
App Lets Jokes

9 app lets jokes and hilarious app lets puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about app lets that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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App Lets Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good app lets joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

I just installed a new app on my phone that lets me know which of my friends are racist.

It's called 'Facebook'

Did you hear? There's this app that lets you see which of your family members would have been n**... in WWII...

It's called Facebook.

I'm thinking about an app to let people rate strippers

I want to name it "s**... Advisor"

I found this amazing app that let's you find out which of your friends are racists, which ones are sexists and even which ones are just crazy.

It's called 'Facebook'.

Have y'all heard about this new app that lets you see ghosts?

It's called Tinder

I'm developing an app that lets you customize the look and feel of 4chan when browsing.

It's called 4skin

I write jokes for a living and write code for fun.

I should mention I am unemployed, but there is a company that lets me sit in their offices all day making mobile apps for some regular money.

Apple made an app for their watch, called i-Bro, which lets you connect to all your homies

Feminists were upset they didn't name an app similarly for women.

Topical Jokes for 2/8

A company in Denver has created a dating app that connects fellow p**... smokers. The app is great because even if you don't like the person you meet, sparks are gonna fly.
In Florida, a woman who didn't know she was pregnant set a state record by giving birth to a 14 pound baby. The woman realized she was pregnant when the 14 pound baby started k**..., and cracked three of her ribs.
Researchers have developed a smartphone app that lets you test yourself for STDs. The app can be a bit confusing to use at first, especially if you've never seen the You've Got AIDS emoji.

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