
Amnesia Jokes

74 amnesia jokes and hilarious amnesia puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about amnesia that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Amnesia Short Jokes

Short amnesia jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The amnesia humour may include short forgetful memory jokes also.

  1. I couldn't sleep last night.. .. because I was trying to remember the difference between insomnia and amnesia.
  2. Mess with someone's mind Make your day more fun by going up
    to a stranger and asking "Hey, how
    have you been since the amnesia?"
  3. Ah yes, I forgot it! Sometimes I experience both amnesia and dejà vu at the same time, and I'm like:"Yep, I've forgotten this before ".
  4. I've been diagnosed with a type of amnesia where I deny the existence of certain 80s bands. There is no cure.
  5. Amnesia is no joke Based on the content in this sub alone, at least 19 million people have it.
  6. I think my wife is suffering from Bulimic Amnesia She keeps eating and eating and eating, and then forgetting to throw up
  7. One day, Rihanna has amnesia and can't remember anything. She's asked, "What do you think of Chris Brown?" She replies: "Beats me".
  8. A guy goes to the doctor to cure his amnesia And asks, "doctor what should I do?"
    Doctor replies, "pay me first."
  9. How do you host an amnesia support group on a budget? The moment they show up, tell them the meeting went great and their speech was inspiring.
  10. I lost part of my hand in a freak accident that also gave me amnesia I'm trying to remember what happened, but I can't put my finger on it

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Amnesia One Liners

Which amnesia one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with amnesia? I can suggest the ones about memory loss and forgetful.

  1. I've had amnesia... for as long as I can't remember
  2. You know what they say about amnesia... No, really. Do you know?
  3. I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time I think I've forgotten this before
  4. I have amnesia It's the only reason I find this sub consistently funny
  5. My wife just told me she has amnesia Who does she think she is?!
  6. I used to have terrible amnesia. I used to have terrible amnesia.
  7. I was going to tell a joke about amnesia But i can't remember it
  8. Did you hear about the lady with breast cancer and amnesia? She has mammary problems.
  9. I stayed up all night... Trying to remember if I had amnesia or insomnia
  10. 2 years ago, this day, I was diagnosed with Amnesia. This is my story.
  11. how can you tell if you have amnesia? what was the question?
  12. There's this joke I know about amnesia I forgot it
  13. My memory foam mattress broke yesterday... It has amnesia
  14. What are the symptoms of amnesia? I can't remember
  15. I was about to make a joke about amnesia... but I forgot it.

Amnesia joke, I was about to make a joke about amnesia...

Howlingly Hilarious Amnesia Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy

What funny jokes about amnesia you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean ignorance jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make amnesia pranks.

A amnesiac woman covered in bruises walks into a police station...

A amnesiac woman covered in bruises walks into a police station. The police are trying everything to learn where she came from and how she got the bruises but with no results.
Finally one of the detectives notices she has a wedding ring.
"Oh! You have a husband! What does he do?"
"I dunno, beats me."

I was going to tell a joke about amnesia

But for the life of me, I can't seem to remember it!

Doctors have discovered that breast cancer may cause amnesia.

After all, mastectomy would result in mammary loss.

Ive been s**... enough to develop amnesia...

I dont know what i was thinking .....
~~*ba dum tissss*~~

s**... amnesia

Being new parents my wife and usually have our s**... times while extremely tired. This results in one or more parties not fully remembering the previous nights events. So here is the conversation I had with my wife today.
W - do you remember having s**... last night?
M - only the last 30 seconds or so
W - you remember the whole thing then...
I laughed so hard I couldn't even be mad.

What did Groot say when he had amnesia?

Am I Groot? (Credit to my 7year old son)

An Italian man with spells of amnesia goes into a boutique coffee shop...

The barista asked what he wants, and he replies "Affogato".

An Amnesiac Walks Into…

An amnesiac walks into a bar. He goes up to a beautiful blonde and says, So, do I come here often?

An amnesiac walks into a bar...

...and sees a beautiful woman sitting alone. After having a few drinks to get his courage up, he approaches her and asks, "Hey gorgeous, do I come here often?"

An amnesiac walks into a bar...

So he sits down next to a smoking hot blonde, and orders a scotch on the rocks. He then turns to the blonde and says, "So, do I come here often?"

I'm Trying to Remember The Name of A Song

It's about a girl with amnesia talking to her Grandmother.
The lyrics are "Oh, Nana, What's My Name?"

My mom says she dropped me as a baby and got temporary amnesia

What a liar I think I'd remember something so huge about my life.

An amnesiac walks into a bar.

I forgot the rest.


Condition that enables a woman who has gone through labor to have s**... again.

I seem to keep forgetting the name of the airline that does direct flights from America to Indonesia.

I think its Amnesia.

You may have heard of Micronesia, an archipelago in Oceania.

But very few people have heard of the similar country Amnesia, as it has all but been forgotten.

Doctor: sir I have two bad diagnoses for you...

Doctor: sir I have two bad diagnoses for you, one is that you have worst diarrhoea I have ever seen.
Patient: what's the other one then?
Doctor: you also have very bad amnesia, you can't remember anything from last 15 seconds.
Patient: well at least I don't have diarrhoea.

I wrote a book on Italians diagnosed with Dementia...

It's called "fogettaboudit"
I also wrote a book about Italians being diagnosed with Amnesia,

I called that one "fogottaboudit"

I've just been diagnosed with amnesia

It's awful, but at least I don't have amnesia!

If you, like Jeff Sessions, suffer from selective amnesia... to your doctor about Kantrecol™ today.

How many amnesiacs does it take to change a light bulb?

How many amnesiacs does it take to change a light bulb?

I've just been diagnosed with a rare form of amnesia where I can't remember a small amount of 80's music bands.

Unfortunately there is no cure.

I feel depressed because I've been diagnosed with amnesia today.

I guess tomorrow I'll be over it.

I've had amnesia

Since I can't remember

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a day.

The man has amnesia.

An amnesiac walks into a bar. He saddles up to the hottest woman there and says...

..."so, do I come here often?"
Oldie but a goodie.

I was going to tell you a joke about amnesia...

But I forgot it.

What's an amnesiac pirate's favorite type of flower?


What did the arrogant rich kid with amnesia say to the bouncer at a bar?


The doctor told me I have either amnesia or insomnia

I can't remember which one and it's making me lose sleep!

Doctor: Sir, I think you are suffering from amnesia

Man: Yeah, and I think that girl over there likes me
Doc: Yeah, she's your wife

My friend says I have Amnesia

I told him that he's no one to tell me that,
I don't even know who he is.

An amnesiac walks into a bar

He goes up to a beautiful blonde and says, "So, do I come here often?"

A man with amnesia walks into a bar

He goes up to a very attractive woman and says' do I come here often?

Amnesia joke, My wife just told me she has amnesia

jokes about amnesia