Ammonia Jokes
7 ammonia jokes and hilarious ammonia puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about ammonia that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Amusing Ammonia Jokes to Make You Laugh with Friends
What is a good ammonia joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
I went to the pharmacy yesterday and asked the assistant "What kills coronavirus"?
She replied "Ammonia cleaner"
I said "Sorry, I thought you worked here"
I was in the chemist...
and I said to the assistant, "What gets rid of coronavirus?"
She said, "Ammonia cleaner."
I said, "Oh sorry, I thought you worked here!"
Why do chemists enjoy working with ammonia?
Because it's pretty basic stuff.
I got a new dog and named her Ammonia.
She's a basic b**....
Why do chemistry students learn about ammonia first?
It's pretty basic stuff
My mum says I don't know anything about colourless gases.
But ammonia little boy.
Why do Chemists like Sodium Hydroxide and Ammonia?
Because it's pretty basic stuff.
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