
Altright Jokes

71 altright jokes and hilarious altright puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about altright that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Altright Short Jokes

Short altright jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The altright humour may include short alt jokes also.

  1. Who did Matthew McConaughey blame in the protests in Charlottesville? Alt-right, alt-right, alt-right.
  2. There's a new keyboard shortcut in GTA V which if you press it will cause your character to kill minorities. Alt-right
  3. Matthew McConaughey set to guest edit Breibart news next week Alt-Right Alt-Right Alt-Right
  4. Matthew McConaughey considering a run for Texas Governor. He's planning to run on an alt-right, alt-right, alt-right platform.
  5. What is the keyboard shortcut to becoming an idiot who throws temper tantrums like a child? Alt-right.
  6. How does Fox News greet it's watchers? Good afternoon folks, I hope you've been doing alt-right!
  7. A man proudly sporting an I Love Trump pin passes a liberal man on the sidewalk. As he does so, he trips and falls. Oh my god! Exclaims the liberal, Are you alt-right?
  8. What do you get when you cross Matthew McConaughey and Mitch McConnell? Alt-Right, Alt-Right, Alt-Right
  9. Richard Spencer is the Kim Kardashian of the alt-right... I have no idea why he's famous and I only know his name because some dude pounded him on video.
  10. Turns out Matthew McCoughnehey is a racist... ... I guess we should've known he was part of the alt-right alt-right alt-right.

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Altright One Liners

Which altright one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with altright? I can suggest the ones about minority and ovens.

  1. What does the Alt-Right drink? White whine.
  2. What do you call a radical Matthew McConaughey? Alt-right, alt-right, alt-right.
  3. Don't worry about Steve Bannon He'll be alt-right
  4. We have the alt-right, and the new right When do we get the third right?
  5. What does the alt-right drink? White powerade
  6. I talked to Milo yesterday to see how he was doing... He said he's "alt-right."
  7. What does racist Matthew McConaughey say? altright, altright, altright
  8. What does an insecure white kid do when he accidentally leaves a page? Alt+Right
  9. Why does the alt-right hate snowflakes so much? It gives them Stalingrad flashbacks.
  10. What is Matthew Mcconaughey's political stance? alt-right, alt-right, alt-right...
  11. What keyboard shortcut is the most racist? Forward (Alt+Right Arrow)
  12. What do you call an Alt-Right superhero who can run very fast? The Fash.
  13. What's a Republican's favorite keyboard command? Alt+Right
  14. Worried about America's future? Don't worry, everything will be alt-right.
  15. If racism is wrong... I don't wanna be alt-right

Altright joke, If racism is wrong...

Delightful Fun Altright Jokes for a Roaring Good Time

What funny jokes about altright you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean ethnic jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make altright pranks.

What political group does Matthew McConaughey associate with?

Alt-right alt-right alt-riiight

Who does Matthew McConaughey say is the most dangerous group in America?

Alt-right, alt-right, alt-right

What does Matthew McConnaughey call n**... when he's trying to bring them into the mainstream?

Alt-right, alt-right, alt-right

These Alt-Right people should

Ctrl+Alt-Right+Delete themselves from American society, Am I right?!

Instead of Grammar n**..., can we call them Grammar Alt Rights?

Because your Grammar sure isn't Altright.

What did Matthew McConaughey say about Steve Bannon's followers?

They're alt-right, alt-right, alt-right.

Using high powered gamma rays, creatures on Mars have established total mind control over Donald. And Hillary. And the liberal press. And the Alt-right.

Hey, all I know is what I read on Facebook.
(But it explains everything!)

Racism, white supremacy, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, etc...these things aren't wrong.

They're just alt-right.

A lot of people say that alt-right would be good for America.

I'll try it if Ctrl-alt-delete doesn't work.

Why don't neo-n**... use the forward button on their browsers?

Because they Alt-Right instead.

What do you say to a bunch of worried Trump supporters?

"Don't worry, everything is going to be alt-right."

What does Matthew McConaughey think about an all white, Republican Government?

Altright, altright, altright

Singin' Don't Worry 'Bout a Thing

Cos every little thing is gonna be alt-right.

What do the alt-right call day?


Alt-Right does nothing for our Word

Ctrl-Right, though, moves us to a whole new Word.
Obligatory I'm here all day.

The alt-right can't be n**...

Their grammar is terrible!

What did the s**... liberal say to the conservative?

Alt-right alt-right alt-right

The n**... were right.

Alt-right too be exact.

Why is the key next to the space bar on Trump's keyboard always in pristine condition?

Because no matter the circumstances, he'll never put pressure on the alt-right

How did the Tinder user get stuck on a date with a neo-n**...?

She swiped alt-right.

A Socialist, a Communist, and a Liberal together at a table in a bar, what do you get?

An alt-right.

What did the Neo-n**... say to his daughter's fiancee?

You're an alt-right guy.

In an upcoming film, Matthew McConaughey is going to play a Neo-n**...

He's gonna be alt-right, alt-right, alt-right.

TIL there's a cheat code in the PC version of GTA V which when you trigger it, will cause your character to kill minorities.


Did you hear about Kanye's latest album?

It was alt-right.

Why did Matthew McConaughey become a neo-n**...?

Because he is

What's a n**...'s favorite button combo on a keyboard?

I'll see myself out.

I don't know what the fuss is about Alt-Right.

Personally, I always use Alt-Left, Ctrl-Left and Shift-Left

Politically incorrect joke

Do you suppose there's an alt-right s**... club somewhere, where all the strippers have names like "Kristal Nacht"?

What was the mans opinion on n**...?

They're alt-right.

I recently saw an interview with an alt-right activist on BBC...

He says that all these immigrants are taking their houses, taking their jobs, invading their government, trying to get them to assimilate their culture, and not trying to be British
Idk man seems kinda British to me

Why did the Proud Boy check on his sad friend?

To make sure his friend was feeling... alt-right.
Feel free to downvote me to reddit h**......

Altright joke, What do you get when you cross Matthew McConaughey and Mitch McConnell?

jokes about altright