
Angle Jokes

141 angle jokes and hilarious angle puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about angle that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Are you looking to add some mathematics humour to your day? Check out our collection of funniest angle jokes. From right angle, obtuse angle, straight angle, complementary angle, angle grinder, and more, we have jokes about all kinds of angles and related concepts such as triangles, cosines, and geometry. Get ready for a good laugh!

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Funniest Angle Short Jokes

Short angle jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The angle humour may include short axis jokes also.

  1. You hear what happened when the triangle tried to make all its angles 90 degree? Didn't end well, I hear it's a wrecked angle now.
  2. What do you call a Dent that looks better from a different angle? Harvey

    \*My first 100% original dad joke. I am proud of me\*
  3. A horse walks into a bar and says, On a right-angled triangle with sides X, Y and Z, if X and Z are perpendicular, which side is opposite the right angle? The bartender says, Y, the long face.
  4. How will we truly reach gender equality? By leaving the toilet seat at a 45 degree angle for the next person to decide without bias.
  5. Wanna hear a physics pun? If an aircraft always takes off at an angle, doesn't that make it an inclined plane?
  6. Meteor Meatier joke God: Hey Angel, did you give the dinosaurs more muscle like I asked? I asked you to make them meatier.
    Angel: Make them… a meteor.
  7. What do you get when two different pairs of similar angles get in a car accident? a wrecked angle
    (This took me one 20 minute shower to think out)
  8. There was a farmer who had a machine which caculated the angle you sat. He called it his pro-tractor
  9. My protractor wanted to know what my plans were for this weekend Not sure what his angle is
  10. Did you hear about that geeky trigonometry expert? The only angle lacking in his life was secs.

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Angle One Liners

Which angle one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with angle? I can suggest the ones about rotation and rotate.

  1. What do you call a triangle with angles 42.0°, 69° and 69°? A Nice-osceles triangle.
  2. Struggling with sharp angles when writing the letter V? Sounds like a U problem
  3. How do you know an angle is dead? When it shows no vital sines
  4. Why was the 89 degree angle not trusted He's never right
  5. What did the 90 degree angle say to the 60 degree angle? Aren't you a cute one.
  6. What knot do you use to hang a man at an angle? A hypotenoose
  7. Girl, are you the secant of angle Z? Cuz you sure are sec(Z)
  8. What do you call a triangle that's had too much to drink? A rekt angle
  9. Why shouldn't you argue with a 90 degree angle? It's always right.
  10. Calculated the angle in the triangle to be 45 degrees I think that's about half right
  11. What's the best angle to approach a problem from? A try-angle
  12. I had an argument with a 90 degree angle... Turns out it was right.
  13. What's the difference between relaxation and laziness? The angle of the recliner.
  14. What's the hardest working angle in geometry? A triangle
  15. Why do math textbooks only ever give you one angle in a triangle? Just cos.

Right Angle Jokes

Here is a list of funny right angle jokes and even better right angle puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I was going to write a joke about the pentagon... But I gave up when I couldn't find the right angle.
  • Why are 89 degree angles sad? Because they're almost right, but not quite.
  • Who won the argument between the 20 degree angle and the 90 degree angle The 90 degree angle because 90 degrees is always right
  • Why are obtuse angles so depressed? Because they're never right.
  • This bloke at uni today told me he had 90 degrees... I said 90 degrees how is that even possible? He said you just need to look at uni from the right angle
  • Yesterday I had an argument with a 90° angle. It turns out it was right
  • Saw a right angle resting under a tree this afternoon and thought.... Wow! 90 degrees in the shade!!
  • Why was the right angle so smart? He had 90 degrees.
  • Taking the side length that's opposite of an angle in a right triangle is very much frowned upon. It's considered a sin.
  • Which body part hurts most when you get hit by a right-angled triangle? Your sinuses.

Degree Angle Jokes

Here is a list of funny degree angle jokes and even better degree angle puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why was the 40 degree angle so nice to the 50 degree angle? Because its very complementary!
  • My first ever degree... in measuring angles!
  • Whats the complement to a 40 degree angle? My you're looking "acute" today.
  • Why was the Angle freezing? Because it was less than 32 degrees!
  • My Math teacher asked me if I have learnt about angles yeah, to a degree
  • Angle a=5 degree, Angle b= 85 degree A friend of angle a: angle b is too large!
  • You know why the 89 degree angle went to school? He was missing his master's degree.
  • You guys hear about that mathematics student who was flunking? He only understood his field to a degree and decided to look at it from a new angle.
  • Why do mathematicians like it when their trapezoids have 179 degree angles? This is when the legs are spread the widest.
  • How is a man and a 45 degree angle alike? How is a man and a 45 degree angle alike? Neither of them are ever right.
Angle joke, How is a man and a 45 degree angle alike?

Geometry Angle Jokes

Here is a list of funny geometry angle jokes and even better geometry angle puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What did the geometry teacher say when the class had trouble solving a problem? Let's try a different angle
  • Did you hear about the geometry teacher who tried to take a selfie? It was a protracted process but eventually he found the right angle.
  • Why did the Geometry major marry a Brit? Because she was a cute angle.
  • Why was Yoda bad at geometry? Because to him there are no triangles, only do-or-do-not-angles
  • What is a geometry teachers favorite movie? Angles in the Outfield
  • Geometry is so discriminatory How come there are only straight angles?
  • Did you hear about the detective who failed geometry? He could never get an angle.
  • Why did the police catch the m**... of the geometry teacher? They investigated it from all angles

Obtuse Angle Jokes

Here is a list of funny obtuse angle jokes and even better obtuse angle puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why did the obtuse angle go to the beach? Because it was over 90°.
  • Why are obtuse angles so unsure? Because they cannot be right
  • Did you hear Obtuse Angle lost weight? He looks all right now.
  • My angle of depression is obtuse.
  • Mathematicians have a guardian angle.... I heard it protects them from acute pain and obtuse people.
  • Why are obtuse angles so depressed? (BPI) Because they're never ***right.***

    \- brought to you by the Bad Puns Initiative (BPI)

Math Angle Jokes

Here is a list of funny math angle jokes and even better math angle puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What's a niche view on Math? Acute angle.
  • A math teacher asked his student why he looked so sad. The student told him that he couldn't solve his angle of depression.
Angle joke, A math teacher asked his student why he looked so sad.

Heartwarming Angle Jokes that Make You Laugh

What funny jokes about angle you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean radius jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make angle pranks.

Geeky trigonometry joke my dad used to tell me

What sound does a horse make while walking?
*Clop, clop.*
What sound does a horse make while walking uphill?
*Clop, clop* multiplied by the cosine of the slope angle.

How do you project confidence?

How do you project confidence?
Multiply by the cosine of the angle.

What do you call a right angle that gets beaten into a long square?

A rekt angle

Where do angles go for fun on the weekends?

To watch movies in the THETA

Did you hear about angle 57.29

He's rad

What do you call a crushed angle?


I hate it when kids spell "angel" as "angle"

They're just trying to be edgy.

Hey baby, Heaven must be missing an angle

because you're kindacute.

Hey girl , is the cosine of you positive?

Cos you're acute angle.

What's the best angle to approach any challenge?


What happens when an angle gets itself into a car wreck?

The angle becomes a rectangle

What did the squiggly line say to the angle?

Your acute.
(Squiggly line because gay because squiggly line =/= straight)

My first girlfriend gave me a picture she drew with the words "you're my angle."

It might have just been because she was dyslexic but I thought it was acute.

What's the best angle to approach any problem?

The TRYangle.

What was served at the mathematicians' banquet?

Angle hair pasta and prime rib.

Why did the anglerfish go to the doctor?

He was feeling lightheaded.

Girl, are you 90°?

Because from this angle, you are not acute.

Someone asked me what my angle was on agriculture..

I said I'm pro tractor

I'm like a 89° angle

I'm almost normal.

What do you call a triangle with four sides and a serious drinking problem?

A wrecked angle.

Hey girl, are you an angle?

Cos I'm sinning to know you.

Why did the mathematician take so long to take a selfie?

He couldn't figure out acute angle.

You may have known about Raphael, the Angel of Healing

But did you know of his brother, Graphael, the Angle of Graphing?

Friend just broke all his protractors

He has a real angle management problem

Did you hear how Satan used to be an angle up in heaven?

He was acute until he took a 180.

My friend and I were having a heated argument about the angle of a triangle

Things got messy and we went off tangent

What do you call a lawn mower that lets you mow grass at an angle?

A protractor.

What do you call a pentagon with one corner broken?

A wrecked angle.

I've been an angler for over 40 years in this one lake, but I decided to quit after being issued a fine because of a new law...

...needless to say I was over fishing.

How many puppies and babies does it take to paint a room?

All depends on the speed and angle of the throw.

What do they make polygons wear on probation?

an angle monitor

There was once a soap opera called "Touched By An Angle"

but most episodes just went off on tangents

How did the man hope to measure his hopelessness?

He searched for the the sin of his angle of depression.

Two friends met after a long time. First one said: my wife is an angle.

Second one replied: You are very lucky man. Mine is still alive.

I was out by Starbucks today and saw a woman taking a picture of her food. she was there for 45 minutes trying to get the perfect angle,

Then I realized I just started at a woman from across the room for 45 minutes.

Why was pythagoras not considered a suspect in m**... case?

No knew what his angle was.

My daughter informed me that the earth is tilted at a 23.5 degree angle

I responded, That's not right.
With a scowl, she pulled up google and proved to me that the earth is, in fact, tilted at a 23.5 degree angle.
Precisely, I agreed. If the angle were right it would be 90°.

Angle: so what your saying is you want me to put hair on the outside, and milk on the inside?

God: yep
Angel: ...OH! Well if you wanted me to make another mammal then why didn-
God: Nope
Angel: Wait what?
God: were making coconuts.

This dude and his girlfriend are making out on the sofa

After a while it starts getting a bit more intimate and intense. He asks her should we take this to the bedroom? She's thrilled and agrees. Only problem of they couldn't work out the right angle to get the sofa through the door.

Becky discussing with her friend Karen

Becky: Last week, my uncle was taking pictures of me and asked me to climb up a ladder so he could get a better angle.
Karen: did you do it?.. it was just an excuse to see your p**....
Becky: I know. That's why I took it off before climbing the ladder.

What happened to the pentagon which lost an angle?

It got squared up.

A physicist, engineer and a statistician are out hunting...

A physicist, engineer and a statistician are out hunting. Suddenly, a deer appears 50 yards away.
The physicist does some basic ballistic calculations, assuming a vacuum, lifts his rifle to a specific angle, and shoots. The bullet lands 5 yards short.
The engineer adds a fudge factor for air resistance, lifts his rifle slightly higher, and shoots. The bullet lands 5 yards long.
The statistician yells "We got him!"

Two photographers are walking down a street.

One of them trips and fall onto the ground.
The second one immediately falls down next to him and says: Excellent angle! What are we shooting?

My wife's friend had a baby...

She posted a picture on Facebook and my wife commented "Aww, what a little angle." I replied to my wife's comment "Ya, she's pretty acute."
I felt like a tremendous nerd for even thinking of a geometry joke, but ya...

Why did the square fall in love with the triangle?

Because she had acute angle.

Angle joke, Why did the square fall in love with the triangle?

jokes about angle