earth

Because her ripcord malfunctioned.
As she frantically pulls at the defective cord, she passes a man atop a stove traveling the opposite way.
She yells out to him, Hey, do you know how to fix a parachute!?
He replies back No! Do you know anything about repairing gas lines??

A guy walks into a bar.

Inside the bar he sees a blonde sitting at the bar, she's intently watching the 10 pm news. The news story is about a man who's standing atop a building, preparing to jump. The guy says to the blond "I bet you $50 he'll jump". The blonde takes the bet and continuous to watch.
Some time later, the man on the building jumps. The guy turns to the blonde and says "I'm sorry but I can't take your money. I watched this on the 6 pm news and knew he would jump". The blonde replies "I watched it at 6 pm too, but I didn't think he'd jump again"

Superman is flying around the city when he sees Wonder Woman lying n**... and spread eagle atop a skyscraper

He thinks to himself I can fly over there, have super sonic fast s**... with her, and fly away before she even notices…
He zips over, pumps away with a speed that induces time dilation in his nether region, and flies away before Wonder Woman can tell what happened.
Startled, Wonder Woman exclaims, What the h**... was that???
The Invisible Man replies, I have no idea but my a**... hurts like h**...!

A man has just died.

As his soul leaves his body and begins to float towards the clouds, he hears a loud, booming voice.
**"Come. Come towards the light, my son."**
And so he does.
Meanwhile, atop his cloud, God laughs, as another human hits his bug zapper.

The god of thunder rides to the top of the mountain atop his noble steed.

Upon reaching the summit, he gets off his horse, raises his hammer to the sky and yells, "I am Thor!"
The horse turns around and says, "That'th cuth you forgot your thaddle thilly!"

Atop joke, A man reached the top of the mountain and tells the sage atop it  I seek one greater than the meanin