
Anthropologist Jokes

10 anthropologist jokes and hilarious anthropologist puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about anthropologist that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Hilarious Anthropologist Jokes to Make Your Friends Roar with Laughter

What is a good anthropologist joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

An anthropologist visits a tribe that eats only meat...

An anthropologist visits an exclusively carnivorous tribe in previously uncharted deep-jungle territory and word gets around about this strange woman who eats plants.
M'buk says to T'gru, "Have you heard about this woman who eats *plants?*"
T'gru gets this puzzled look and says "no, I've never heard of herbivore!"

Anthropologists tell us Neanderthal men did not walk fully e**....

Which makes sense, given what Neanderthal women looked like.

What do field anthropologists and jokes subredditors have in common?

They dig around all day looking for some rare *humerus* discoveries only to find they've already been catalogued via Google search.

Anthropologists found a group of people whose religion forbids them from being angry

They're called the Nomads

Why shouldn't you lend a anthropologist money?

They consider a million years ago to be Recent.

What's the difference between a sociologist and an anthropologist?

Sociologist's study people who wear pants.

Why did the anthropologist eat a lot of yogurt?

So that he could understand culture.

A French man and an Irish man walk into a bar.

The French guy asks his friend: "say, how many Americans does it take to change a lightbulb?".
The Irish replies: "how would I know? I'm neither an electrician nor an anthropologist!"

What do you call an academic who apologises all the time?

An anthropologist

What's the easiest way to confuse an anthropologist?

Hold up a used t**... and ask him to identify which period it's from

Anthropologist joke, What's the easiest way to confuse an anthropologist?

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Anthropologist joke, What's the easiest way to confuse an anthropologist?

Anthropologist joke, What's the easiest way to confuse an anthropologist?