
Asian Name Jokes

76 asian name jokes and hilarious asian name puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about asian name that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Asian Name Short Jokes

Short asian name jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The asian name humour may include short chinese name jokes also.

  1. What do you call an Asian guy in a lift. You shouldn't call him names.
    It's Wong on so many levels.
  2. An Asian doctor, SEAL, and astronaut walks into a bar His name is Jonny Kim. Please don't let my mother know about him.
  3. How Long Is An Asian Name It wasn't a question, hence the missing question mark. How Long really is an Asian name!
  4. My Asian friend got his Jewish wife pregnant. I guess "Cha Ching" wasn't an appropriate name suggestion
  5. I'm proud to be a Asian descent, with my family name Chao. When we have family gatherings… It's completely Chaos!
  6. How do Asians name their babies? They throw a drawer of silverware down the stairs and name it whatever sound it makes.
  7. There's an Asian that lives in Antartica. His name is Pang Nguyen.
  8. An Asian man walked past me today He was yawning. That made me yawn. I said Dang, you made me yawn. He laughed, then got a puzzled look on his face and asked me How did you know my name?
  9. What's a second name for a group of Asians in your basement??........STONERS
  10. There is an Asian girl at work named Kelly. It is taking everything I have not to ask her if it is pronounced Kerry.

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Asian Name One Liners

Which asian name one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with asian name? I can suggest the ones about mean asian and asian girl.

  1. I met an Asian girl today with the last name of "China" It was her made-in name
  2. Why do asian parents give their children short names? More time on tests.
  3. How Long Is An Asian Name. Yes it is.
  4. Met a 16 year old Asian girl last night. Her name was Tu Yung
  5. If my African American father had an Asian name It would be So Long
  6. What's the name of the Asian guy with a camcorder? Phil Ming.
  7. I once knew an Asian lady with one leg... Her name was Irene.
  8. What's the name of the asian guy who always has enough money in his pocket? Exact Lee
  9. I met an Asian chick with 1 leg Her name is Irene
  10. What is the name of an asian who is always on time? Thai Mingh
  11. I wish I had an old Asian man for a pet. That way I could name it "Old Yeller"
  12. I have an Asian cat. Her name is Mi Yao.
  13. I met a blonde Asian today. His name was Som Ting Wong
  14. I don't always use a fake, Asian-sounding name... ...but when I do, I prefer "Dosekisu."
  15. An Asian buffet manager started looking for new staff... Her name was Hai-Ling Nao.

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What funny jokes about asian name you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean japanese name jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make asian name pranks.

Walking through Chinatown, a tourist is fascinated with all the Chinese restaurants, shops, signs and banners.
He turns a corner and sees a building with the sign, "Hans Olaffsen’s Laundry."
"Hans Olaffsen?", he muses. "How the heck does that fit in here?"
So he walks into the shop and sees an old Chinese gentleman behind the counter.
The tourist asks, "How did this place get a name like 'Hans Olaffsen’s Laundry?'"
The old man answers, "Is name of owner."
The tourist asks, "Well, who and where is the owner?"
"Me, is right here," replies the old man.
"You? How did you ever get a name like Hans Olaffsen?"
"Is simple," says the old man. "Many, many year ago when come to this country, was stand in line at Documentation Center. Man in front was big blonde Swede. Lady look at him and go, 'What your name?'
He say, 'Hans Olaffsen.'
Then she look at me and go, 'What your name?'
I say, 'Sem Ting.'"

After a number of attempts to get the customer service agent on the phone to understand his name, my Asian American friend Appappa decided to spell it out.
"A for apple," he began. "P for pineapple, p for pineapple, a for apple, p for pineapple, p for—"
The flustered agent interrupted.
"I have a better idea," she said. "Just tell me how many apples and how many pineapples."

Hans Wolfgang

A man, (lets call him Adam) is walking through his new city neighborhood looking for a dry-cleaners. He goes on to find one cleaners called "Hals Wolfgang's Express Clean." Curious, he walks in the building to find it almost empty, exept for the manager, a small, old, asian man. Adam walks up to the old man and starts a conversation.
Adam: Are you the owner of this store?
Man: Yes I am.
Adam:'re Hans Wolfgang?
Man: Yes, why?
Adam:'s just a very unusual name for an asian man.
Man: Well, there's a story behind it. When I was comming into America a long, long time ago, they sorted us into one long line where we told our names. The man before me in that line, his name was Hans Wolfgang. After he left, I went up, and said.."Saim Ting"

Name Jokes

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs and sits in front of a door? Mat
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs and swims? Bob
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs and sits in a big steel p**...? Stu
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs and has a shovel in his head? Doug
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs and sits in a can of paint? Hugh
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs and lays on a grill? Frank. What's his wife's name? Patty
What do you call a woman with one leg shorter than the other? Ilene. What if she's Asian? Irene
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs and sits on a swing? Anything you want, what's he really going to do about it?

What is the name of the Asian pointing out everyones mistakes?

Xu wong

A Chinese couple named Mr. and Mrs. Wong went to the hospital to have a baby...

Mrs. Wong had the baby soon after they arrived, and after they got to see their child, a nurse took it away for medical examinations. When she returned, she was carrying a white baby, not an Asian one. Mr. Wong was surprised and a little annoyed at the mistake and curtly told the nurse to go back and get their actual baby. The nurse insisted that it was the correct child, but Mr. Wong was positive that a mistake had been made, because, as he put it, "Two Wongs don't make a white."

What did the Irishman name his Asian kid?


My wife was thinking of names for a new face cleanser she made.

She made a face cleanser that is influenced by Asian ingredients. It makes you stay young for way beyond your years so she was thinking about calling it Youth in Asia.

A tourist in Chinatown sees a sign advertising "Hans Olafsen's Laundry"

He goes inside to check it out, and there's an old Asian man in the corner.
"How did this place get named 'Hans Olafsen's Laundry'?" he asks.
"It's named after me, Hans Olafsen." said the man.
"That's an unusual name for a Chinese man" observed the tourist.
"When I was in the immigration center, I followed a man named Hans Olafsen. When they asked my name, I told them 'Sam Ting'".

How do Asians name their babies?

They throw their silverware down the steps.

Where does a one-legged woman work?

What's her name? Eileen
If she's Asian what's her name? Irene

REQUEST: Racist "White" jokes, please.

I know DOZENS of Racist Jokes. But only a couple (not very good) Racist White Jokes.
For example:
Did you hear about the 2 house fire in Mexico?
Thousands died.
Why do Mexican's drive low-riders?
So they can pick strawberries from their car.
A man walks into a Bar with a Parrot on his shoulder.
The Bartender says: "Wow, that's awesome! Where can I get one?"
The Parrot Replies: "Africa! There's millions of them!"
Seriously though: I love Black People.
I think everyone should own one.
How do Asians name their children?
They throw their pots and pans in their air and record the sounds:
Ping Bang Pow.
How do you blindfold an Asian?
With dental floss.
The only "White Joke" I know is:
White people are born purple.
Then turn pink.
When they're mad, they're red.
When they're sick they're green.
When they're scared they're yellow.
When they're cold they're blue.
And have the nerve to call everyone else colored.
So: Does anyone have any "White Jokes" for me?

What was the fat asian rapper's name?

Too chinz

I once knew a guy named Dapeng Nguyen.

He was the first Asian-Antarctican.

What's the shakey Asian guy's name?

Park-yin Son

How do Asian's name their children?

They ring the doorbell.

My Asian neighbors dog's name is Lambo

Which I think is great, I've always loved Sylvester Stallone as an actor

How do asian couples name their children?

They throw the silverware drawer down the stairs.

Two Asian parents gave birth to a child 2 months prematurely.

They named him,"Sudden Lee"

If the number '3' had an asian brother with cancer, what would be its name?


I have an Asian Uncle and he has the best sense of direction.

His name is h**... Ming Pidgeon.

An employee named Long helped me at the asian market the other day...

I wanted to tell his manager how great he was, but before I could ask him his full name he was long gone.

David Bowie once fell in love with a beautiful Asian girl named Jessica Chang

He wrote a song about it.
"Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch Chang Jess!"

My Asian friend wants to become a rapper.

Soon everyone will know the name: Lil' d**...

How do you name an Asian child?

Throw a couple of spoons down the stairs.

Why are there so few Asian people named Alan?

Because they are all Aaron by default

How long is an Asian name?

Depends on the length of the stairs.

How do you name an Asian person?

You throw a p**... down some stairs and see what sound it makes.

I met a blind man who was half asian and half native american

His name was Rong Time No See

So an Asian couple have a black baby

Q: What do they name it?
A: Sum-Ting Wong

An Asian woman on a plane sees her Asian seat-mate reading a book on Asian Stereotypes.

A little offended, yet equally curious, she asks her seat-mate "What does the book say?"
Her seat mate says: "According to this book, Filipino women are beautiful, Japanese women are smart, and Vietnamese women are faithful".
Taken aback by the slightly chauvinistic and stereotypical nature of the book's assertions, the woman asks: "Are these based on facts?"
Her seatmate says: "Not exactly, but these haven't been disproved either." He then turns to the woman and asks, "What's your name, by any chance?"
The woman thinks for a bit, and says "Maria Nguyen-Suzuki"

How do Asian parents name their children?

They throw cutlery down the stairs.

What do you call an Asian substitute teacher named Marie?

The Yellow Sub Marie.

How do you name an Asian baby?

Ring the doorbell
Ding d**...

I came out to my Asian parents as a trans woman and told them I have a boyfriend named Shane.

I think they are taking it pretty well. They said they did't have a son and I would bring Shane to the family.

An Asian man goes to rent a car, and the clerk sees the man's name is Herschel Leibowitz

The clerk asks him how an Asian man like himself got the name Herschel Leibowitz. He responds in a heavy accent "When I was going through immigration, we were in a line in the area where we give our names. The name of the man in front of me was Herschel Leibowitz. When they call for me to ask me what my name is, I said "Sam Ting"

jokes about asian name