Asphyxiation Jokes
44 asphyxiation jokes and hilarious asphyxiation puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about asphyxiation that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Asphyxiation Short Jokes
Short asphyxiation jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The asphyxiation humour may include short drowning jokes also.
- Did you hear about the man who was into asphyxiation and vegetables? He liked being artichoked.
- This will ruin some of your childhoods. How did Reggie Rocket's brother die? Otto Rocket Asphyxiation
- My cousin was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Unfortunately, she died from asphyxiation almost immediately.
- DON'T shoot for the moon if you miss, you will land among the stars
alone and asphyxiating - My roommate is into auto-e**... asphyxiation, but he's also suicidal. I can never tell if he's coming or going.
- My depressed roommate is into a**... asphyxiation Every time I see a noose around his head, I don't know if he's coming or going
- I am starting a support group for guys dealing with a**... Asphyxiation. Our motto is: "Hang in there, we can beat it."
- What's the difference between my h**...-driven auto-e**... asphyxiation f**... and an artichoke? Nothing. One's an art I choke to, and the other's an artichoke, too.
- Some guys at my school got caught trying a**... asphyxiation One got suspended, the others got off.
- Not all of the weird s**... stuff you hear about is as good as it's cracked up to be... I mean you can tell me how great a**... asphyxiation is till you're blue in the face.
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Asphyxiation One Liners
Which asphyxiation one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with asphyxiation? I can suggest the ones about choking and choked.
- How does a chihuahua kill a rottweiler? Asphyxiation.
- Kid pulls prank on teachers seat with glue. Teacher dies due to... Asphyxiation.
- I prefer to use the medical term for being Friendzoned: Autoplatonic asphyxiation.
- How do you kill a car via strangulation? Auto asphyxiation.
- If you choke a Transformer... that Auto-Robotic Asphyxiation?
- Chinese man found dead Autopsy result came out and the cause of death was asphyxi-asian.
- How did Reggie Rocket's brother die? Otto Erocket Asphyxiation
- What'd they call the movie about auto e**... asphyxiation? Die Hard
- A Plant's Guide to a**... Asphyxiation By Artichoke
- Why is singing like a**... asphyxiation? Because sometimes you just gotta belt it out
- I was just caught m**... while asphyxiating myself. Boy, am I red in the face.
- My friend can talk about auto-e**... asphyxiation til he's blue in the face.
- How do you keep a lawyer from asphyxiating? Take your foot off his t**....
- A vegetarian was into e**... asphyxiation, but he died. He artichoked.
- Why does Seth Rogen laugh like he's being asphyxiated? Because even he knows he s**....

Amusing Asphyxiation Jokes to Make You Laugh with Friends
What funny jokes about asphyxiation you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean burning alive jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make asphyxiation pranks.
My friend has a PhD in s**... deviancy
She can talk about a**... asphyxiation until she's blue in the face!
I watched Die Hard the other day...
Was disappointed. The movie had *nothing* to do with a**... asphyxiation.
You know, I'm into auto e**... asphyxiation, but there is one downside.
You can never really tell if your coming or going.
What do you call it when your s**... robot chokes you too hard and you die?
Bot-o e**... asphyxiation.
Due to grocery stores switching from paper bags to plastic bags, a serious problem has arisen.
An unprecedented number of ugly girls have died of asphyxiation during s**....
a**... asphyxiation is the biggest gamble
You don't know whether you're c**... or going
I think my girlfriend wants me to try a**... asphyxiation...
... every time I talk to her about s**... she leaves me hanging!
a**... Asphyxiation....
How do you even get into something like that? Do you just jump in head first or do you have someone show you the ropes?