Arts Jokes
181 arts jokes and hilarious arts puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about arts that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
If you're in the mood for a good laugh, this article has something for everyone! Get a giggle out of martial arts jokes, language arts puns, performing arts quips, liberal arts gags, bachelor of arts one-liners, fine arts gaffes, commerce versus arts witticisms, and benefactor chuckles. Culinary creatives can even find something to chortle about. No artistic ability is necessary - just a sense of humor!
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Funniest Arts Short Jokes
Short arts jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The arts humour may include short artist jokes also.
- Bad news: a message in German sent 110 years ago by homing pigeon was just found. Worse news: it was an acceptance letter to art school.
- I went to an Art Gallery, it was $60 to enter and $80 to look at each picture. It was called Electronic Arts.
- I hate it when engineering students refer to themselves as engineers... Like you don't see med students calling themselves doctors or arts students calling themselves unemployed.
- A person with an art degree walks into a bar. They then head behind the counter and start serving drinks.
- What's the difference between a guy with an Arts Major, and a guy with a philosophy Major? One will ask WHY you want fries with that!
- I heard starbucks is trying to hire a lot more refugees Those poor art majors are going to suffer, then
- Don't you just hate it when med students call themselves doctors? I mean you don't see engineering students calling themselves engineers or arts students calling themselves baristas
- What's this "✌"? A Roman ordering 5 more beers.
joke by Art Pozner. He told me I could take it with me, and in his honor, you can take it with you. - My dad bought himself a new hearing aid. "It's state of the art," he boasted. "Cost me a fortune."
"Awesome," I replied. "What kind is it?"
"Two-thirty." - A science graduate asks the question why? A science graduate asks the question why?
An engineering graduate asks the question how?
An arts graduate asks, "Would you like fries with that?"
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Arts One Liners
Which arts one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with arts? I can suggest the ones about sports and craft.
- r kelly is really changing the rap game
He takes the art out of rap artist - How do you get an art major off your front porch? Pay for the pizza!
- What do you call an amputee trying to do karate? Partial Arts.
- Why did the console gamer get a headache at the art museum? Too many frames.
- I accidentally bought too many art supplies I'm having an excess stencil crisis.
- What did the Arts Major say to the Business Major? "Can I take your order?"
- How to get a liberal arts graduate off of your porch? Pay him for the pizza
- What was the seal's favorite subject in school? ART ART ART!
- I was rejected from my dream art school because I used the wrong pencil. It wasn't 2B.
- Why are Subway cooks called "Sandwich Artists"? Even art majors deserve recognition
- Why was "Art of the Deal" so long? It had six Chapter 11s.
- What do you call someone with no legs doing Karate? Partial Arts.
- Kamikaze It's a dying art
- What do you call an amputee learning karate? Partial arts
- How do you get an art major off your doorstep? Pay for your pizza.
Martial Arts Jokes
Here is a list of funny martial arts jokes and even better martial arts puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What do you call a bear with martial arts skills? Grizz Lee.
^I'll ^see ^myself ^out. - Which is the most kosher martial art? Jew jitsu
- Did you hear about the baker who created a martial art for chefs? It's pretty sweet.
He calls it "Cook-Kido". - Why do they call the Israeli martial art krav maga? Because Judo was already taken.
- What's a rabbi's favorite martial art? Jew-jitsu.
- What's the difference between Karate and Judo? Karate is a martial art and Judo is used to make bagels.
- Seagull joke Q: What do you call a seagull that knows martial arts?
A: Steven Seagull - Just been attacked by a ginger kid doing martial arts.... turns out he was the Carroty kid.
- Boxing is probably the most applicable martial art to the street... If you run away, you probably won't get hit.
- When a martial arts practitioner gets hurt... it's called a ninjury.
Arts Students Jokes
Here is a list of funny arts students jokes and even better arts students puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What's the difference between an art student and a philosophy student? A philosophy student asks you *why* you want fries with that.
- How do you make an art student's car go faster? Just remove the huge Dominoes sign on top!
- What's the difference between an art student and a park bench? A bench can support a family.
- What do you say to an art student with a job? "Uhh, I would like the Quarter Pounder with Cheese"
- What is the difference between an art student and a dead baby? The dead baby can feed a family of four.
- I hate it when engineering students call themselves "Engineer" you don't see med students calling themselves doctor, or art students calling themselves unemployed.
- what do you say to the liberal arts student that just gotten a job Can I get the cappuccino to go?
- What's the difference between an Engineering student and an Arts student when tying their shoes? The arts student gets a mark for it.
- A Scottish, fedora-wearing art professor complimented his Scandinavian student. "Nice skies, Finnish lass!"
- how did the art student make a million dollar work of art? He started with 2 million.

Liberal Arts Jokes
Here is a list of funny liberal arts jokes and even better liberal arts puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What has four wheels and can't support a family? A liberal arts major.
I lied about the wheels. - An engineer major asks... "How can we build this?"
A business major asks, "How can we finance this?"
A liberal arts major asks, "Do you want fries with that?" - I have a degree in Liberal Arts Do you want fries with that?
- What is the difference between a philosophy major and a liberal arts major? One will ask WHY you need fries with that!
- What's a Liberal Arts Major's Favorite Board Game?...... Trivial Pursuit.
- My son's arts and crafts class isn't graded. I'm glad they teach kids how worthless a liberal-arts degree is at such a young age.
- What's the difference between a liberal arts major and a pizza? The pizza can feed a family.
- What do liberal arts majors yell when overwhelmed? Oh,the humanities!
- "Actually, I'll have you know I have a degree in liberal arts" "That's great ma'am, but I ordered fries with my meal"
- Why don't you put a post office next to a liberal arts college? They'll always argue over the male agenda.
Liberal Arts Major Jokes
Here is a list of funny liberal arts major jokes and even better liberal arts major puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- If you're a liberal arts major, here's a tip $5, and be glad it's 20%.
- Today I change my major from law to liberal arts. Psych.
- I'm an aerospace engineer. I'm an aerospace engineer. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "it IS rocket science..." it still wouldn't be as much as my salary. Take that liberal arts majors.
- Why can't you differentiate liberal arts majors? They have no function.
- What is the proper title to refer to a Liberal Arts Major. Esquire.
- A chickpea goes to a liberal arts college... What's its major? Falafelphy
- I went to college to get a better education. Decided on a Liberal Arts major.
Language Arts Jokes
Here is a list of funny language arts jokes and even better language arts puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What do you call a tome of mystical language arts? A grammar-y!
- My Language arts teacher was talking about pedophillia
- In what class do you learn to write calligraphy? Language arts

Humorous Arts Jokes to Bring Fun and Laughter to Your Life
What funny jokes about arts you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean music jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make arts pranks.
Isn't it annoying when engineering students call themselves engineers?
It's s**.... You don't hear medical students calling themselves doctors or arts students calling themselves baristas.
What do you call a horse that likes arts and crafts?
Martial Arts for weak prisoners
A new martial art similar to taekwondo is being developed for weak people that go to prison. It is named TyroneNo
A primate that knows martial arts?!?!?!!!
What do you call a primate that knows martial arts?
Bruce Leemur!
Dramatic Arts
Little Charlie has had his dreams set on becoming an actor, and, finally, he lands a part in the school play. He runs home after school to tell his dad. "That's fantastic!" his father replies. "Who do you play?" he asks. "Dad, I play a guy who's been married for twenty years!" His dad plants a hand on Charlie's shoulder, smiling sweetly, and says, "Maybe next time you'll get a speaking part."
A biker walks into a bar
and tells the bartender that he has a blonde joke. The bartender says, "I'd be careful saying a blonde joke here. On your left is a blonde lady that does mixed martial arts, and on your right is a blonde female cop. Not to mention, there are 3 blonde lady bartenders including myself. Are you sure you still want to tell it?" The biker then replies, "Well, not anymore if I'm gonna have to explain it five times."
Job Interview
A games programmer is at a job interview at Electronic Arts.
As the interview comes to an end, the interviewer glances down at the programmer's résumé and sees "please turn over" written at the bottom.
He turns the résumé over, but finds that the other side is blank.
The interviewer asks, "Where's the rest of your résumé?"
The programmer replies, "Oh, that's downloadable content; it costs an extra ten dollars!"
Hopefully you guys get it.
A man was looking for a person to teach him martial arts, so he goes in to see a supposed ninja to ask for lessons. When he walks in he sees the ninja slicing at a fly with his sword, but not being able to kill it. The man says, "How can you teach me martial arts if you can't even hit a fly!?" The ninja then reply's, "Oh, don't worry, that fly won't be having any children."
My CS Professor dropped this on us today...
What's the difference between a CS degree, an IT degree, a Fine Arts degree, and a pepperoni pizza...?
A Fine Arts degree can't feed a family.
Four cops had to take a test...
They were all asked the same question:
"What would you do if a man with a knife was coming at you?"
The Cop from the U.K answered by listing the steps in order what he was taught to do in Police Academy and in the Police Handbook
The Cop from the U.S Answered:
The Cop from Japan answered:
"Disarm the man and arrest him using any form of martial arts that is best suited"
The Cop from Canada answered:
"Please put the knife down."
What do challah and martial arts have in common?
Working on a new type of martial arts that involves taking money from Hispanics..
called TakeJuan'sDough.
Four Majors...
The science major asks "Why does it work?"
The engineering major asks "How does it work?"
The business major asks "How much will it cost?"
The liberal arts major asks "Do you want fries with that?"
What type of fighting technique do amputees practice?
Partial arts.
Martial arts
The Israelis developed Krav Maga - the art of disabling an opponent as quickly as possible.
The Japanese developed Jujitsu - the art of defeating an armed and armored opponent.
The Brazilians developed Capoeira - the art of defeating an opponent using dance and acrobatics.
The French developed parkour - the art of running away as quickly and efficiently as possible.
I've been studying Israeli army martial arts.
I now know 16 different ways to kick a Palestinian woman in the back.
What did Eminem learn to defend himself?
Marshall arts.
A science major says "What's it made of?" An engineering major says "How is it made?" An arts major says...
"Would you like fries with that?"
What do you call someone who does a BA in Arts, a MA in English and a PhD in Gender Studies?
A well educated Barista
A Chinese guy walks into a bar...
A Chinese guy walks into a bar, and sits next to Jeff, and starts drinking his beer. Jeff asks him :
• My friend, do you know any martial arts, kung fu, karate or other stuff?
• Why do you ask, is it because i'm Chinese?
• No, it's because you are drinking my beer.
"My first son has a PHD in arts, my daughter has two degrees in communication and jornalism and my youngest son is a burglar."
Friend: "Wow a burglar? You should kick him out!"
Dad: "Nah... he is the only one who makes money."
What do you call it when a gorilla takes martial arts lessons?
"What wine do you have at this restaurant that you would recommend for an arts student?"
"v**.... The cheapest brand. And show me the money in advance."
What type of martial arts do they practice in Israel?
Jew jitsu
What do you call a Rasta with a liberal arts degree?
What do you call a grandma that know martial arts?
A grandmartial artist.
I apologise for any lost brain cells.
What kind of martial arts do birds practice?
Wing Chun
During which era of the arts did composers not have a lot of money?
At the men's bathroom of the local college...
... above the toilet paper dispenser was a piece of graffiti:
"Liberal Arts Degrees. Take One."
Mexican self defense
A Mexican passed a Japanese man and a Korean man as they were discussing their favorite type of martial arts.
Japanese man: I practice karate, the defense arts.
Korean man: I practice Taekwondo, teaches defense and attack.
At this point the men notice the Mexican and ask him what he practices
Mexican: Judono
Men: We have heard of Judo but not Judono, what is it?
Mexican: Well, judono if I got a gun, judono if I got a knife...
Not sure why the left wants to punch n**...
You'd think they'd love a failed liberal arts student who blames all his problems on other races.
The graduate with a science degree asks,
'Why does it work?'
The graduate with an engineering degree asks,
'How does it work?'
The graduate with an accounting degree asks,
'How much will it cost?'
The graduate with a liberal arts degree asks,
'Do you want fries with that?'
Turning water into wine is so first century.
If Jesus wants my attention now, he'd do better turning my liberal arts degree into something useful.
I'm opening the first place you can create a painting and brew your own beer
It's called "Arts & Crafts"
I've considered opening a mixed emotion martial arts center...
But I'm conflicted.
In today's economy what do Arts graduates bring to the table?
Your lunch.
Why do arts graduates like fancy restaurants?
Bigger tips.
Whats the best way for someone with an arts degree to get money?
By selling his/her supplies
An old cowboy is sitting at a bar next to a young Japanese man
An old cowboy is sitting at a bar next to a young Japanese man.
The cowboy turns to the Japanese man, scowling and grunts "Hey kid, do you know King Fu or Jiu Jitsu or somewhat?
Severely offended the Japanese man says, "Just because I'm 'Oriental' doesn't mean I know Martial Arts."
The cowboy stands up and says, "No it's 'cause you're drink'in my beer."
-Credit goes to my grandpa
Do something you love and never work a day in your life they said
So I got a liberal arts degree.
Any man who has an abusive wife
Any man who has an abusive wife, needs to start practicing marital arts.
What did the Arts major say to the Science major?
Do you want fries with that?
A Chinese man walks into a bar
A Chinese man walks into a bar and starts drinking a beer. The man next to him asks, "Do you know Kung Fu? Or Karate? Taekwondo? Any martial arts maybe?"
The Chinese man replies in disgust, "You think that just because I'm Chinese I know martial arts? That's racist!"
"Good, because you're drinking my beer," was all the Chinese man heard, before he got knocked out with a punch.
What is the difference between a arts graduate and a large pizza ?
Pizza can feed a family of four
What did the law graduate say to the arts graduate?
"I'd like a big mac meal with a coke please"
Did you hear Professor Lupin is using boggarts in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class?
It's a bit riddikulus if you ask me.
Did you hear about the guy who claims to be martial arts master Bruce's son
"Ever since we got married, my wife has tried to change me.
She got me to stop drinking, smoking and running around until all hours of the night. She taught me how to dress well, enjoy the fine arts, gourmet cooking, classical music, even how to invest in the stock market," said the man.
"Sounds like you may be bitter because she changed you so drastically," remarked his friend.
"I'm not bitter. Now that I'm so improved, she just isn't good enough for me."
Why did Iron Man go to a magnet school?
I don't know, he must be exceptionality talented in arts or something...
What form of deadly martial arts are soybeans trained in?
I met a girl today and told her that I'm a Master of Arts.
She said she had smelled it already.
What do you call an Arts graduate with no significant other?
I don't know why people say that no employer will be interested in your liberal arts degree.
I would love to hire someone who has clearly shown that they don't care at all about how much money they make.
What did the arts graduate say to the mechanic?
Would you like fries with that?
Why don't arts students stare out the window in the morning?
Because then they'd have nothing to do in the afternoon.
This is the award I got for 10 years at Electronic Arts - My biggest accomplishment
A sense of pride and accomplishment.