
Anarchy Jokes

5 anarchy jokes and hilarious anarchy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about anarchy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

These Anarchy jokes explore the humorous side of political disorder and unrest. Uncover the lighter side of anarchy and democracy when referencing Sons of Anarchy, while learning jokes to playfully poke fun at anarchy as a political system.

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Hilarious Fun Anarchy Jokes to Bring Joy & Laughter with Friends

What is a good anarchy joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

I want anarchy

Because my keyboard is missing one.

Anarchy is bad for you.

So there's two guys at a bar and the first one says
##So, how's it been going with your anarchist club recently?
###I got kicked out recently, sadly.
##Kicked out? Why?
###I don't know, I was just following the rules!

What's the key to destruction?


Burger King: Have It Your Way!

Burger Dictatorship: Have it My Way!
Burger Communism: Have it Everyone's Way!
Burger Capitalism: Have it Your Way For a Steep Price Hike!
Burger Oligarchy: 1% Have it Their Way!
Burger Democracy: Have Something Your Way!
Burger Anarchy: Don't Have It!

Why did the anarchy club disband?

Their meetings were always full of disorder and chaos.

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