Altoids Jokes
7 altoids jokes and hilarious altoids puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about altoids that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Experience Instant Grins & Giggles with Playful Altoids Jokes
What is a good altoids joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
Two men are lost in the desert
Two men are lost in the desert. They are both severely dehydrated and extremely hungry. While stumbling over a particularly large sand dune, one man spots a tin of fig-flavored altoids.
Desperate for any sustenance, he stumbles ahead and grabs the tin, but realizes it was only a mirage.
He turned to the man behind him and said, "I guess it was just a fig mint of my imagination."
Altoids has begun marketing to the LGBT community.
Their new mints are bi-curiously strong.
This whole pandemic is a conspiracy.
This whole pandemic is a conspiracy.
The Altoids Corporation teamed up with the makers of Tic-Tacs and Listerene Breath Strips and made this virus in a lab in Wu-Tang so that all the rest of us would be forced to smell our own stank-a**... breath and buy millions of dollars worth of mints.
Illu-mint-ati Confirmed.
I could have sworn I saw fig flavored altoids the other day..
must have been a figment of my imagination.
What do you call research involving Eggs, Strawberries and Altoids?
An Eggs-berry-Mint
This is a Mitch Hedberg inspired joke
So I was moving a refrigerator and I needed some extra strength. Instead of grabbing some Tylenol, I snagged a couple of Altoids instead. Cause I'll admit, I was curious...
I found a vintage Altoids box from the 60s in my attic,
it was in mint condition
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